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874 lines (565 loc) · 27.2 KB


File metadata and controls

874 lines (565 loc) · 27.2 KB

Converting a dataset

This tutorial will guide you through the steps for the conversion of an existing dataset. We will use the VanDam-Daylong dataset from HomeBank as an example.

This is mainly an introduction to the way ChildProject handles things and how files are articulated together. If you need to create an entire new dataset, consider following our handbook guide, or making use of our ready to go datalad procedures to create the base structure and linkage to an online repository.

Set-up datalad and child-project

Make sure you have followed the :ref:`installation` instructions before proceeding.

Create a dataset

The first step is to create a new dataset named vandam-data : To do this, you will need to use a terminal and navigate to the folder you want your dataset created in. Open your terminal or Anaconda prompt for Windows and activate your childproject environment with conda activate childproject and use the cd command to navigate to your working directory. This command will not only create the necessary folders but also the necessary datalad configuration files.

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      datalad create vandam-data
      cd vandam-data

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      datalad create vandam-data
      cd vandam-data

So far, the dataset contains nothing but hidden files:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         ls -A


         .datalad    .git        .gitattributes

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         dir /a


         2011-01-01   04:32 PM     <DIR>            .
         2011-01-01   04:32 PM     <DIR>            ..
         2011-01-01   04:32 PM     <DIR>            .datalad
         2011-01-01   04:32 PM     <DIR>            .git
         2011-01-01   04:32 PM     <DIR>            .gitattributes

Now, we would like to get the data from, convert it to our standards, and then publish it.

Gather and sort the files

The first step is to create the directories:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      mkdir metadata # Create the metadata subfolder
      mkdir -p recordings/raw # Create the subfolders for raw recordings
      mkdir annotations # Create the subfolder for annotations
      mkdir extra # Create the subfolder for extra data (that are neither metadata, recordings or annotations)
      touch extra/.gitignore # Make sure the directory is present even though it's empty

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      mkdir metadata
      mkdir recordings\raw
      mkdir annotations
      mkdir extra
      type nul >> extra\.gitignore

Then, download the original data-set from HomeBank. You need to identify what key files are necessary for the dataset. We will get the audio files, the annotation files and some metadata.

The audio first:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      curl -o recordings/raw/BN32_010007.mp3

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      curl -o recordings\raw\BN32_010007.mp3

Now let’s get the annotations.

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      curl -o
      rm # Remove the zip archive

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      curl -o
      tar -xf

Let’s explore the contents of VanDam-Daylong:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         find . -not -path '*/\.*' -type f -print



   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         where /r VanDam-Daylong *



  • 0metadata.cdc1 looks like some metadata file, so we will move it to metadata/ :
.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      mv VanDam-Daylong/0metadata.cdc metadata/

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      move VanDam-Daylong\0metadata.cdc metadata\

  • BN32_010007.cha contains some transcriptions. Let’s create a set of annotations cha and move it there :
.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      mkdir -p annotations/cha/raw
      mv VanDam-Daylong/BN32/BN32_010007.cha annotations/cha/raw

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      mkdir annotations\cha\raw
      move VanDam-Daylong\BN32\BN32_010007.cha annotations\cha\raw

  • e20100728_143446_003489.its contains diarization and other information such as word counts. Let’s create another set of annotations for it. And for the sake of consistency, we’ll rename it BN32_010007.its.
.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      mkdir -p annotations/its/raw
      mv VanDam-Daylong/BN32/0its/e20100728_143446_003489.its annotations/its/raw/BN32_010007.its

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      mkdir annotations\its\raw
      move VanDam-Daylong/BN32\0its\e20100728_143446_003489.its annotations\its\raw\BN32_010007.its

Now we’ve got all the files. Let’s try to run the validation on the dataset:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         child-project validate .


         Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/bin/child-project", line 8, in <module>
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ChildProject/", line 241, in main
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ChildProject/", line 39, in validate
               errors, warnings = project.validate(args.ignore_files)
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ChildProject/", line 102, in validate
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ChildProject/", line 86, in read
               self.children = = ['.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx'])
            File "/Users/acristia/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ChildProject/", line 65, in read
               raise Exception("could not find table '{}'".format(self.path))
            Exception: could not find table './metadata/children'

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         child-project validate .


         Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\bin\child-project", line 8, in <module>
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\lib\python3.7\site-packages\ChildProject\", line 241, in main
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\lib\python3.7\site-packages\ChildProject\", line 39, in validate
               errors, warnings = project.validate(args.ignore_files)
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\lib\python3.7\site-packages\ChildProject\", line 102, in validate
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\lib\python3.7\site-packages\ChildProject\", line 86, in read
               self.children = = ['.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx'])
            File "C:\Users\acristia\anaconda3\lib\python3.7\site-packages\ChildProject\", line 65, in read
               raise Exception("could not find table '{}'".format(self.path))
            Exception: could not find table '.\metadata\children'

This is expected. The validation should fail, because the metadata is missing. We need to store the metadata about the children and the recordings in a way that meets the specifications (see :ref:`format-metadata`).

Create the metadata

We need two metadata files:

  • metadata/recordings.csv, which links each recording to their associate metadata
    (recording date and time, recording device, etc.)
  • metadata/children.csv, which stores the information about the participants.

Let’s start with the recordings metadata. metadata/recordings.csv should at least have the following columns: experiment, child_id, date_iso, start_time, recording_device_type, recording_filename. The .its file contains (annotations/its/raw/BN32_010007.its) precious information about when the recording started:

<Recording num="1" startClockTime="2010-07-24T11:58:16Z" endClockTime="2010-07-25T01:59:20Z" startTime="PT0.00S" endTime="PT50464.24S">

The 'Z' suffix in the clock times indicate they correspond to the UTC timezone. However, the metadata should contain local times only. The difference between the two is 5 hours, according to the following line in the .its file:

<TransferTime LocalTime="2010-07-28T14:34:46" TimeZone="CST" UTCTime="2010-07-28T19:34:46" />

Therefore, the recording started on 2010-07-24, at 06:58 (local time).

In order to reflect that information, the recordings CSV metadata should look like this (we have decided that the only child of the dataset should have ID ‘1’):

We have prepared it for you. Download recordings.csv :download:`here <_static/vandam/recordings.csv>`, and save it in the metadata subfolder of your dataset. You can check its content by issuing the following command:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         cat metadata/recordings.csv



   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         type metadata\recordings.csv



Now, let us proceed to the children metadata. The only fields that are required are: experiment, child_id and child_dob. The .its file also contains some information about the child:

<ChildInfo algorithmAge="P12M" gender="F" />

She was a 12 month old girl at the time of the recording. We can thus assign her a calculated date of birth: 2009-07-24. We will set dob_criterion to “extrapolated” to keep track of the fact that the date of birth was calculated from the approximate age at recording. We will also set dob_accuracy to ‘month’ for that child.

In other words, the children metadata CSV file should look like this:

We have prepared it for you. Download children.csv :download:`here <_static/vandam/children.csv>`, and save it in the metadata subfolder of your dataset. You can check its content by issuing the following command:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         cat metadata/children.csv



   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         type metadata\children.csv



We can now make sure that they are no errors by running the validation command again:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      child-project validate .

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      child-project validate .

No error occurs.


The metadata can be enriched with many more columns. See :ref:`format-metadata` for standard columns. You can add as many extra, custom columns as you need.

Save the changes locally

A DataLad dataset is essentially a git repository, with the large files being handled by git-annex. Some of the files (usually the small, text files such as metadata and scripts) ought to be versionned with git, and the larger files or binary files should be stored in the annex.

The rules to decide what files should be stored which way can be set in the .gitattributes file. You should fill it by running the following lines:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      echo "* annex.backend=MD5E" >.gitattributes
      echo "**/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "scripts/* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "metadata/* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "recordings/converted/* annex.largefiles=((mimeencoding=binary))" >>.gitattributes

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      echo "* annex.backend=MD5E" >.gitattributes
      echo "**/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "scripts/* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "metadata/* annex.largefiles=nothing" >>.gitattributes
      echo "recordings/converted/* annex.largefiles=((mimeencoding=binary))" >>.gitattributes

Check the content by running:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         cat .gitattributes


         * annex.backend=MD5E
         **/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing
         scripts/* annex.largefiles=nothing
         metadata/* annex.largefiles=nothing
         recordings/converted/* annex.largefiles=((mimeencoding=binary))

   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         type .gitattributes


         * annex.backend=MD5E
         **/.git* annex.largefiles=nothing
         scripts/* annex.largefiles=nothing
         metadata/* annex.largefiles=nothing
         recordings/converted/* annex.largefiles=((mimeencoding=binary))

These rules will version all the files under scripts/ and metadata/, as well as the text files inside of recordings/converted/. By default, the other files will be put in the annex.

The changes can now be saved. This can be done with datalad save. datalad save is equivalent to a combination of git add and git commit in one go. It decides, based on the rules in .gitattributes, whether to store files with git or git-annex.

.. tabs::
   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      datalad save . -m "first commit"

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      datalad save . -m "first commit"

However, so far, your changes remain local, and your dataset still needs to be published into a sibling to be shared with others.


You can do some processing on the dataset. For instance, you can compute the duration of the recording, and update the metadata with this information. This is easily done with:

.. tabs::

   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      child-project compute-durations .

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      child-project compute-durations .


We are currently aware of a problem with the compute-duration command on Windows systems, it is likely this will fail for now.

Now metadata/recordings.csv became:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: linux/MacOS

      .. code-block:: bash

         cat metadata/recordings.csv



   .. group-tab:: Windows

      .. code-block:: bat

         type metadata\recordings.csv



You can also convert and index the its annotation:

.. tabs::
   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      child-project import-annotations . --set its \
         --recording_filename BN32_010007.mp3 \
         --time_seek 0 \
         --range_onset 0 \
         --range_offset 50464512 \
         --raw_filename BN32_010007.its \
         --format its

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      child-project import-annotations . --set its ^
         --recording_filename BN32_010007.mp3 ^
         --time_seek 0 ^
         --range_onset 0 ^
         --range_offset 50464512 ^
         --raw_filename BN32_010007.its ^
         --format its

And save the changes again:

.. tabs::
   .. code-tab:: bash linux/MacOS

      datalad save . -m "its"

   .. code-tab:: bat Windows

      datalad save . -m "its"

Publish the dataset

Where to publish my dataset ?

DataLad allows you to publish your datasets on large number of storage providers, including Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, etc., each having their own advantages and limitations. It is also possible to publish to several platforms, as we do with our own datasets.

The table below summarises the features of a few storage supports. The solutions described here are by no mean exhaustive, but they are easy to generalize.

  • Platforms that support Git store the .git files and will allow you to clone the datasets from them with datalad install
  • Platforms that support Large Files will allow you to store and distribute the large or binary files that are stored with git-annex instead of the regular git files (such as scripts and metadata)

It is necessary to use a platform or a combination of platforms that supports both. We recommend the use of GIN, although you should always push your data to another platform as backup.

Provider Git Large Files Authentication Permissions Cost Quota
GIN Yes Yes HTTPS/SSH ACL Free below ~10 TB None
SSH server Yes Yes SSH Unix - None
GitHub Yes No HTTPS/SSH ACL Free ~1 GB
GitLab Yes No HTTPS/SSH ACL Free ~1 GB
Amazon S3 No Yes API IAM ~4$/TB/month None
Nextcloud No Yes WebDav ACL - None Yes Yes* Token ACL Free 5 GB


DataLad uses git-annex, which naturally handles encryption. This is particularly useful when using third-party providers such as Amazon S3.

Publish to GIN


Before anything, you will need to create an account on GIN, and to link your SSH public key to your GIN account.

  1. Create a new repository from GIN's web interface. Uncheck "Initialize this repository with selected files and template"
Create an empty repository on GIN

creating a repository on GIN

  1. Copy the SSH url of your repository to your clipboard, e.g.:<username>/<reponame>.git
  2. Add a datalad sibling pointing to this repository:
datalad siblings add \
   --name gin \
  1. Push the data to GIN:
datalad push --to gin

Publish to a SSH server

If you have access to a SSH server with enough storage capacity, you can use it to store and share the dataset. This is done with the datalad create-sibling command:

datalad create-sibling [-h] [-s [NAME]] [--target-dir PATH] [--target-url URL] [--target-pushurl URL] [--dataset DATASET] [-r] [-R LEVELS] [--existing MODE] [--shared {false|true|umask|group|all|world|everybody|0xxx}] [--group GROUP] [--ui {false|true|html_filename}] [--as-common-datasrc NAME] [--publish-by-default REFSPEC] [--publish-depends SIBLINGNAME] [--annex-wanted EXPR] [--annex-group EXPR] [--annex-groupwanted EXPR] [--inherit] [--since SINCE] [SSHURL]

For instance, you can create it (this is only to be done once) by issuing:

datalad create-sibling -s cluster --annex-wanted 'include=*' <ssh-server>:/remote/path/to/the/dataset

cluster is the name of the sibling, and <ssh-server>:/remote/path/to/the/dataset is the SSH url of its destination. --annex-wanted 'include=*' implies that all large files will be published to this sibling by default.

Once the sibling has been created, the changes can be published:

datalad push --to cluster

That’s it! People can now get your data from:

datalad install <ssh-server>:/remote/path/to/the/dataset

If --annex-wanted had not been set to 'include=*', the large files (i.e. annexed files) would not be published unless you asked for it explicitly with the --data flag:

datalad push --to cluster --data anything

Publish to GitHub

You first need to create the repository, which can be done in a straightforward way from the command line with datalad create-sibling-github:

datalad create-sibling-github [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [-r] [-R LEVELS] [-s NAME] [--existing MODE] [--github-login NAME] [--github-organization NAME] [--access-protocol {https|ssh}] [--publish-depends SIBLINGNAME] [--private] [--dryrun] REPONAME

For instance:

datalad create-sibling-github -s origin --access-protocol ssh vandam-daylong-demo

origin will be the local name of the sibling, and vandam-daylong-demo the name of the GitHub repository. Once the sibling has been created, you can publish the changes with datalad push:

datalad push --to origin

You should get a repository identical to this one.

Users can now install your dataset from GitHub:

datalad install

PS: we recommend that you do git push --set-upstream origin to set upstream to the GitHub sibling. Users who install your dataset from GitHub will not need to do this.

GitHub + SSH mirror to store the large files

Now, let’s assume you have already created a SSH sibling as well for your dataset, and that it is named cluster. You can make sure that all changes to github are published to cluster as well, by setting the publish-depends property of the github sibling:

datalad siblings configure -s origin --publish-depends cluster

Now, datalad push --to origin will publish the changes to both cluster and github.

However, when the users install your dataset from GitHub, they will not have access to the cluster sibling unless you make it available to them, which can be done this way :

git annex
git annex initremote cluster type=git location=ssh:// autoenable=true
git annex enableremote cluster
git remote add origin

Publish on S3

Like other git annex special remotes, Amazon S3 will not support the git files, only the large files. It could be used together win GitHub as the primary host for your large files, or as a backup.

For the sake of simplicity, we will not use encryption here, but git annex implements severalencryption schemeswhich are easy to use.

First, store your AWS credentiels into your environment variables, like this:

export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="s3kr1t"

You are now readyto create the s3 sibling. This is done directly through git-annex this time:

git annex initremote s3 chunk=100MiB type=S3 encryption=none datacenter=eu-west-3 embedcreds=no signature=v4

You can now publish the data with:

datalad push --to s3 --data anything

(Optional) You can set the S3 sibling to require that all large files should be stored on it:

datalad siblings configure -s s3 --annex-wanted 'include=*'

This will let DataLad publish all the large files automatically without setting --data:

datalad push --to s3

Let’s assume your users will install the dataset from a GitHub repository. You should publish the information about the newly created S3 sibling on GitHub, which can be done with (provided you have set up your GitHub repository as described in the previous section):

datalad push --to github

Now, users will be able to get the data by issuing the following commands:

datalad install<your-username>/vandam-daylong-demo.git
git annex enableremote s3
datalad get *

With this configuration, they will need to setup their AWS credentials as you did. But it is possible to configure the sibling so that the credentials are encrypted and stored in the repository, so all users with authorized private keys will be able to get the data without this step.

Publish on OSF

DataLad has an extension to publish data on the Open Science Framework.

This extension supports the following modes:

datalad create-sibling-osf modes
Mode datalad install large files history older files human-readable project
annex Yes Yes Yes Yes No
export Yes Yes Yes No Yes
gitonly Yes No Yes No No
export-only No Yes No Yes Yes

The first step is to install the extension:

pip install datalad-osf --upgrade

We decide to use the export mode - but you can decide which best suits your needs from the table above. We can now create the sibling:

datalad create-sibling-osf --title "VanDam Demo" \
  --mode export \
  -s osf \
  --category data \
  --tag reproducibility \

You will be prompted your credentials in the process, which will require access tokens to be created from your account.

And finally we can push the data. This is done in two steps:

  1. publishing the .git files so people can clone the dataset directly from OSF
datalad push --to osf
  1. exporting a human-readable snapshot of the files to OSF
git-annex export HEAD --to osf-storage