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Naming kernels with NVTX/ROCTX tools

Key RAJA feature shown in the following example:

  • Naming kernels using the Grid object in RAJA::ext::Launch methods.

In this example we illustrate kernel naming capabilities within the RAJA Teams framework for use with NVTX or ROCTX region naming capabilities.

Recalling the RAJA::expt::launch API, naming a kernel is done using the third argument of the Resources constructor as illustrated below:

RAJA::expt::launch<launch_policy>(RAJA::expt::ExecPlace ,
[=] RAJA_HOST_DEVICE (RAJA::expt::LaunchContext ctx) {

  /* Express code here */


The kernel name is used to create NVTX (NVIDIA) or ROCTX (AMD) ranges enabling developers to identify kernels using NVIDIA Nsight and NVIDIA Nvprof profiling tools or ROCm profiling tools when using ROCTX. As an illustration, using Nvprof kernels are identified as ranges of GPU activity through the user specified name:

==73220== NVTX result:
==73220==   Thread "<unnamed>" (id = 290832)
==73220==     Domain "<unnamed>"
==73220==       Range "myKernel"
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
            Range:  100.00%  32.868us         1  32.868us  32.868us  32.868us  myKernel
   GPU activities:  100.00%  2.0307ms         1  2.0307ms  2.0307ms  2.0307ms  _ZN4RAJA4expt17launch_global_fcnIZ4mainEUlNS0_13LaunchContextEE_EEvS2_T_
        API calls:  100.00%  27.030us         1  27.030us  27.030us  27.030us  cudaLaunchKernel

In a similar fashion ROCm tools can be used to generate traces of the profile and the resulting json file can be viewed using tools such as perfetto.

As future work we plan to add support to other profiling tools; API changes may occur based on user feedback and integration with other tools. Enabling NVTX profiling with RAJA Teams requires RAJA to be configured with RAJA_ENABLE_NV_TOOLS_EXT=ON. or RAJA_ENABLE_ROCTX=ON for ROCTX profiling on AMD platforms platforms.

The file RAJA/examples/teams_reductions.cpp contains a complete working example code.