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23 lines (13 loc) · 916 Bytes

File metadata and controls

23 lines (13 loc) · 916 Bytes


A resource-managing game made by Leo Rudberg in 2013-14

To play:

Either git clone the repo from GitHub, or download the zip file.

If you download the zip file, feel free to unzip it.

Then, open up a terminal window (assuming Unix system) and run cd, ls, and pwd until you get to the file containing the game (a bunch of .rb files).

Next, run make sure to see if you've made it to the directory.

Once you're in the game directory, run make bundle. This will download some tools I used in making the game. If you get a complaint about permissions or writing, run sudo make bundle. sudo let's your computer know who's boss.

Next, run make check to make sure you have everything you need to play the game. If that succeeds, you're read.

The final step is to run make (make all also works).
