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Hyperparameter Tuning


See the docstring for lbann.contrib.hyperparameter.grid_search for the API. This page provides additional guidance on usage.


This feature is experimental and its API is still being established. Once it has stabilized, the hyperparameter submodule should be moved out of the lbann.contrib submodule and into the top-level lbann module.

When training machine learning models, the optimal hyperparameters are usually unknown and some experimentation is required to achieve acceptable results. To simplify this process, lbann.contrib.hyperparameter.grid_search implements a naive grid search algorithm. In particular it launches LBANN with multiple trainers and trains a separate model on each. If the number of candidate models is greater than the number of trainers, then LBANN is run multiple times. Afterwards the log file can be analyzed to determine the ideal hyperparameter configuration.

The run configuration (e.g. the number of MPI ranks, the work directory) is specified with a lbann.launcher.batch_script.BatchScript object. See lbann.launcher.make_batch_script for more details on how to configure a batch job script.

Models are configured with a user-provided function that takes hyperparameters and returns the objects needed for an LBANN experiment. Specifically, this function should return a lbann.Model, lbann.Optimizer, lbann.reader_pb2.DataReader, and lbann.Trainer, i.e. the inputs to To specify which values to pass into this make_experiment function, pass lists as keyword arguments into `lbann.contrib.hyperparameter.grid_search`: the values in the lists will be forwarded to the corresponding keyward argument in the make_experiment function. The resulting hyperparameter configurations will be dumped out in a CSV file (typically hyperparameters.csv in the work directory).

Note that this grid search functionality is very flexible. Depending on how the user defines the make_experiment function, it is possible to train diverse models with different training algorithms and different datasets. However, it is preferable in practice to train models with roughly similar performance properties to avoid load-balancing issues. This is an effective approach to run the LTFB algorithm: it generates an initial population of diverse models that can then be subject to an evolutionary process.

Simple Example

Suppose we want to tune the hyperparameters for a simple logistic classifier. We can define the following function to construct the model and related objects:

def make_logistic_classifier(

    # Construct model
    x = lbann.Input(data_field='samples')
    y = lbann.FullyConnected(x, num_neurons=num_labels, has_bias=bias)
    y_pred = lbann.Softmax(y)
    y_true = lbann.Input(data_field='labels')
    z = lbann.CrossEntropy(y_pred, y_true)
    model = lbann.Model(

    # Construct other objects
    optimizer = lbann.SGD(learn_rate=learning_rate)
    data_reader = make_data_reader()
    trainer = lbann.Trainer(mini_batch_size=32)

    return model, optimizer, data_reader, trainer

Then we can perform a grid search with:

script = lbann.launcher.make_batch_script(nodes=2, procs_per_node=4)
    learning_rate=[0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01],
    bias=[True, False])

This will generate and train eight models. Since we are running with eight trainers (8 MPI ranks and 1 rank per trainer), we only need to run LBANN once. If we ran with four trainers instead, LBANN would run twice. It is not necessary to perfectly line up the number of models and the number of trainers, but there could be idle compute nodes if they don't match.