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Fixed predicate compilation, when one column is a substring of another
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bendlas committed Aug 15, 2011
1 parent 3b5eadf commit 4d323eb
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Showing 2 changed files with 56 additions and 46 deletions.
92 changes: 46 additions & 46 deletions src/clojureql/predicates.clj
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
(ns clojureql.predicates
(:require [clojure.set :as set] )
(:use clojureql.internal
[clojure.string :only [join] :rename {join join-str}]))

(defn sanitize [expression]
"Returns all values from an expression"
(reduce #(if (coll? %2)
(into %1 %2)
(conj %1 %2)) [] (remove keyword? expression)))
(concat %1 %2)
(concat %1 [%2])) [] (remove keyword? expression)))

(defn parameterize [expression]
"Replace all values with questionmarks in an expression"
Expand All @@ -24,73 +25,74 @@

(defrecord APredicate [stmt env cols]
(toString [this] (apply str stmt))
(toString [this] (apply str (flatten stmt)))
(sql-or [this exprs]
(if (empty? (-> exprs first :stmt))
(assoc this
:stmt (map str exprs)
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:stmt (mapcat :stmt exprs)
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (mapcat :env exprs))
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (str "(" (join-str " OR " exprs) ")"))
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (into env (mapcat :env exprs)))))
:stmt (list stmt "(" (interpose " OR " (map :stmt exprs)) ")")
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (concat env (mapcat :env exprs)))))
(sql-and [this exprs]
(if (empty? (-> exprs first :stmt))
(assoc this
:stmt (map str exprs)
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:stmt (mapcat :stmt exprs)
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (mapcat :env exprs))
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (str "(" (join-str " AND " exprs) ")"))
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (into env (mapcat :env exprs)))))
:stmt (list stmt "(" (interpose " AND " (map :stmt exprs)) ")")
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols exprs))
:env (concat env (mapcat :env exprs)))))
(sql-not [this expr]
(if (empty? (-> expr first :stmt))
(assoc this
:stmt (map str expr)
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols expr))
:stmt (mapcat :stmt expr)
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols expr))
:env (mapcat :env expr))
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (str "NOT(" (join-str expr) ")"))
:cols (into (or cols []) (mapcat :cols expr))
:env (into env (mapcat :env expr)))))
:stmt (list stmt "NOT(" (map :stmt expr) ")")
:cols (concat (or cols '()) (mapcat :cols expr))
:env (concat env (mapcat :env expr)))))
(spec-op [this expr]
(let [[op p1 p2] expr]
(every? nil? (rest expr))
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt "(NULL " op " NULL)")
:stmt (list stmt "(NULL " op " NULL)")
:env env)
(nil? p1)
(.spec-op this [op p2 p1])
(nil? p2)
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (str "(" (name p1) " " op " NULL)"))
:cols (into (or cols []) (filter keyword? [p1 p2]))
:env [])
:stmt (list stmt "(" (name p1) " " op " NULL)")
:cols (concat (or cols []) (filter keyword? [p1 p2]))
:env '())
(infix this "=" (rest expr)))))
(infix [this op expr]
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (format "(%s)"
(join-str (format " %s " (upper-name op))
(parameterize expr))))
:stmt (list stmt "(" (interpose (str \space (upper-name op) \space)
(parameterize expr))
:cols (filter keyword? expr)
:env (into env (sanitize expr))))
:env (concat env (sanitize expr))))
(prefix [this op field expr]
(assoc this
:stmt (conj stmt (format "%s %s (%s)"
(nskeyword field)
(upper-name op)
(->> (if (coll? (first expr))
(first expr)
(join-str ","))))
:cols [field]
:env (into env (sanitize expr)))))
:stmt (list stmt
(nskeyword field) \space
(upper-name op) \space
"(" (->> (if (coll? (first expr))
(first expr)
(interpose ","))
:cols (list field)
:env (concat env (sanitize expr)))))

(defn predicate
([] (predicate [] []))
Expand All @@ -104,24 +106,22 @@
[p1 p2]
(if (and (nil? (:env p1)) (nil? (:stmt p1)))
(predicate (join-str " AND " [p1 p2])
(predicate (list (:stmt p1) " AND " (:stmt p2))
(mapcat :env [p1 p2])
(mapcat :cols [p1 p2]))))

(defn qualify-predicate
[this pred]
(let [tname (to-tablename (:tname this))
{:keys [stmt env cols]} pred
aggregates (find-aggregates this)]
aggregates (set (map nskeyword (find-aggregates this)))
colnames (set (remove #(.contains % ".")
(map nskeyword cols)))
qualify? (set/difference colnames aggregates)]
(reduce #(let [colname (nskeyword %2)]
(.replaceAll %1 colname
(if (some (fn [i] (= colname (nskeyword i))) aggregates)
(if (.contains colname ".")
(str (to-tablealias (:tname this)) \. colname)))))
(str pred) (set cols))
(map #(if (qualify? %) (str (to-tablealias (:tname this))
\. %) %)
(flatten stmt))

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/clojureql/test/predicates.clj
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:like [:x "joh%"] "(x LIKE ?)"
"like" [:x "joh%"] "(x LIKE ?)"))

(deftest qualify
(is (= (qualify-predicate
{:tname :table}
(predicate ["tablefield" "field"] [] [:tablefield :field]))
(predicate ["table.tablefield" "table.field"] [] [:tablefield :field])))
(is (= (str (qualify-predicate
{:tname :new}
(predicate ["nonew" "=" "no" \space "menno"] [] [:newnew :no :menno])))
" new.menno")))

(deftest test-compile-expr
(are [expression result] (= result ((juxt str :env) expression))
(=* :id 5)
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