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CLI frontend for LINVAST libraries

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Creating common AST

Source codes which show supported syntax constructs in one place for various programming languages can be found in the Samples.Imperative.AST directory. Several examples will be shown below.

$ linvast ast 
  A required value not bound to option name is missing.

  -v, --verbose    (Default: false) Verbose output

  -o, --output     Output path

  -c, --compact    (Default: false) Compact AST output

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.

  value pos. 0     Required. Source path

AST created for C source:

int gl_y = 2;
void f(int x);
int gl_x = 3;

int main()
	int x = 1;
	//printf("Hello world!% d\n", x);
	return 0;

static int gl_z;
$ linvast ast -v sample.c 
Click to expand!
  "Name": null,
  "NodeType": "SourceNode",
  "Line": 1,
  "Children": [
      "NodeType": "DeclStatNode",
      "Line": 1,
      "Children": [
          "Modifiers": {
            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
            "QualifierFlags": "None"
          "TypeName": "int",
          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
          "Line": 1,
          "Children": []
          "NodeType": "DeclListNode",
          "Line": 1,
          "Children": [
              "Pointer": false,
              "NodeType": "VarDeclNode",
              "Line": 1,
              "Children": [
                  "Identifier": "gl_y",
                  "NodeType": "IdNode",
                  "Line": 1,
                  "Children": []
                  "Value": 2,
                  "Suffix": null,
                  "TypeCode": "Int32",
                  "NodeType": "LitExprNode",
                  "Line": 1,
                  "Children": []
      "NodeType": "DeclStatNode",
      "Line": 3,
      "Children": [
          "Modifiers": {
            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
            "QualifierFlags": "None"
          "TypeName": "void",
          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
          "Line": 3,
          "Children": []
          "NodeType": "DeclListNode",
          "Line": 3,
          "Children": [
              "Pointer": false,
              "NodeType": "FuncDeclNode",
              "Line": 3,
              "Children": [
                  "Identifier": "f",
                  "NodeType": "IdNode",
                  "Line": 3,
                  "Children": []
                  "IsVariadic": false,
                  "NodeType": "FuncParamsNode",
                  "Line": 3,
                  "Children": [
                      "NodeType": "FuncParamNode",
                      "Line": 3,
                      "Children": [
                          "Modifiers": {
                            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
                            "QualifierFlags": "None"
                          "TypeName": "int",
                          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
                          "Line": 3,
                          "Children": []
                          "Pointer": false,
                          "NodeType": "VarDeclNode",
                          "Line": 3,
                          "Children": [
                              "Identifier": "x",
                              "NodeType": "IdNode",
                              "Line": 3,
                              "Children": []
      "NodeType": "DeclStatNode",
      "Line": 5,
      "Children": [
          "Modifiers": {
            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
            "QualifierFlags": "None"
          "TypeName": "int",
          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
          "Line": 5,
          "Children": []
          "NodeType": "DeclListNode",
          "Line": 5,
          "Children": [
              "Pointer": false,
              "NodeType": "VarDeclNode",
              "Line": 5,
              "Children": [
                  "Identifier": "gl_x",
                  "NodeType": "IdNode",
                  "Line": 5,
                  "Children": []
                  "Value": 3,
                  "Suffix": null,
                  "TypeCode": "Int32",
                  "NodeType": "LitExprNode",
                  "Line": 5,
                  "Children": []
      "NodeType": "FuncDefNode",
      "Line": 8,
      "Children": [
          "Modifiers": {
            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
            "QualifierFlags": "None"
          "TypeName": "int",
          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
          "Line": 8,
          "Children": []
          "Pointer": false,
          "NodeType": "FuncDeclNode",
          "Line": 8,
          "Children": [
              "Identifier": "main",
              "NodeType": "IdNode",
              "Line": 8,
              "Children": []
          "NodeType": "BlockStatNode",
          "Line": 10,
          "Children": [
              "NodeType": "DeclStatNode",
              "Line": 10,
              "Children": [
                  "Modifiers": {
                    "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
                    "QualifierFlags": "None"
                  "TypeName": "int",
                  "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
                  "Line": 10,
                  "Children": []
                  "NodeType": "DeclListNode",
                  "Line": 10,
                  "Children": [
                      "Pointer": false,
                      "NodeType": "VarDeclNode",
                      "Line": 10,
                      "Children": [
                          "Identifier": "x",
                          "NodeType": "IdNode",
                          "Line": 10,
                          "Children": []
                          "Value": 1,
                          "Suffix": null,
                          "TypeCode": "Int32",
                          "NodeType": "LitExprNode",
                          "Line": 10,
                          "Children": []
              "Type": "Return",
              "NodeType": "JumpStatNode",
              "Line": 12,
              "Children": [
                  "Value": 0,
                  "Suffix": null,
                  "TypeCode": "Int32",
                  "NodeType": "LitExprNode",
                  "Line": 12,
                  "Children": []
      "NodeType": "DeclStatNode",
      "Line": 15,
      "Children": [
          "Modifiers": {
            "AccessModifiers": "Unspecified",
            "QualifierFlags": "Static"
          "TypeName": "int",
          "NodeType": "DeclSpecsNode",
          "Line": 15,
          "Children": []
          "NodeType": "DeclListNode",
          "Line": 15,
          "Children": [
              "Pointer": false,
              "NodeType": "VarDeclNode",
              "Line": 15,
              "Children": [
                  "Identifier": "gl_z",
                  "NodeType": "IdNode",
                  "Line": 15,
                  "Children": []

AST created for Lua source:

function fact (n)
  if n == 0 then
    return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)
$ linvast ast -vc sample.lua
Click to expand!

Comparing common ASTs

Several samples can be found in the Samples.Imperative.Comparers directory. One sample will be shown below.

$ linvast cmp
  A required value not bound to option name is missing.

  -v, --verbose    Set output to verbose messages.

  --help           Display this help screen.

  --version        Display version information.

  value pos. 0     Required. Specification path.

  value pos. 1     Required. Test source path.

Example for swap sources

Sources: valid.c wrong.c

$ linvast cmp Samples/swap/valid.c Samples/swap/wrong.c


Sources: valid.psc wrong.c

$ linvast cmp Samples/swap/valid.psc Samples/swap/wrong.c


Sources: valid.c refactor.c (Note: Overflow is not checked at the moment)

$ linvast cmp Samples/swap/valid.c Samples/swap/refactor.c
