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Ant - Quick Start Guide (C++)

There are three main concept in the Ant.

1- Agent

A group of agents!

Agents are mobile units in the Ant. They are just simple circles which can move or collide with other agents and obstacles. each agent has a bunch of properties such as radius, location, speed and so on.

You can create an agent like this:

// Ant is a world subsystem. 
auto *Ant = GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<UAntSubsystem>();

// Add a new agent to the Ant.
Ant->AddAgent(AgnetLocation, AgentRadius, AgentFaceAngle, AgentFlag);

or alter its properties right after adding it:

// Add a new agent to the Ant and keep its handle.
const auto AgentHandle = Ant->AddAgent(AgnetLocation, AgentRadius, AgentFaceAngle, AgentFlag);

// access the agent data using its handle and change its property
Ant->GetMutableAgentData(AgentHandle).TurnRate = 0.3f;

Note: each object inside the Ant has e unique handle and you should keep it somewhere for later access.

Removing an agent is easy as adding it:

// Remove an agent by its handle


As we said, agents are mobile units so we can move them! to move an agent we have several choices, first and simplest of which is moving by preferred velocity like this:

// Move an agent by the given velocity
Ant->GetMutableAgentData(AgentHandle).PreferredVelocity = {10.f, 0.f};

For higher-level scenarios we can use a path which is simply an array of consecutive points. to find a path from a location to another location we have several choices. if you are using UE's default navigation system, you can query the path by UNavigationSystem. there are some sample code about this inside the RTSUnits sample. We assume we have e nice path and lets see how to move an agent through the path. its easy!

// move the agent toward the path
Ant->MoveAgentTo(AgentHandle, PathPoints, MaxSpeed, TargetRadius, PathPointsRadius);

Move by path

  • Red circle is the agent
  • Blue circles are the path points
  • Cyan circle is the target with its radius
  • Purple line is the path

To handle and get notify about movement events just make sure you bind to each of this delegates:

// Will be called whenever an agent reached its target location.
FOnAntEvents OnMovementGoalReached;

// Will be called whenever an agent reached its missing velocity threshold.
FOnAntEvents OnMovementMissingVelocity;

// Will be called whenever an in-progress movement get canceled by user itself or whenever its followee agent is not valid anymore.
FOnAntEvents OnMovementCanceled;

Agents can also follow each-other but there is no path finding or obstacle avoidance this way. checkCircleSurvivorssample for more info:

// follow another agent
Ant->FollowAgent(FollowerAgentHandle, FolloweeAgentHandle, MaxSpeed, FolloweeRadius);

Follow agent

some of the movement properties are editable during movement such as MaxSpeed or TargetRadius. just make sure there is an in-progress movement on the agent.

// edit movement data of the given agent.
if (Ant->IsValidMovement(AgentHandle))
	Ant->GetMutableAgentMovement(AgentHandle).TargetRadius = 30;

or cancel/remove an in-progress movement:

// cancel the movement

Ant also supports corridor! to move the agents along a corridor we have to prepare some data beforehand such as path portals and portal alpha per agent. we also utilize NavCorridor plugin during the process.

// Get lerp alpha used by the path portals
void GetCorridorPortalAlpha(const TArray<FVector> &SourceLocations, const FVector &DestLocation, TArray<float> &ResultAlpha);

// Adjust raw path by the given portals
void AdjustPathByPortal(const TArray<FNavCorridorPortal> &Portals, float PortalAlpha, TArray<FVector> &ResultPath);


For a working sample check RTSUnits. If you have a big flat map without any obstacle and corridor, you can fully ignore this feature.


  • Adding/Removing agents are very optimized in the Ant, so don't worry about add or remove a bunch of them in a single frame!
  • Agents will go to sleep whenever there is no active movement or collision. sleep/idle agents have very little CPU overhead.
  • Most of the collision and movement algorithms are implemented multi-threaded and are parallel, this way Ant is able to utilize CPU power and handle a large number of the agents on gaming CPUs.

2- Obstacle


An obstacle is an array of line segments. they are static/stationary units in the Ant. their main task is to prevent the agents from passing trough. walls, doors, buildings are all examples of obstacles. You can create an obstacle like this:

// Ant is a world subsystem. 
auto *Ant = GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<UAntSubsystem>();

// Add a new obstacle to the Ant.
Ant->AddObstacle(SegmentStart, SegmentEnd, Flags);

There are a bunch of overload for this function to adding more complex shapes such as polygons. You can also remove an obstacle just like agents:

// Remove an obstacle by its handle


  • Adding/Removing obstacles are very optimized in the Ant, so don't worry about add or remove a bunch of them in a single frame!
  • An obstacle in any form and shape is not a solid shape. they are just line segments.

3- Query


Finding enemies around towers, attacking close units or even selecting units on the screen are all uses of the query. Ant uses a grid as its underlying spatial partitioning system. queries are all proceed through this grid. There are a plenty of shapes which are supported for queries. also an asynchronous version is available which works best when you have a large number of query per frame! Synchronous queries will give you the result just right after calling:

// Ant is a world subsystem. 
auto *Ant = GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<UAntSubsystem>();

TArray<FAntContactInfo> QueryResult;
Ant->QueryPoint(QueryCenter, QueryRadius, Flags, QueryResult);

// iterate over query result
for (const auto &ContactInfo : QueryResult)
	// TODO

Result of the asynchronous versions will be ready at the next frame:

// we can query close enemies around our hero by attach a point query on its agent
// we can also use normal query but async queries are much more efficent
EnemyQuery = Ant->QueryPointAttachedAsync(HeroAgentHandle, AttackRange, EnemyFlag, AttackCooldown);

// bind for query result
Ant->OnQueryFinished.AddUObject(this, &ACircleSurvivors::OnEnemyInRange);


For debugging purpose there is a built-in AntDebugDraw command with a number parameter between 0 to 4 to visualize what's going on!


Thorough stat Ant, you are able to see some usefull stats at runtime.

Render Integration

Ant is able to integrate with any form of rendering. if you need to render a large number (+100) of the agents with animations, UE's Skeletal mesh component won't help you much because of its poor performance! there are other options such as Instanced Static Mesh Component (which we used in our samples) or evenNiagara.

// setup ISMC
void ARTSUnits::SetupInstancedMeshComp()
	// initialize instanced static mesh components
	InstancedMeshComp = NewObject<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>();

then in the Tick() function you can render the agents

void ARTSUnits::RenderUnits()
	// Ant is a world subsystem
	auto *antSubsysem = GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<UAntSubsystem>();

	// clear all instances

	// iterate over agents
	for (const auto &agent : antSubsysem->GetUnderlyingAgentsList())
		const FVector center(agent.GetLocationLerped());
		InstancedMeshComp->AddInstance(FTransform(FRotator::ZeroRotator, center, FVector::One()));