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GPU Porting in Axom

Axom uses the following two libraries as the main workhorses for GPU porting:

  • RAJA: Handles software abstractions that enable architecture and programming model portability for HPC applications
  • Umpire: Resource management library that allows the discovery, provision, and management of memory on machines with multiple memory devices like NUMA and GPUs.

From RAJA and Umpire, Axom derives a set of convenience macros and function wrappers in the axom namespace encapsulating commonly-used RAJA and Umpire functions, and preset execution spaces for host/device execution.

For the user's guide on using GPU utilities, see also :ref:`Core Acceleration<core-acceleration>`.


Axom's macros can be found in the file axom/core/Macros.hpp.

Most of the GPU-related macros are used to guard device code for compilation.

For guarding device code:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/Macros.hpp
   :start-after:  _guarding_macros_start
   :end-before:  _guarding_macros_end
   :language: C++


  • Functions called in CUDA or HIP GPU device code require the __device__ annotation.
  • Functions that will be called in device code and CPU host code require the __host__ __device__ annotation.

The following code shows the macros used in Axom to apply these annotations:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/Macros.hpp
   :start-after:  _decorating_macros_start
   :end-before:  _decorating_macros_end
   :language: C++

Below is a function that uses Axom macros to apply a __host__ __device__ annotation and guard the use of a CUDA intrinsic to inside a kernel:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/utilities/BitUtilities.hpp
   :start-after:  gpu_macros_example_start
   :end-before:  gpu_macros_example_end
   :language: C++


Axom's memory management routines can be found in the file axom/core/memory_management.hpp.

Memory Management Routines

Umpire has the concept of "allocators" associated with each memory resource type (umpire::resource::MemoryResourceType).

To allocate memory on a particular resource, you use the ID for the allocator associated with the umpire::resource::MemoryResourceType.

You are able to set a default allocator, whereby all your memory allocations will go on the resource associated with the allocator unless otherwise specified:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/memory_management.hpp
   :start-after:  _memory_management_routines_start
   :end-before:  _memory_management_routines_end
   :language: C++


When Axom is built without Umpire, the getters and setters shown above become no-ops or are undefined, while the memory allocation functions default to C++ standard library functions with only allocation on the host (CPU):

  • axom::allocate calls std::malloc
  • axom::deallocate calls std::free
  • axom::reallocate calls std::realloc
  • axom::copy calls std::memcpy


.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/memory_management.hpp
   :start-after:  _memory_space_start
   :end-before:  _memory_space_end
   :language: C++

Axom provides the axom::MemorySpace enum type to define values indicating the memory space where data in axom::Array and axom::ArrayView lives.

Dynamic allows you to define the location at runtime, with some caveats (see :ref:`Core Containers<core-containers>` for more details and examples).

Useful Links

Umpire Tutorial - First two sections cover Allocators and Resources.



axom::for_all can be found in the file axom/core/execution/for_all.hpp.

axom::for_all is a wrapper around RAJA forall, which is used to execute simple for-loop kernels.

This is used in Axom to execute for-loop style kernels that will be run on a GPU device, or on both a GPU device and a CPU host. For example:

template <typename ExecSpace, typename KernelType>
void axom::for_all(const IndexType& N, KernelType&& kernel)

template <typename ExecSpace, typename KernelType>
void axom::for_all(const IndexType& begin, const IndexType& end, KernelType&& kernel)


When Axom is built without RAJA, axom::for_all becomes a for-loop on host (CPU).


RAJA::kernel is used to execute kernels implemented using nested loops.

This is used infrequently, mainly seen only in a few unit tests.

Your general go-to will be axom::for_all.

Useful Links

RAJA Loops - Covers RAJA::forall, RAJA::kernel, RAJA::launch kernel execution methods.

Execution Spaces & Policies

Axom's execution spaces can be found in the file axom/core/execution/execution_space.hpp.

Axom's execution spaces are derived from an axom::execution_space<ExecSpace> traits class containing RAJA execution policies and default Umpire memory allocators associated with each space.

Axom currently supports four execution spaces, each one a type with the following specialization of the execution_space class:

  • SEQ_EXEC - Sequential execution policies on host
  • OMP_EXEC - OpenMP execution policies on host
  • CUDA_EXEC - CUDA execution policies in Unified Memory (host + device)
  • HIP_EXEC - HIP execution policies in Unified Memory (host + device)

Additionally, HIP_EXEC and CUDA_EXEC types are templated by the number of threads and SYNCHRONOUS or ASYNC execution:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/execution/internal/cuda_exec.hpp
   :start-after:  _cuda_exec_start
   :end-before:  _cuda_exec_end
   :language: C++

Each execution space provides:

  • Axom policies that are type aliases of RAJA policies to be used with kernels, RAJA types, and RAJA operations

    • loop_policy - For RAJA scans and other operations; axom::for_all uses the loop_policy from the templated execution space.
    • reduce_policy - For RAJA reduction types that perform reduction operations:
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/examples/core_acceleration.cpp
       :start-after:  _gpu_reduce_start
       :end-before:  _gpu_reduce_end
       :language: C++
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/examples/core_acceleration.cpp
       :start-after:  _gpu_atomic_start
       :end-before:  _gpu_atomic_end
       :language: C++
    • sync_policy - For Axom's synchronize function, which is a wrapper around RAJA::synchronize(). Synchronizes execution threads when using an asynchronous loop_policy:
    .. literalinclude:: ../../../axom/core/execution/synchronize.hpp
       :start-after:  _gpu_synchronize_start
       :end-before:  _gpu_synchronize_end
       :language: C++
  • Umpire allocator defaults

    • memory_space - The memory space abstraction for use by :ref:`Core Containers<core-containers>` like axom::Array.
    • allocatorID() - Gets the allocator ID for the Umpire resource to use in this execution space.
  • General information on the execution space

    • name() - Name of the execution space
    • onDevice() - Is the execution space on device? (True/False)
    • valid() - Is the execution space valid? (True)
    • async() - Is the execution space asynchronous? (True/False)

The :doc:`Mint <../../../axom/mint/docs/sphinx/index>` component also provides a set of nested execution policies located at axom/mint/execution/internal/structured_exec.hpp to be used with RAJA::kernel e.g. for iterating over mint meshes.


When Axom is built without RAJA, only SEQ_EXEC is available for host (CPU) execution. When Axom is built with RAJA but without Umpire for memory management on device, only SEQ_EXEC and OMP_EXEC is available for host (CPU) execution.

General, Rough Porting Tips

  • Start with figuring out what memory you need on device, and use axom::Array, axom::ArrayView, and :ref:`memory_managment routines<gpu-memory-label>` to do the allocations:

    // Allocate 100 2D Triangles in unified memory
    using cuda_exec = axom::CUDA_EXEC<256>;
    using TriangleType = axom::primal::Triangle<double, 2>;
    axom::Array<Triangle> tris (100, axom::execution_space<cuda_exec>::allocatorID()));
    axom::ArrayView<Triangle> tris_view(tris);
    // Allocate the sum of Triangle areas
    using reduce_pol = typename axom::execution_space<cuda_exec>::reduce_policy;
    RAJA::ReduceSum<reduce_pol, double> totalArea(0);
  • Using an axom::for_all kernel with a device policy, attempt to access and/or manipulate the memory on device:

    AXOM_LAMBDA(int idx) {
      // Set values on device
      tris_view[idx] = Triangle();
      totalArea = 0;
  • Add the functions you want to call on device to the axom::for_all kernel:

    AXOM_LAMBDA(int idx) {
      tris_view[idx] = Triangle();
      totalArea = 0;
      // Call area() method on device
      double area = tris_view[idx].area();
  • Apply a __host__ __device__ annotation to your functions if you see the following error or similar:

    error: reference to __host__ function 'area' in __host__ __device__ function
    • Recompiling will likely introduce complaints about more functions (the functions being the non-decorated functions your newly-decorated functions are calling):

      error: reference to __host__ function 'abs<double>' in __host__ __device__ function
      error: reference to __host__ function 'signedArea<2>' in __host__ __device__ function

      Keep decorating until all the complaints are gone.

    • Most of the C++ standard library is not available on device. Your options are Axom's equivalent functions/classes if it exists, or to add your own or rewrite the code to not use standard library.

  • With no more decorating complaints from the compiler, write the logically correct kernel:

    // Computes the total area of a 100 triangles
      AXOM_LAMBDA(int idx) {
        totalArea += tris_view[idx].area();
    • If at this point your kernel is not working/segfaulting, it is hopefully a logical error, and you can debug the kernel without diving into debugging tools.
    • Utilize printf() for debugging output
    • Try using the SEQ_EXEC execution space

Useful Links