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378 lines (240 loc) · 14.4 KB

Relay I/O

Conduit Relay I/O provides optional Silo, HDF5, and ADIOS I/O interfaces.

These interfaces can be accessed through a generic path-based API, generic handle class, or through APIs specific to each underlying I/O interface. The specific APIs provide lower level control and allow reuse of handles, which is more efficient for most non-trivial use cases. The generic handle class strikes a balance between usability and efficiency.

Relay I/O Path-based Interface

The path-based Relay I/O interface allows you to read and write conduit::Nodes using any enabled I/O interface through a simple path-based (string) API. The underlying I/O interface is selected using the extension of the destination path or an explicit protocol argument.

The conduit_relay library provides the following methods in the conduit::relay::io namespace:

  • relay::io::save
    • Saves the contents of the passed Node to a file. Works like a Node::set to the file: if the file exists, it is overwritten to reflect contents of the passed Node.
  • relay::io::save_merged
    • Merges the contents of the passed Node to a file. Works like a Node::update to the file: if the file exists, new data paths are appended, common paths are overwritten, and other existing paths are not changed.
  • relay::io::load
    • Loads the contents of a file into the passed Node. Works like a Node::set from the contents of the file: if the Node has existing data, it is overwritten to reflect contents of the file.
  • relay::io::load_merged
    • Merges the contents of a file into the passed Node. Works like a Node::update rom the contents of the file: if the Node has existing data, new data paths are appended, common paths are overwritten, and other existing paths are not changed.

The conduit_relay_mpi_io library provides the conduit::relay::mpi::io namespace which includes variants of these methods which take a MPI Communicator. These variants pass the communicator to the underlying I/O interface to enable collective I/O. Relay currently only supports collective I/O for ADIOS.

Relay I/O Path-based Interface Examples

Save and Load

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_1_json")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_1_json")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_1_json")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_1_json")

Save Merged

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_2_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_2_hdf5")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_2_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_2_hdf5")

Load Merged

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_3_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_3_hdf5")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_3_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_3_hdf5")

Load from Subpath

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_4_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_4_hdf5")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_4_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_4_hdf5")

Save to Subpath

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_5_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_5_hdf5")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_generic_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_5_hdf5")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_5_hdf5")

Relay I/O Handle Interface

The relay::io::IOHandle class provides a high level interface to query, read, and modify files.

It provides a generic interface that is more efficient than the path-based interface for protocols like HDF5 which support partial I/O and querying without reading the entire contents of a file. It also supports simpler built-in protocols (conduit_bin, json, etc) that do not support partial I/O for convenience. Its basic contract is that changes to backing (file on disk, etc) are not guaranteed to be reflected until the handle is closed. Relay I/O Handle supports reading AXOM Sidre DataStore Style files. Relay I/O Handle does not yet support Silo or ADIOS.

IOHandle has the following instance methods:

  • open

    • Opens a handle. The underlying I/O interface is selected using the extension of the destination path or an explicit protocol argument. Supports reading and writing by default. Select a different mode by passing an options node that contains a mode child with one of the following strings:

    rw read + write (default mode)

    Supports both read and write operations. Creates file if it does not exist.

    r read only

    Only supports read operations. Throws an Error if you open a non-existing file or on any attempt to write.

    w write only

    Only supports write operations. Throws an Error on any attempt to read.


Note: While you can read from and write to subpaths using a handle, IOHandle does not support opening a file with a subpath (e.g."file.hdf5:path/data")).

  • read
    • Merges the contents from the handle or contents from a subpath of the handle into the passed Node. Works like a Node::update from the handle: if the Node has existing data, new data paths are appended, common paths are overwritten, and other existing paths are not changed.
  • write
    • Writes the contents of the passed Node to the handle or to a subpath of the handle. Works like a Node::update to the handle: if the handle has existing data, new data paths are appended, common paths are overwritten, and other existing paths are not changed.
  • has_path
    • Checks if the handle contains a given path.
  • list_child_names
    • Returns a list of the child names at a given path, or an empty list if the path does not exist.
  • remove
    • Removes any data at and below a given path. With HDF5 the space may not be fully reclaimed.
  • close
    • Closes a handle. This is when changes are realized to the backing (file on disc, etc).

Relay I/O Handle Examples

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_1")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_1")

  • Python Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle")
   :language: python
   :dedent: 8

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_tutorial_python_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle")
   :dedent: 4

  • C++ Sidre Basic Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_1")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_1")

  • Python Sidre Basic Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre")
   :language: python
   :dedent: 8

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_tutorial_python_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre")
   :dedent: 4

  • C++ Sidre with Root File Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_2")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_2")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_2")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_handle_example_sidre_2")

  • Python Sidre with Root File Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre_root")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre_root")
   :language: python
   :dedent: 8

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_tutorial_python_relay_io_handle_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre_root")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("py_relay_io_handle_sidre_root")
   :dedent: 4

Relay I/O HDF5 Interface

The Relay I/O HDF5 interface provides methods to read and write Nodes using HDF5 handles. It is also the interface used to implement the path-based and handle I/O interfaces for HDF5. This interface provides more control and allows more efficient reuse of I/O handles. It is only available in C++.

Relay I/O HDF5 libver

HDF5 provides a libver setting to control the data structures and features used. When using HDF5 1.10 or newer, relay io will default to use libver 1.8 when creating HDF5 files to provide wider read compatibly. This setting can be controlled via the hdf5 relay option libver, accepted values include: default, none, latest, v108, and v110.

Relay I/O HDF5 Interface Examples

Here is a example exercising the basic parts of Relay I/O's HDF5 interface, for more detailed documentation see the conduit_relay_io_hdf5_api.hpp header file.

HDF5 I/O Interface Basics

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_1")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_1")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_1")

HDF5 I/O Options

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_opts")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_opts")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_opts")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_opts")

You can verify using h5stat that the data set was written to the hdf5 file using chunking and compression.

HDF5 Hyperslabs

HDF5 can store N-dimensional arrays. Conduit can read subsets of these arrays, called "hyperslabs" in HDF5 terminology (see the HDF5 tutorial). The following example uses the HDF5 API to create a file containing a 2D array. Then it uses Conduit to read a subset of the 2D array into memory. Users can specify array size (element count), offset, and stride; Conduit does not support element blocks. To match naming conventions elsewhere in Conduit, users may equivalently use the names sizes, offsets, and strides, as shown in the example.

Conduit reads an array from the HDF5 file into a linear buffer in memory. Conduit does not support HDF5's idea of an in-memory destination hyperslab.

  • C++ Example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../tests/docs/t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples.cpp
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_read_ndarray")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_read_ndarray")
   :language: cpp
   :dedent: 4

  • Output:
.. literalinclude:: t_conduit_docs_relay_io_hdf5_examples_out.txt
   :start-after: BEGIN_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_read_ndarray")
   :end-before:  END_EXAMPLE("relay_io_example_hdf5_interface_read_ndarray")


HDF5 parameter arrays are "fastest varying rightmost", like indexes to a C or C++ nested array. If a user takes paper and pencil and writes down p = (4, 5, 2), that commonly specifies a point p at x=4, y=5, z=2. To specify an offset at point p, the user has to pass the array [2, 5, 4].