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File metadata and controls

313 lines (264 loc) · 21.5 KB


This Laserfiche API SDK is auto-generated by Swagger-Codegen v3.

You can find the PyPi page for this project here.


Build info

The Laserfiche API has been built to work with OpenAPI 3.0.0. Because of this, swagger-codegen v3 must be used.

The script under the API_GEN folder will spin up a Docker container running swagger-codegen-cli-v3 and export the laserfiche_api SDK to a folder with the same name.

If the resulting SDK files are pushed to their own PyPi repo, they can be installed with:

pip install laserfiche-api

You can also manually install via setuptools:

python install --user

*** Auto-generated laserfiche-api documentation ***

The following documentation is auto-generated by Swagger-Codegen.


Welcome to the Laserfiche API Swagger Playground. You can try out any of our API calls against your live Laserfiche Cloud account. Visit the developer center for more details: <a href="\">

Visit the changelog for the list of changes: <a href="/repository/v2/changelog">/repository/v2/changelog

Build# : 41a7347c0662989661d7ab8105a70d36cb42518e_.20240124.4

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2
  • Package version: 1.1.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import laserfiche_api 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import laserfiche_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import laserfiche_api
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow
configuration = laserfiche_api.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = laserfiche_api.AttributesApi(laserfiche_api.ApiClient(configuration))
repository_id = 'repository_id_example' # str | The requested repository ID.
attribute_key = 'attribute_key_example' # str | The requested attribute key.
everyone = false # bool | Indicates if attributes associated with the \"Everyone\" group or the currently authenticated user is returned. The default value is false. (optional) (default to false)

    # Returns an attribute object associated with the authenticated user.
    api_response = api_instance.get_attribute(repository_id, attribute_key, everyone=everyone)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AttributesApi->get_attribute: %s\n" % e)

# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow
configuration = laserfiche_api.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = laserfiche_api.AttributesApi(laserfiche_api.ApiClient(configuration))
repository_id = 'repository_id_example' # str | The requested repository ID.
everyone = false # bool | Indicates if attributes associated with the \"Everyone\" group or the currently authenticated user is returned. The default value is false. (optional) (default to false)
prefer = 'prefer_example' # str | An optional OData header. Can be used to set the maximum page size using odata.maxpagesize. (optional)
select = 'select_example' # str | Limits the properties returned in the result. (optional)
orderby = 'orderby_example' # str | Specifies the order in which items are returned. The maximum number of expressions is 5. (optional)
top = 56 # int | Limits the number of items returned from a collection. (optional)
skip = 56 # int | Excludes the specified number of items of the queried collection from the result. (optional)
count = true # bool | Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result. (optional)

    # Returns the attribute key value pairs associated with the authenticated user.
    api_response = api_instance.list_attributes(repository_id, everyone=everyone, prefer=prefer, select=select, orderby=orderby, top=top, skip=skip, count=count)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling AttributesApi->list_attributes: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AttributesApi get_attribute GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Attributes/{attributeKey} Returns an attribute object associated with the authenticated user.
AttributesApi list_attributes GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Attributes Returns the attribute key value pairs associated with the authenticated user.
AuditReasonsApi list_audit_reasons GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/AuditReasons Returns the audit reasons associated with the authenticated user.
EntriesApi copy_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/Copy Copies a new child entry in a folder.
EntriesApi create_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/Children Creates a new child entry in a folder.
EntriesApi create_multipart_upload_urls POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/CreateMultipartUploadUrls Requests Upload URLs to upload a large file in chunks.
EntriesApi delete_electronic_document DELETE /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Document/Edoc Deletes the edoc associated with an entry.
EntriesApi delete_pages DELETE /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Document/Pages Deletes the pages associated with an entry.
EntriesApi export_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Export Exports an entry.
EntriesApi get_entry GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId} Returns a single entry object.
EntriesApi get_entry_by_path GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/ByPath Returns a single entry object using the entry path.
EntriesApi import_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/Import Imports a file into a folder (max length: 100 MB).
EntriesApi list_dynamic_field_values POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Fields/GetDynamicFieldLogicValue Returns the dynamic field logic values assigned to an entry.
EntriesApi list_entries GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/Children Returns the children entries of a folder.
EntriesApi list_fields GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Fields Returns the fields assigned to an entry.
EntriesApi list_links GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Links Returns the links assigned to an entry.
EntriesApi list_tags GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Tags Returns the tags assigned to an entry.
EntriesApi remove_template DELETE /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Template Removes the currently assigned template from an entry.
EntriesApi set_fields PUT /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Fields Updates the field values assigned to an entry.
EntriesApi set_links PUT /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Links Assigns links to an entry.
EntriesApi set_tags PUT /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Tags Assigns tags to an entry.
EntriesApi set_template PUT /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Template Assigns a template to an entry.
EntriesApi start_copy_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/CopyAsync Starts an asynchronous copy task to copy an entry into a folder.
EntriesApi start_delete_entry DELETE /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId} Starts an asynchronous delete task to delete an entry.
EntriesApi start_export_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/ExportAsync Starts an asynchronous export task to export an entry.
EntriesApi start_import_uploaded_parts POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId}/Folder/ImportUploadedParts Starts an asynchronous import task to import a document into a folder.
EntriesApi update_entry PATCH /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Entries/{entryId} Update an entry. (Move and/or Rename)
FieldDefinitionsApi get_field_definition GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FieldDefinitions/{fieldId} Returns a single field definition object.
FieldDefinitionsApi list_field_definitions GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/FieldDefinitions Returns the paged listing of the field definitions available in a repository.
LinkDefinitionsApi get_link_definition GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/LinkDefinitions/{linkDefinitionId} Returns a single link definition object.
LinkDefinitionsApi list_link_definitions GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/LinkDefinitions Returns the link definitions associated with a repository.
RepositoriesApi list_repositories GET /v2/Repositories Returns the list of repositories accessible to the user.
SearchesApi list_search_context_hits GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Searches/{taskId}/Results/{rowNumber}/ContextHits Returns the context hits associated with a search result entry.
SearchesApi list_search_results GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Searches/{taskId}/Results Returns the results listing associated with a search task.
SearchesApi start_search_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Searches/SearchAsync Starts an asynchronous search task.
SimpleSearchesApi search_entry POST /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/SimpleSearches Runs a &quot;simple&quot; search operation.
TagDefinitionsApi get_tag_definition GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TagDefinitions/{tagId} Returns a single tag definition object.
TagDefinitionsApi list_tag_definitions GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TagDefinitions Returns the tag definitions associated with a repository.
TasksApi cancel_tasks DELETE /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Tasks Starts the cancellation for a set of one or more tasks.
TasksApi list_tasks GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/Tasks Returns the status of a set of one or more tasks.
TemplateDefinitionsApi get_template_definition GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TemplateDefinitions/{templateId} Returns a single template definition object.
TemplateDefinitionsApi list_template_definitions GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TemplateDefinitions Returns the template definitions associated with a repository.
TemplateDefinitionsApi list_template_field_definitions_by_template_id GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TemplateDefinitions/{templateId}/FieldDefinitions Returns the field definitions assigned to a template definition (by template definition ID).
TemplateDefinitionsApi list_template_field_definitions_by_template_name GET /v2/Repositories/{repositoryId}/TemplateDefinitions/FieldDefinitions Returns the field definitions assigned to a template definition (by template definition name).

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow

  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • repository.Read: Allows the app to read the content of Laserfiche repositories on behalf of the signed-in user.
  • repository.Write: Allows the app to modify the content of Laserfiche repositories on behalf of the signed-in user.
