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Execute function generation experiment
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mzgoddard committed Jan 22, 2018
1 parent ad4b312 commit ab68d1f
Showing 1 changed file with 167 additions and 89 deletions.
256 changes: 167 additions & 89 deletions src/engine/execute.js
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,15 @@ const handleReport = function (

const assigners = {
built: 0,
fields: {},
inputsPrep: {},
inputs: {},
mutation: null,
functions: {},

* Execute a block.
* @param {!Sequencer} sequencer Which sequencer is executing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,118 +146,187 @@ const execute = function (sequencer, thread) {

const opcode = blockContainer.getOpcode(block);
const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
const inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);
// const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
// const inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);
const blockFunction = runtime.getOpcodeFunction(opcode);
const isHat = runtime.getIsHat(opcode);

let ArgValues = block._executeArgValues;
if (!ArgValues) {
let shadowValue = block._executeShadowValue;
if (!shadowValue) {
if (!opcode) {
log.warn(`Could not get opcode for block: ${currentBlockId}`);

if (!opcode) {
log.warn(`Could not get opcode for block: ${currentBlockId}`);
// Hats and single-field shadows are implemented slightly differently
// from regular blocks.
// For hats: if they have an associated block function,
// it's treated as a predicate; if not, execution will proceed as a no-op.
// For single-field shadows: If the block has a single field, and no inputs,
// immediately return the value of the field.
if (typeof blockFunction === 'undefined') {
if (isHat) {
// Skip through the block (hat with no predicate).

// Hats and single-field shadows are implemented slightly differently
// from regular blocks.
// For hats: if they have an associated block function,
// it's treated as a predicate; if not, execution will proceed as a no-op.
// For single-field shadows: If the block has a single field, and no inputs,
// immediately return the value of the field.
if (typeof blockFunction === 'undefined') {
if (isHat) {
// Skip through the block (hat with no predicate).
const keys = Object.keys(fields);
if (keys.length === 1 && Object.keys(inputs).length === 0) {
// One field and no inputs - treat as arg.
handleReport(fields[keys[0]].value, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat);
const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
const inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);
const keys = Object.keys(fields);
if (keys.length === 1 && Object.keys(inputs).length === 0) {
// One field and no inputs - treat as arg.
handleReport(fields[keys[0]].value, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat);
shadowValue = block._executeShadowValue = new Function('Thread', `
return function shadow_${keys[0]}(thread, blockContainer, block) {
const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
thread.status = Thread.STATUS_RUNNING;
thread.requestScriptGlowInFrame = true;
return shadowValue(thread, blockContainer, block);
} else {
log.warn(`Could not get implementation for opcode: ${opcode}`);
thread.requestScriptGlowInFrame = true;
} else {
log.warn(`Could not get implementation for opcode: ${opcode}`);
return shadowValue(thread, blockContainer, block);
thread.requestScriptGlowInFrame = true;

// Generate values for arguments (inputs).
const argValues = {};

// Add all fields on this block to the argValues.
for (const fieldName in fields) {
if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) continue;
if (fieldName === 'VARIABLE' || fieldName === 'LIST' ||
fieldName === 'BROADCAST_OPTION') {
argValues[fieldName] = {
id: fields[fieldName].id,
name: fields[fieldName].value
} else {
argValues[fieldName] = fields[fieldName].value;
// console.log('building', currentBlockId);
const _preppers = block._executePreppers = [];
const _assigners = block._executeAssigners = [];

// Recursively evaluate input blocks.
for (const inputName in inputs) {
if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) continue;
// Do not evaluate the internal custom command block within definition
if (inputName === 'custom_block') continue;
const input = inputs[inputName];
const inputBlockId = input.block;
// Is there no value for this input waiting in the stack frame?
if (inputBlockId !== null && typeof currentStackFrame.reported[inputName] === 'undefined') {
// If there's not, we need to evaluate the block.
// Push to the stack to evaluate the reporter block.
// Save name of input for `Thread.pushReportedValue`.
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter = inputName;
// Actually execute the block.
execute(sequencer, thread);
if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT) {
const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
const inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);

// Add all fields on this block to the argValues.
for (const fieldName in fields) {
if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) continue;
if (fieldName === 'VARIABLE' || fieldName === 'LIST' ||
fieldName === 'BROADCAST_OPTION') {
if (!assigners.fields[fieldName]) {
assigners.fields[fieldName] = `
_this.${fieldName} = {
id: fields.${fieldName}.id,
name: fields.${fieldName}.value
} else {
if (!assigners.fields[fieldName]) {
assigners.fields[fieldName] = `
_this.${fieldName} = fields.${fieldName}.value;

// Execution returned immediately,
// and presumably a value was reported, so pop the stack.
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter = null;
// Recursively evaluate input blocks.
for (const inputName in inputs) {
if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) continue;
// Do not evaluate the internal custom command block within definition
if (inputName === 'custom_block') continue;
const input = inputs[inputName];
const inputBlockId = input.block;
// Is there no value for this input waiting in the stack frame?
if (inputBlockId !== null) {
if (!assigners.inputsPrep[inputName]) {
assigners.inputsPrep[inputName] = `
if (typeof stackFrame.reported.${inputName} === 'undefined') {
stackFrame.waitingReporter = '${inputName}';
execute(sequencer, thread);
if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT) {
stackFrame.waitingReporter = null;
if (!assigners.inputs[inputName]) {
if (inputName === 'BROADCAST_INPUT') {
assigners.inputs[inputName] = `{
const broadcastInput = inputs.${inputName};
if (broadcastInput.block === broadcastInput.shadow) {
const shadow = blockContainer.getBlock(broadcastInput.shadow);
const broadcastField = shadow.fields.BROADCAST_OPTION;
name: broadcastField.value
} else {
name: cast.toString(stackFrame.reported.${inputName})
stackFrame.reported.${inputName} = undefined;
} else {
assigners.inputs[inputName] = `
_this.${inputName} = stackFrame.reported.${inputName};
stackFrame.reported.${inputName} = undefined;
const inputValue = currentStackFrame.reported[inputName];
if (inputName === 'BROADCAST_INPUT') {
const broadcastInput = inputs[inputName];
// Check if something is plugged into the broadcast block, or
// if the shadow dropdown menu is being used.
if (broadcastInput.block === broadcastInput.shadow) {
// Shadow dropdown menu is being used.
// Get the appropriate information out of it.
const shadow = blockContainer.getBlock(broadcastInput.shadow);
const broadcastField = shadow.fields.BROADCAST_OPTION;
name: broadcastField.value
} else {
// Something is plugged into the broadcast input.
// Cast it to a string. We don't need an id here.
name: cast.toString(inputValue)

// Add any mutation to args (e.g., for procedures).
const mutation = blockContainer.getMutation(block);
if (mutation !== null) {
if (!assigners.mutation) {
assigners.mutation = `
_this.mutation = blockContainer.getMutation(block);
} else {
argValues[inputName] = inputValue;

block._executeArgValueObject = {};
const body = `
return function ${opcode.replace(/\W/g, '_')}(sequencer, thread, stackFrame, blockContainer, block) {
var _this = block._executeArgValueObject;
var fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
var inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);
return _this;
if (!assigners.functions[body]) {
assigners.functions[body] = new Function('execute', 'Thread', body)(execute, Thread);
ArgValues = block._executeArgValues = assigners.functions[body];
// console.log(ArgValues.toString());

// Add any mutation to args (e.g., for procedures).
const mutation = blockContainer.getMutation(block);
if (mutation !== null) {
argValues.mutation = mutation;
// Generate values for arguments (inputs).
const argValues = ArgValues(
sequencer, thread, currentStackFrame, blockContainer, block
if (!argValues) {

// If we've gotten this far, all of the input blocks are evaluated,
// and `argValues` is fully populated. So, execute the block primitive.
// First, clear `currentStackFrame.reported`, so any subsequent execution
// (e.g., on return from a branch) gets fresh inputs.
currentStackFrame.reported = {};
// currentStackFrame.reported = {};

let primitiveReportedValue = null;
blockUtility.sequencer = sequencer;
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