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29 lines (22 loc) · 859 Bytes


File metadata and controls

29 lines (22 loc) · 859 Bytes


The various overloads of squared_distance() calculate the squared distance between a query point and several different primitives:

  • another point,
  • a BoundingBox,
  • a Segment,
  • a Triangle.
Diagram showing 3D point-triangle orientation test.
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/primal_introduction.cpp
   :start-after: _sqdist_header_start
   :end-before: _sqdist_header_end
   :language: C++

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/primal_introduction.cpp
   :start-after: _sqdist_start
   :end-before: _sqdist_end
   :language: C++

The example shows the squared distance between the query point, shown in black in the figure, and four geometric primitives. For clarity, the diagram also shows the projection of the query point and its closest points to the XY plane.