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Basic Tutorial: Hatchet 101

This tutorial introduces how to use hatchet, including basics about:

  • Installing hatchet
  • Using the pandas API
  • Using the hatchet API

Installing Hatchet and Tutorial Setup

You can install hatchet using pip:

$ pip install hatchet

After installing hatchet, you can import hatchet when running the Python interpreter in interactive mode:

$ python
Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 14 2020, 02:39:01)
[Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Typing import hatchet at the prompt should succeed without any error messages:

>>> import hatchet as ht

You are good to go!

The Hatchet repository includes stand-alone Python-based Jupyter notebook examples based on this tutorial. You can find them in the hatchet GitHub repository. You can get a local copy of the repository using git:

$ git clone

You will find the tutorial notebooks in your local hatchet repository under docs/examples/tutorial/.


You can read in a dataset into Hatchet for analysis by using one of several from_ static methods. For example, you can read in a Caliper JSON file as follows:

>>> import hatchet as ht
>>> caliper_file = 'lulesh-annotation-profile-1core.json'
>>> gf = ht.GraphFrame.from_caliper_json(caliper_file)

At this point, your input file (profile) has been loaded into Hatchet's data structure, known as a GraphFrame. Hatchet's GraphFrame contains a pandas DataFrame and a corresponding graph.

The DataFrame component of Hatchet's GraphFrame contains the metrics and other non-numeric data associated with each node in the dataset. You can print the dataframe by typing:

>>> print(gf.dataframe)

This should produce output like this:


The Graph component of Hatchet's GraphFrame stores the connections between parents and children. You can print the graph using hatchet's tree printing functionality:

>>> print(gf.tree())

This will print a graphical version of the tree to the terminal:


Analyzing the DataFrame using pandas

The DataFrame is one of two components that makeup the GraphFrame in hatchet. The pandas DataFrame stores the performance metrics and other non-numeric data for all nodes in the graph.

You can apply any pandas operations to the dataframe in hatchet. Note that modifying the dataframe in hatchet outside of the hatchet API is not recommended because operations that modify the dataframe can make the dataframe and graph inconsistent.

By default, the rows in the dataframe are sorted in traversal order. Sorting the rows by a different column can be done as follows:

>>> sorted_df = gf.dataframe.sort_values(by=['time'], ascending=False)

Individual numeric columns in the dataframe can be scaled or offset by a constant using native pandas operations. In the following example, we add a new column called scale to the existing dataframe, and print the dataframe sorted by this new column from lowest to highest:

>>> gf.dataframe['scale'] = gf.dataframe['time'] * 4
>>> sorted_df = gf.dataframe.sort_values(by=['scale'], ascending=True)

Analyzing the Graph via printing

Hatchet provides several methods of visualizing graphs. In this section, we show how a user can use the tree() method to convert the graph to a string that can be displayed to standard output. This function has several different parameters that can alter the output. To look at all the available parameters, you can look at the docstrings as follows:

>>> help(gf.tree)

Help on method tree in module hatchet.graphframe:

tree(metric_column='time', precision=3, name_column='name', expand_name=False,
context_column='file', rank=0, thread=0, depth=10000, highlight_name=False,
invert_colormap=False) method of hatchet.graphframe.GraphFrame instance
    Format this graphframe as a tree and return the resulting string.

To print the graph output:

>>> gf.tree()

By default, the graph printout displays next to each node values in the time column of the dataframe. To display another column, change the argument to the metric_column= parameter:

>>> gf.tree(metric_column='time (inc)')

To view a subset of the nodes in the graph, a user can change the depth= value to indicate how many levels of the tree to display. By default, all levels in the tree are displayed. In the following example, we only ask to display the first three levels of the tree, where the root is the first level:

>>> gf.tree(depth=3)

By default, the tree() method uses a red-green colormap, whereby nodes with high metric values are colored red, while nodes with low metric values are colored green. In some use cases, a user may want to reverse the colormap to draw attention to certain nodes, such as performing a division of two graphframes to compute speedup:

>>> gf.tree(invert_colormap=True)

For a dataset that contains rank- and/or thread-level data, the tree visualization shows the metrics for rank 0 and thread 0 by default. To look at the metrics for a different rank or thread, a user can change the rank= or thread= parameters:

>>> gf.tree(rank=4)

Analyzing the GraphFrame

Depending on the input data file, the DataFrame may be initialized with one or multiple index levels. In hatchet, the only required index level is node, but some readers may also set rank and thread as additional index levels. The index is a feature of pandas that is used to uniquely identify each row in the Dataframe.

We can query the column names of the index levels as follows:

>>> print(gf.dataframe.index.names)

This will show the column names of the index levels in a list:


For this dataset, we see that there are two index columns: node and rank. Since hatchet requires (at least) node to be an index level, we can drop the extra rank index level, which will aggregate the data over all MPI ranks at the per-node granularity.

>>> gf.drop_index_levels()
>>> print(gf.dataframe)

This will aggregate over all MPI ranks and drop all index levels (except node).


Now let's imagine we want to focus our analysis on a particular set of nodes. We can filter the GraphFrame by some user-supplied function, which will reduce the number of rows in the DataFrame as well as the number of nodes in the graph. For this example, let's say we are only interested in nodes that start with the name MPI_.

>>> filt_func = lambda x: x['name'].startswith('MPI_')
>>> filter_gf = gf.filter(filt_func, squash=True)
>>> print(filter_gf.dataframe)

This will show a dataframe only containing those nodes that start with MPI_:


By default, filter will make the graph consistent with the dataframe, so the dataframe and the graph contain the same number of nodes. That is, we specify squash=True, so the graph and the dataframe are inconsistent. When we print out the tree, we see that it has the same nodes as the filtered dataframe:

Analyzing Multiple GraphFrames

With hatchet, we can perform mathematical operators on multiple GraphFrames. This is useful for comparing the performance of functions at increasing concurrency or computing speedup of two different implementations of the same function, for example.

In the example below, we have two LULESH profiles collected at 1 and 64 cores using Caliper. The graphs of these two profiles are slightly different in structure. Due to the scale of the 64 core LULESH run, its profile contains additional MPI-related functions than the 1 core run. With hatchet, we can operate on profiles with different graph structures by first unifying the graphs, and the resulting graph annotates the nodes to indicate which graph the node originated from.

By dividing the profiles, we can analyze how the functions scale at higher concurrencies. Before performing the division operator, we drop the extra rank index level in both profiles, which aggregates the data over all MPI ranks at the per-node granularity. When printing the tree, we specify invert_colormap=True, so that nodes with good speedup (i.e., low values) are colored green, while nodes with poor speedup (i.e., high values) are colored red. By default, nodes with low values are colored green, while high values are colored red.

Additionally, because the 64 core profile contained more nodes than the 1 core profile, the resulting tree is annotated with green triangles pointing to the right, indicating that these nodes originally came from the right tree (when thinking of gf3 = gf/gf2). In hatchet, those nodes contained in only one of the two trees are initialized with a value of nan, and are colored in blue.

>>> caliper_file_1core = 'lulesh-annotation-profile-1core.json'
>>> caliper_file_64cores = 'lulesh-annotation-profile-64cores.json'
>>> gf = ht.GraphFrame.from_caliper_json(caliper_file_1core)
>>> gf2 = ht.GraphFrame.from_caliper_json(caliper_file_64cores)
>>> gf.drop_index_levels()
>>> gf2.drop_index_levels()
>>> gf3 = gf/gf2
>>> gf3.tree(invert_colormap=True)

pic1 / pic2 = pic3