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Parallel Sort Operations

Key RAJA features shown in this section:

  • RAJA::sort operation
  • RAJA::sort_pairs operation
  • RAJA::stable_sort operation
  • RAJA::stable_sort_pairs operation
  • RAJA comparators for different types of sorts; e.g., less, greater

Below, we present examples of RAJA sequential, OpenMP, and CUDA sort operations and show how different sort orderings can be achieved by passing different RAJA comparators to the RAJA sort template methods. Each comparator is a template type, where the template argument is the type of the values it compares. For a summary of RAJA sort functionality, please see :ref:`sort-label`.


RAJA sort operations use the same execution policy types that RAJA::forall loop execution templates do.

Each of the examples below uses the same integer arrays for input and output values. We set the input array and print them as follows:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_array_init_start
   :end-before: _sort_array_init_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence of values in the in array:

6 7 2 1 0 9 4 8 5 3 4 9 6 3 7 0 1 8 2 5

and the following sequence of (key, value) pairs in the in and in_vals arrays:

(6,0) (7,0) (2,0) (1,0) (0,0) (9,0) (4,0) (8,0) (5,0) (3,0)
(4,1) (9,1) (6,1) (3,1) (7,1) (0,1) (1,1) (8,1) (2,1) (5,1)

Unstable Sorts

A sequential unstable sort operation is performed by:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_seq_start
   :end-before: _sort_seq_end
   :language: C++

Since no comparator is passed to the sort method, the default less operation is applied and the result generated in the out array is non-decreasing sort on the out array. The resulting out array contains the values:

0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

We can be explicit about the operation used in the sort by passing the less operator to the sort method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_seq_less_start
   :end-before: _sort_seq_less_end
   :language: C++

The result in the out array is the same.

An unstable parallel sort operation using OpenMP multi-threading is accomplished similarly by replacing the execution policy type:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_omp_less_start
   :end-before: _sort_omp_less_end
   :language: C++

As is commonly done with RAJA, the only difference between this code and the previous one is that the execution policy is different. If we want to run the sort on a GPU using CUDA, we would use a CUDA execution policy. This will be shown shortly.

Stable Sorts

A sequential stable sort (less) operation is performed by:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_stable_seq_less_start
   :end-before: _sort_stable_seq_less_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence of values in the output array:

0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

Note that the stable sort result is the same as the unstable sort in this case because we are sorting integers. We will show an example of sorting pairs later where this is not the case.

Running the same sort operation on a GPU using CUDA is done by:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_stable_cuda_less_start
   :end-before: _sort_stable_cuda_less_end
   :language: C++

Note that we pass the number of threads per CUDA thread block as the template argument to the CUDA execution policy as we do in other cases.

Other Comparators

Using a different comparator allows sorting in a different order. Here is a sequential stable sort that uses the greater operator:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_stable_seq_greater_start
   :end-before: _sort_stable_seq_greater_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence of values in non-increasing order in the output array:

9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0

Note that the only operators provided by RAJA that are valid to use in sort because they form a strict weak ordering of elements for arithmetic types are less and greater. Also note that the the cuda sort backend only supports RAJA's operators less and greater.

Sort Pairs

Sort Pairs operations generate the same results as the sort operations we have just described. However, an additional array of values is also permuted to match the sorted array so two arrays are passed to sort pairs methods.

Here is a sequential unstable sort pairs that uses the less operator:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_pairs_seq_less_start
   :end-before: _sort_pairs_seq_less_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence in the output array:

(0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1) (2,0) (2,1) (3,0) (3,1) (4,0) (4,1)
(5,1) (5,0) (6,1) (6,0) (7,0) (7,1) (8,0) (8,1) (9,1) (9,0)

Note that some of the pairs with equivalent keys stayed in the same order they appeared in the unsorted arrays like (8,0) (8,1), while others are reversed like (9,1) (9,0).

Here is a sequential stable sort pairs that uses the greater operator:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_stable_pairs_seq_greater_start
   :end-before: _sort_stable_pairs_seq_greater_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence in the output array:

(9,0) (9,1) (8,0) (8,1) (7,0) (7,1) (6,0) (6,1) (5,0) (5,1)
(4,0) (4,1) (3,0) (3,1) (2,0) (2,1) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (0,1)

Note that all pairs with equivalent keys stayed in the same order that they appeared in the unsorted arrays.

As you may expect at this point, running an stable sort pairs operation using OpenMP is accomplished by:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_stable_pairs_omp_greater_start
   :end-before: _sort_stable_pairs_omp_greater_end
   :language: C++

This generates the following sequence in the output array (as we saw earlier):

(9,0) (9,1) (8,0) (8,1) (7,0) (7,1) (6,0) (6,1) (5,0) (5,1)
(4,0) (4,1) (3,0) (3,1) (2,0) (2,1) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (0,1)

and the only difference is the execution policy template parameter.

Lastly, we show a parallel unstable sort pairs operation using CUDA:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/tut_sort.cpp
   :start-after: _sort_pairs_cuda_greater_start
   :end-before: _sort_pairs_cuda_greater_end
   :language: C++


RAJA sorts for the HIP back-end are similar to those for CUDA.

The file RAJA/examples/tut_sort.cpp contains the complete working example code.