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JavaScript and TypeScript Snippets

Complete list of all JavaScript and TypeScript snippets for Visual Studio Code. The rules for all these snippets are explained in the


Prefix Snippet
__ "${1:key}": { $0 }
_ { $0 }
_$ "${1:key}": [ $0 ]
_1 "${1:key}": ${0:null}
_b1 "${1:key}": ${0:false}
_n1 "${1:key}": ${0:0}
_s1 "${1:key}": "$0"
f false
n null
t true


Prefix Snippet
_ ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
$_ ($1) => { $0 }
$1 ($1) => $0
a_ async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
a await
a$_ async ($1) => { $0 }
a$1 async ($1) => $0
af_ async function ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
AiA$ Array.isArray($0)
au_1 await using { ${1:name} } = $0;
au1 await using ${1:name} = $0;
b break$0;
c_ constructor ($1) { $0 }
c_1 const { $0 } = ${1:null};
c_b case $0: { break; }
c continue$0;
c1 const ${1:name} = ${0:null};
ca$ console.assert($0);
cb case $0: break;
cc$ console.clear();
cc$ console.count($0);
cd$ console.debug($0);
cd$ console.dir($0);
ce$ console.error($0);
cgC$ console.groupCollapsed($0);
cgE$ console.groupEnd($0);
cl$ console.log($0);
ct$ console.table($0);
ct$ console.time($0);
ct$ console.trace($0);
ctE$ console.timeEnd($0);
ctL$ console.timeLog($0);
cw$ console.warn($0);
d_w do { } while (${0:condition});
d delete
da default as ${0:name}
e_ else { $0 }
e_ export { $0 };
e_f1 export { ${0:name} } from '${1:path}';
e1 else $0;
eaf_ export async function ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
ec_ export class ${1:name} { $0 }
ec1 export const ${1:name} = ${0:null};
ece_ export class ${1:name} extends ${2:parent} { $0 }
ed_ export default { $0 };
ed1 export default $0;
edaf_ export default async function ($1) { $0 }
edc_ export default class { $0 }
edce_ export default class extends ${1:parent} { $0 }
edf_ export default function ($1) { $0 }
ef_ export function ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
ef1 export * from '${0:path}';
ei_ else if ($0) { }
ei1 else if ($1) §0;
el1 export let ${1:name} = ${0:null};
ev1 export var ${1:name} = ${0:null};
f_ function ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
f false
faco_ for await (const ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
faco1 for await (const ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
falo_ for await (let ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
falo1 for await (let ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
favo_ for await (var ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
favo1 for await (var ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
fci_ for (const ${1:key} in ${0:object}) { }
fci1 for (const ${1:key} in ${2:object}) $0;
fco_ for (const ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
fco1 for (const ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
fl_ for (let i = 0; ${0:condition}; i++) { }
fl1 for (let i = 0; ${1:condition}; i++) $0;
fli_ for (let ${1:key} in ${0:object}) { }
fli1 for (let ${1:key} in ${2:object}) $0;
flo_ for (let ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
flo1 for (let ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
fvi_ for (var ${1:key} in ${0:object}) { }
fvi1 for (var ${1:key} in ${2:object}) $0;
fvo_ for (var ${1:value} of ${0:object}) { }
fvo1 for (var ${1:value} of ${2:object}) $0;
g_ get ${1:name} () { $0 }
g_s_ get ${1:name} () { $0 } set ${1:name} (value) { }
i_ if (${0:condition}) { }
i_f1 import { ${0:name} } from '${1:path}';
i ${1:identifier} instanceof ${0:constructor}
i1 if (${1:condition}) $0;
iaf1 import * as ${0:name} from '${1:path}';
if1 import ${0:name} from '${1:path}';
ir1 if (${0:condition}) return;
Jp$ JSON.parse($0)
Js$ JSON.stringify($0)
Js$n JSON.stringify($0, null, '\t')
l_1 let { $0 } = ${1:null};
l1 let ${1:name} = ${0:null};
m_ module ${1:name} { $0 }
n null
n$ new ${1:Name}($0)
nA$ new Array($0)
nD$ new Date($0)
nP$_ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $0 })
nPf_ new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { $0 })
nRE$ new RegExp($0)
Oa$ Object.assign($0)
Oc$ Object.create($0)
Oe$ Object.entries($0)
Ok$ Object.keys($0)
Ov$ Object.values($0)
Pa$ Promise.all($0)
Pr$ Promise.reject($0)
Pr$ Promise.resolve($0)
r_ return { $0 };
r return$0;
s_ set ${1:name} (${2:value}) { $0 }
s_ static ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
s_c_b switch (${1:value}) { case $0: { break; } }
s_c_bd switch (${1:value}) { case $0: { break; } default: }
s_cb switch (${1:value}) { case $0: break; }
s_cbd switch (${1:value}) { case $0: break; default: }
s_d switch (${0:value}) { default: }
s super.
s$ super($0);
S$ Symbol($0)
sa_ static async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
SaD Symbol.asyncDispose
Sd Symbol.dispose
Sf$ Symbol.for($0)
SkF$ Symbol.keyFor($0)
t_c_ try { $0 } catch (error) { }
t_c_f_ try { $0 } catch (error) { } finally { }
t_f_ try { $0 } finally { }
t true
t$ this.$0()
tb typeof $0 === '${1|boolean,bigint|}'
tf typeof $0 === 'function'
tJ_ toJSON () { $0 }
tn typeof $0 === 'number'
tnE$ throw new Error($0)
tnEE$ throw new EvalError($0)
tnRE$ throw new ${1|RangeError,ReferenceError|}($0)
tnSE$ throw new SyntaxError($0)
tnTE$ throw new TypeError($0)
tnUE$ throw new URIError($0)
to typeof $0 === 'object'
tS_ toString () { $0 }
ts typeof $0 === '${1|string,symbol|}'
tu typeof $0 === 'undefined'
u_1 using { ${1:name} } = $0;
u undefined
u1 using ${1:name} = $0;
v_1 var { $0 } = ${1:null};
v void
v1 var ${1:name} = ${0:null};
vO_ valueOf () { $0 }
w_ while (${0:condition}) { }
w1 while (${1:condition}) $0;
y yield


Prefix Snippet
__ private ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
_1 private ${1:name} = ${0:null};
_a_ private async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
_aP_ private async ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
_c_ private constructor ($1) { $0 }
_g_ private get ${1:name} () { $0 }
_g_s_ private _${1:name} = ${0:null}; private get ${1:name} () { return this._${1:name}; } private set ${1:name} (value) { this._${1:name} = value; }
_i { [${1:K} in ${2:T}]: $0; }
_ia { [${1:K} in ${2:T} as ${3:P}]: $0; }
_ik { [${1:K} in keyof ${2:T}]: $0; }
_ika { [${1:K} in keyof ${2:T} as ${3:P}]: $0; }
_r1 private readonly ${1:name} = ${0:null};
_s_ private set ${1:name} (${2:value}) { $0 }
_s_ private static ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
_s1 private static ${1:name} = ${0:null};
_sa_ private static async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
_saP_ private static async ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
ac as const
acs as const satisfies
afP_ async function ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
ai asserts ${1:T} is ${0:T}
ce_ const enum ${1:name} { $0 };
ce1 const enum ${1:name} { $0 };
dc_ declare class ${1:name} { $0 }
dc1 declare const ${1:name} = ${0:null};
df1 declare function ${1:name} ($0);
dl1 declare let ${1:name} = ${0:null};
dm_ declare module ${1:name} { $0 }
dn_ declare namespace ${1:name} { $0 }
dv1 declare var ${1:name} = ${0:null};
e_ enum ${1:name} { $0 };
e ${1:T} extends ${0:any}
e1 enum ${1:name} { $0 };
eafP_ export async function ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
ean1 export as namespace $0;
ece_ export const enum ${1:name} { $0 };
ece1 export const enum ${1:name} { $0 };
ee_ export enum ${1:name} { $0 };
ee1 export enum ${1:name} { $0 };
ei_ export interface ${1:name} { $0 }
eie_ export interface ${1:name} extends ${2:name} { $0 }
ek ${1:T} extends keyof ${0:any}
er ${1:T} extends readonly ${0:any}[]
et_ export type ${1:T} = { $0 };
et1 export type ${1:T} = ${0:null};
i_ interface ${1:name} { $0 }
ie_ interface ${1:name} extends ${2:name} { $0 }
it_f1 import type { ${0:name} } from '${1:path}';
k keyof
n_ namespace ${1:name} { $0 }
p_ public ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
p1 public ${1:name} = ${0:null};
pa_ public async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
paP_ public async ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
pc_ public constructor ($1) { $0 }
pg_ public get ${1:name} () { $0 }
pg_s_ private _${1:name} = ${0:null}; public get ${1:name} () { return this._${1:name}; } public set ${1:name} (value) { this._${1:name} = value; }
pr1 public readonly ${1:name} = ${0:null};
ps_ public set ${1:name} (${2:value}) { $0 }
ps_ public static ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
ps1 public static ${1:name} = ${0:null};
psa_ public static async ${1:name} ($2) { $0 }
psaP_ public static async ${1:name} ($2): Promise<$3> { $0 }
ptJ_ public toJSON () { $0 }
ptS_ public toString () { {0 }
pvO_ public valueOf () { $0 }
r1 readonly ${1:name} = ${0:null};
t_ type ${1:T} = { $0 };
t1 type ${1:T} = ${0:null};
tr1 type ${1:T} = readonly [$0];