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File metadata and controls

141 lines (118 loc) · 6.82 KB

An introductory example

As an introduction to the core concepts in Sidre and how they work, here is an example where we construct the Sidre data hierarchy structure shown in the following figure:

diagram of an example datastore
Symbol Sidre class
figs/roundrectangle.png Group
figs/rectangle.png View
figs/hexagon.png Attribute

The diagram represents a datastore container, holding all Sidre objects and provides the main interface to access those objects. Rounded rectangles represent Sidre Group objects. Each Group has a name and one parent group, except for the root group (i.e. "/"), which has no parent. A datastore provides one root group (i.e. "/") that is created when a DataStore object is constructed; thus, an application does not create the root. A Group may have zero or more child groups (indicated by an arrow from the parent to each child). Each group also owns zero or more View objects, which are shown as rectangles. An arrow points from a group to each view it owns.

A Sidre View object has a name and, typically, some data associated with it. This example shows various types of data that can be described by a view, including scalars, strings, and data in arrays (both externally allocated and owned by Sidre Buffer objects). Each array view has a data pointer and describes data in terms of data type, number of elements, offset, and stride. Data pointers held by array view are shown as dashed arrows.

A DataStore also contains a collection of Buffer objects, shown as segmented rectangles.

A DataStore contains a list of Attribute objects. Each Attribute is outlined with a hexagon and defines a metadata label and a default value associated with that label. In the example, the datastore has "vis" (with default value 0) and "restart" (with default value 1) attributes. Default attributes apply to all views unless explicitly set for individual views. In the example, the "temp" and "rho" views have the "vis" attribute set to 1.

Various aspects of Sidre usage are illustrated in the C++ code shown next. Sidre provides full C and Fortran APIs that can also be used to generate the same result.

First, we create a DataStore object, define some Attribute objects along with their default values, and add some child Group objects to the root Group.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sidre_createdatastore.cpp
   :start-after: _first_example_creategroups_start
   :end-before: _first_example_creategroups_end
   :language: C++

The createViewScalar() method lets an application store scalar values in a view owned by the group object the method is called on.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sidre_createdatastore.cpp
   :start-after: _first_example_state_start
   :end-before: _first_example_state_end
   :language: C++

This example stores (x, y, z) node position data in one array. The array is managed by a Buffer object and three View objects point into it. C++ Sidre operations that create a Buffer, a Group, and a View, as shown in the following code, return a pointer to the object that is created. This allows chaining operations. (Chaining is supported in the C++ API but not in C or Fortran.)

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sidre_createdatastore.cpp
   :start-after: _first_example_nodes_start
   :end-before: _first_example_nodes_end
   :language: C++

The last two integral arguments to the createView() method specify the offset from the beginning of the array and the stride of the data. Thus, the x, y, z values for each position are stored contiguously with the x values, y values, and z values each offset from each other by a stride of three in the array.

The next snippet creates two views ("temp" and "rho") and allocates each of their data as an array of type double with length 'eltcount'. Then, it sets an attribute ("vis") on each view with a value of 1. Lastly, it creates a group ("ext") that has a view holding an external pointer ("region"). The apply() method describes the view data as an array of integer type and length 'eltcount'. Note that it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the allocation to which the "region" pointer references is adequate to contain that data description.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sidre_createdatastore.cpp
   :start-after: _first_example_fields_start
   :end-before: _first_example_fields_end
   :language: C++

The next code example shows various methods to retrieve a group object and data from a view in the group hierarchy.

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/sidre_createdatastore.cpp
   :start-after: _first_example_access_start
   :end-before: _first_example_access_end
   :language: C++

In the last section, the code accesses the arrays associated with the views "y", "temp", and "region". While "temp" and "region" have the default offset (0) and stride (1), "y" has offset 1 and stride 3 (as described earlier). The pointer returned by View::getPointer() always points to the first data element described by the view (the view takes care of the offset), but use of a stride other than 1 must be done by the code itself.

Unix-style path syntax using the slash ("/") delimiter is supported for traversing Sidre group and view hierarchies and accessing their contents. However, '..' and '.' syntax (up-directory and current directory) is not supported. This usage is shown in the last call to getView() in the code example above. The method call retrieves the view named "region" in the group named "ext" that is a child of the "fields" group. Character sequences before the first slash and between two consecutive slashes are assumed to be group names (describing parent-child relationships). For this method, and others dealing with view objects, the sequence following the last slash is assumed to be the name of a view. Similar path syntax can be used to retrieve a group, create a group and a view, a nd so forth.