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Release Process

The Axom team decides as a group when the code is ready for a release. Typically, a release is done when we want to make changes available to users; e.g., when some new functionality is sufficiently complete or we want users to try something out and give us feedback early in the development process. A release may also be done when some other development goal is reached. This section describes how an Axom releases is done. The process is fairly informal. However, we want to ensure that the software is in a reasonably robust and stable state when a release is done. We follow this process to avoid simple oversights and issues that we do not want to pass on to users.

In the :ref:`gitflow-label` section, we noted that the main branch records the official release history of the project. Specifically, whenever, the main branch is changed, it is tagged with a new version number. We use a git 'lightweight tag' for this purpose. Such a tag is essentially a pointer to a specific commit on the main branch.

We finalize preparations for a release on a release branch so that other work may continue on the develop branch without interruption.


No significant code development is performed on a release branch. In addition to preparing release notes and other documentation, the only code changes that should be done are bug fixes identified during release preparations

Here are the steps to follow for an Axom release.

1: Start Release Candidate Branch

Create a release candidate branch off of the develop branch to initiate a release. The name of a release branch must contain the associated release version number. Typically, we use a name like v0.5.0-rc (i.e., version 0.5.0 release candidate). See :ref:`semver-label` for a description of how version numbers are chosen.

2: Issue a Pull Request

Create a pull request to merge the release candidate branch into main so that release changes can be reviewed. Such changes include:

  1. Update the version information (major, minor, and patch version numbers) at the top of the axom/src/cmake/AxomVersion.cmake file and in the axom/RELEASE file.
  2. Update the release notes in axom/ by adding the release version number and release date in the heading, as well as, the corresponding link to the version on Github.
  3. Update the mail map in axom/.mailmap by adding the names and emails of new contributors since the last release.
  4. Update the citations in axom/CITATION.cff by adding the names of new LLNL contributors since the last release.
  5. Test the code by running it through all continuous integration tests and builds. This will ensure that all build configurations are working properly and all tests pass.
  6. Fix any issues discovered during final release testing if code changes are reasonably small and re-run appropriate tests to ensure issues are resolved. If a major bug is discovered, and it requires significant code modifications to fix, do not fix it on the release branch. Create a new Github issue for it and note it in the known bugs section of the release notes.
  7. Make sure all documentation (source code, user guides, etc.) is updated and reviewed. This should not be a substantial undertaking as most of this should have been done during the regular development cycle.
  8. Proofread the release notes for completeness and clarity and address any shortcomings. Again, this should not take much time as release notes should be updated during the regular development cycle. See :ref:`release-notes-label` for information about release notes.

3: Merge Release Candidate

Merge the release candidate branch into the main branch once it is ready and approved. At this point, the release candidate branch can be deleted.

4: Draft a Github Release

Draft a new Release on Github

  1. Enter the desired tag version, e.g., v0.5.0
  2. Select main as the target branch to tag a release.
  3. Enter a Release title. We typically use titles of the following form Axom-v0.3.1
  4. Copy and paste the information for the release from the axom/ into the release description (omit any sections if empty).
  5. Publish the release. This will create a tag at the tip of the main branch and add corresponding entry in the Releases section


Github will add a corresponding tarball and zip archives consisting of the source files for each release. However, these files do not include any submodules. Consequently, a tarball that includes all of the submodules is generated manually in a seperate step.

5: Make a Release Tarball

  • Checkout the main branch locally and run axom/scripts/ --with-data This will generate a two tarballs of the form Axom-v0.3.1.tar.gz and AxomData-v0.3.1.tar.gz each consistsing of the axom source and data respectively.
  • Upload the tarballs for the corresponding release, by going to the Github Releases section and Edit the release created earlier.
  • Attach the tarball to the release.
  • Add a note at the top of the release description that indicates which tarball consists of all the submodules, e.g., "Please download the Axom-v0.3.1.tar.gz tarball below, which includes all of the Axom submodules as well"
  • Update the release.

6: Merge Main to Develop

Create a pull request to merge main into develop. When approved, merge it.

Release Notes

Axom release notes are maintained in a single file axom/ The release notes for the latest version are at the top of the file. Notes for previous releases appear after that in descending version number order.

For each version, the release notes must contain the following information:

  • Axom version number and date of release

  • One or two sentence overview of release, including any major changes.

  • Release note items should be broken out into the following sections:

    • Added: Descriptions of new features
    • Removed: Notable removed functionality
    • Deprecated: Deprecated features that will be removed in a future release
    • Changed: Enhancements or other changes to existing functionality
    • Fixed: Major bug fixes
    • Known bugs: Existing issues that are important for users to know about


Release notes for each Axom version should explain what changed in that version of the software -- and nothing else!!

Release notes are an important way to communicate software changes to users (functionality enhancements, new features, bug fixes, etc.). Arguably, they are the simplest and easiest way to do so. Each change listed in the release notes should contain a clear, concise statement of the change. Items should be ordered based on the impact to users (higher impact - first, lower impact last).


When writing release notes, think about what users need to know and what is of value to them.

Release notes should summarize new developments and provide enough detail for users to get a clear sense of what's new. They should be brief -- don't make them overly verbose or detailed. Provide enough description for users to understand a change, but no more than necessary. In other words, release notes summarize major closed issues in a human-readable narrative. Direct users to other documentation (user guides, software documentation, example codes) for details and additional information.


Release notes should be updated as work is completed and reviewed along with other documentation in a pull request. This is much easier than attempting to compile release notes before a release by looking at commit logs, etc. Preparing release notes as part of the release process should take no more than one hour.

Lastly, release notes provide an easy-to-find retrospective record of progress for users and other stakeholders. They are useful for developers and for project reporting and reviews.