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Sparklet Z (rewrite v3)

"Learn something new..."


This is a rewrite (again) of Sparklet. The original kinda sucked, and the first rewrite, known as SparkletX(/Y...?) had a lot of tech debt built up over years of learning TypeScript and Bootstrap and messing with different build tools and databases. This rewrite is meant to be a fresh start, where I'll still be learning new stuff (Vue and actix-web) while also making something that is actually nice to work on and doesn't cause me to spend 20 minutes looking through type definitions and other crap just to wrap my head around what's wrong.

You can think of Sparklet as a sort of personal website where I host software experiments and similar projects. It's also hopefully going to at some point have those educational tools I promised in SparkletX. Best of all, the site is 100% freeware (no greedy subscription plans), and the backend is also completely open-source.


Feel free to make pull requests, but your code has to be readable and not have any major security vulnerabilities or performance issues.

Also, please split up your contributions into separate pull requests so I can accept one but still put another feature on hold if it has issues.


Check the readme inside the vue-app folder for frontend stuff. The backend is fairly obvious; just compile and run with cargo run (or cargo watch -x run). If you're running the full stack locally, it'll be on port 5001. If you're just running the Vite dev server, it'll be on the default port of 5173.