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Sensor Methods

Get Channels

Get a list of all the channels for a sensor.


Method GET
Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/channels/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
  • Accept: application/xdr, txt/xml
  • Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip, identity


  • Success: 200 OK
  • Content:
    • XDR
            string 		      storedUnit;
            string 		      preferredUnit;
            unsigned hyper  timestamp;
            float  		      slope;
            float  		      offset;
            int totalBytes;  /* number of bytes contained within the structure.  Allows us to skip streams that we don't care about or understand */
            unit units<>;
        union streamInfo switch(string type)
            caseTS_V1”:  timeSeriesInfo data;    /* time series specific info */
            caseFFT_V1”: void;                   /* not implemented yet*/
            string name<MAX_NAME_LEN>;
            string label<MAX_NAME_LEN>;
            string description<MAX_DESC_LEN>;
            streamInfo dataStreams<>;
        } channelInfo;
        int         version=1;       /* always 1, may change with future versions */
        channelInfo channels<>;     /* array of channels */
  • XML
       <channels version='1'>
             <stream type=timeseries>

Add Channel

Add a channel to the current sensor. The channel name must be between 1 and 50 characters in the set [-_a-z, A-Z, 0-9].


Method PUT
Url :SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/channels/<channel_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
Headers Content-Type: application/xdr
Content: XDR
int    	version=1;          	/* int, always 1, may change with future versions */
string	channelLabel;        	/* utf-8 string, label for channel, 0-50 bytes */
string	channelDescription;  	/* utf-8 string, description for channel, 0-1000 bytes */


  • Success: 201 Channel Created
  • Errors:
    • 400 Invalid Channel Name - Channel name must be between 1 and 50 characters and only contain the following [-_a-zA-Z0-9]
    • 400 Channel Exists - A channel with the same name already exists

Update Channel

Updates an existing channel. This is similar to Add Channel except that the channel referenced by <channel_name> must already exist, and the http method POST is used instead of PUT.


Method POST
Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/channels/<channel_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
Headers Content-Type: application/xdr
Content: XDR
int    	version=1;          	/* int, always 1, may change with future versions */
string	channelLabel;        	/* utf-8 string, label for channel, 0-50 bytes */
string	channelDescription;  	/* utf-8 string, description for channel, 0-1000 bytes */


  • Success: 201 Channel Updated
  • Errors:
    • 400 Invalid Channel Name - Channel name must be between 1 and 50 characters and only contain the following [-_a-zA-Z0-9]
    • 400 Channel Exists - A channel with the same name already exists
    • 404 Not Found - A channel name was used that doesn't exist

Delete Channel

Delete a Channel and all information associated with the channel. All the data-streams and the underlying data will be deleted. Use delete very carefully. Once a channel is deleted the action is immediate and permanent. There is no way to recover a channel or any of its data after it is deleted.


Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/channels/<channel_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>


  • Success: 204 Deleted
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A channel name was used that doesn't exist

Add Sensor Attribute

Add a custom attribute to the Sensor. Each Sensor can have up to 25 custom attributes. An attribute is of the type Text, Numeric, Boolean, or Custom. A Text Attribute is a UTF-8 formatted string. Numeric is a text representation of a number in either fixed point notation or scientific notation ^[-+]?[0-9]+((.[0-9]+)?([eE][0-9]+)?)?$ . Boolean is a “false” or “true” string. Custom is an arbitrary string of bytes.


Url ```/SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/attributes/<attribute_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>``
Headers Content-Type: application/xdr

Content: XDR

enum		{TEXT=0, NUMBER=1, CUSTOM=2, BOOL=3 } attributeType

int    		version=1;	/* int, always 1, may change with future versions */
attributeType 	type;        	/* type of the attributes type */
opaque 		value<500>;  	/* byte array, attribute value, 0-500 bytes */


  • Success: 201 Attribute Set
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor name was used that doesn't exist
    • 400 Attribute Limit - Cannot create a new attribute because there are currently 25 existing attributes. 25 is the maximum allowed.

Bulk Add Sensor Attribute

Add multiple custom attributes to the sensor at one time. Each sensor can have up to 25 custom attributes. An attribute is of the type Text, Numeric, Boolean, or Custom. A Text Attribute is a UTF-8 formatted string. Numeric is a text representation of a number in either fixed point notation or scientific notation ^[-+]?[0-9]+((.[0-9]+)?([eE][0-9]+)?)?$ . Boolean is a “false” or “true” string. Custom is an arbitrary string of bytes.


Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/attributes/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
Headers Content-Type: application/xdr

Content: XDR

enum	{TEXT=0, NUMBER=1, CUSTOM=2, BOOL=3 } attributeType

MAX_NAME_LEN   = 50;

attributeType type;
string name<MAX_NAME_LEN>;
opaque value<MAX_VALUE_LEN>;
} attribute;

int	version=1;			/* always 1, may change with future versions */
attribute attributes<MAX_ATTRIBUTES>;	/* array of attributes to set */


  • Success: 201 Attribute Set
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor name was used that doesn't exist
    • 400 Attribute Limit - Cannot create a new attribute because there are currently 25 existing attributes. 25 is the maximum allowed.

Get Sensor Attributes

Get all attributes for a sensor. An attribute is of the type Text, Numeric, Boolean, or Custom. A Text Attribute is a UTF-8 formatted string. Numeric is a text representation of a number in either fixed point notation or scientific notation ^[-+]?[0-9]+((.[0-9]+)?([eE][0-9]+)?)?$ . Boolean is a “false” or “true” string. Custom is an arbitrary string of bytes.


Method GET
Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/attributes/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
Headers Accept: application/xdr


  • Success: 200 OK
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor name was used that doesn't exist

Content: XDR

enum	{ TEXT=0, NUMBER=1, CUSTOM=2, BOOL=3 } attributeType;

MAX_NAME_LEN   = 50;

attributeType type;
string        name<MAX_NAME_LEN>;
opaque        value<MAX_VALUE_LEN>;
} attribute;

int       version=1;                  /* always 1, may change with future versions */
attribute attributes<MAX_ATTRIBUTES>;

Get Sensor Attribute

Get a single attribute for a sensor. An attribute is of the type Text, Numeric, Boolean, or Custom. A Text Attribute is a UTF-8 formatted string. Numeric is a text representation of a number in either fixed point notation or scientific notation ^[-+]?[0-9]+((.[0-9]+)?([eE][0-9]+)?)?$ . Boolean is a “false” or “true” string. Custom is an arbitrary string of bytes.


Method GET
Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/attributes/<attribute_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>
Headers Accept: application/xdr


  • Success: 200 OK
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor name was used that doesn't exist
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor attribute name was used that doesn't exist

Content: XDR

enum 	{ TEXT=0, NUMBER=1, CUSTOM=2, BOOL=3 } attributeType;


int     	version=1;      	/* always 1, may change with future versions */
attributeType 	type;
opaque        	value<MAX_VALUE_LEN>;

Delete Sensor Attribute

Delete a sensor attribute.


Url /SensorCloud/devices/<device_id>/sensors/<sensor_name>/attributes/<attribute_name>/?version=1&auth_token=<auth_token>


  • Success: 204 Deleted
  • Errors:
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor name was used that doesn't exist
    • 404 Not Found - A sensor attribute name was used that doesn't exist