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API docs

The rails server exposes a JSON API. All API endpoints are prefixed by /api/v1.


GET /locations/countries

Lists all locations that are countries

Query parameters

  • topojson - if present, the location's topojson structure will be sent with the object.

GET /locations/regions

Lists all locations that are regions

Query parameters

  • topojson - if present, the location's topojson structure will be sent with the object.

World Bank Demographic data (WB Extra)

GET /wb_extra

Retrives World Bank demographic information (population and gdp) per country, per year.

Query parameters

  • startYear
  • endYear


Collection is serialized as an object with country codes as keys.

GET /wb_extra/:iso

Retrives World Bank demographic information (population and gdp) per country, per year.

Query parameters

  • startYear - show results from this year onwards
  • endYear - show results up to this year

Historical Emissions

GET /emissions/meta

Retrieves metadata of the historical emissions dataset. This metadata is the list of data_sources, sectors, gases, locations and gwps. All these parameters are filters in the /emissions endpoint


Collection is serialized as an object with the metadata entity as key.

GET /emissions

Retrieves time series data for historical emissions.

Query parameters

  • source - emission data source id (cait, pik, wb)
  • gas - emission gas id
  • sector - emission sector id
  • gwp - emission gwp id
  • location - location iso3 code
  • date_after - show results from this year onwards
  • date_before - show results up to this year

Note: all these parameters accept multiple values, separated by commas.


source query parameter is mandatory, together with at least one of location, sector or gas.

NDCs (texts)

GET /ndcs/text

Lists all known NDC texts

Query parameters

  • query - Free text search (lists snippets)

The following parameters can be used to search sdg linkages' snippets of text (lists snippets in the original text).

  • target - NdcSdg target number
  • goal - NdcSdg goal number
  • sector - NdcSdg sector number

GET /ndcs/:iso/text

Shows NDC texts for the country given by the :iso parameter

Query parameters

  • query - Free text search (highlights snippets in the original text)

The following parameters can be used to search and highlight sdg linkages' snippets of text

  • target - NdcSdg target number
  • goal - NdcSdg goal number
  • sector - NdcSdg sector number

NDCs (SDG linkages)

GET /ndcs/sdgs

Shows the relations between all SDG metadata (targets, goals and sectors)


Collection is serialized as an object with the metadata entity as key

GET /ndcs/:iso/sdgs

Shows linkage data for the given country code.

GET /ndcs/sdgs_overview

Shows an overview of linkage data to meet specific front-end requirements.

NDCs (indicators)

GET /ndcs

Lists NDC indicator information

Query parameters

  • filter - Filter by category type (global, overview, map)

  • category - Filter by global category name

  • location - Filter by location iso code3. Accepts multiple values separated by commas.


Collection is serialized as an object with embedded metadata (categories and sectors keys). NDC data is inside the indicators key, where the collection is again an object with country iso codes as keys.

GET /ndcs/:iso/content_overview

Shows an overview of the given country's indicators, tailored to meet specific frontend needs.


GET /adaptations

Lists adaptation indicator data

Query parameters

  • location - Filter by location iso code3. Accepts multiple values separated by commas.


GET /quantifications

Lists quantification data, representing NDC emissions targets.

Query parameters

  • location - Filter by location iso code3. Accepts multiple values separated by commas.


GET /socioeconomics/:iso

Shows socioeconomic data for the given location iso code.


GET /metadata/acronyms

Lists all acronyms from the metadata dataset

GET /metadata

Lists all attribution data from the metadata dataset

GET /metadata/:source

Shows the attribution data for the given source


GET /timeline

Lists all timeline data

GET /timeline/:iso

Shows timeline data for the given location iso code


GET /stories

Query parameters

  • limit

My Climate Watch (Users)

GET my_cw/user

Shows the current user's information

POST my_cw/users

Creates a new user in CW and links it to the Control Tower user

Query parameters

  • user[ct_id] - The ID from Control Tower

My Climate Watch (User Stories)

All these requests expects a header to identify the user, returning a 401 error if not provided.

GET my_cw/user_stories

Lists all the stories of the current user

GET my_cw/user_stories/:id

Shows the story with the given id (as long as it belongs to the user, otherwise it returns 403)

POST my_cw/user_stories

Returns a json with the created story if successfully created or 422 if there was an error (and the reason for failing)

Query Params

  • title (string) MANDATORY - The title of the story

  • body (json) - The body of the story

  • public (boolean) - The privacy of the story

PUT my_cw/user_stories/:id

Returns a json with the updated story if successfully created or 422 if there was an error (and the reason for failing) or 401 if the user doesn't have permission to edit the story

Query Params

  • user_story[title] (string) MANDATORY - The title of the story

  • user_story[body] (json) - The body of the story

  • user_story[public] (boolean) - The privacy of the story

DELETE my_cw/user_stories/:id

Removes the story and returns 200 if it worked or 401 if the user doesn't have permission to delete the story

My Climate Watch (Visualizations )

All these requests expects a header to identify the user, returning a 401 error if not provided.

GET my_cw/visualizations

List all the visualizations of the current user

GET my_cw/visualizations/:id

Shows the visualization with the given id (as long as it belongs to the user, otherwise it returns 403)

POST my_cw/visualizations

Returns a json with the created visualization if successfully created or 422 if there was an error (and the reason for failing)

Query Params

  • visualization[title] (string) MANDATORY - The title of the visualization

  • visualization[description] (text) - The description of the visualization

  • visualization[json_body] (json) - The body of the visualization

PUT my_cw/visualizations/:id

Returns a json with the updated visualization if successfully created or 422 if there was an error (and the reason for failing) or 401 if the user doesn't have permission to edit the story

Query Params

  • visualization[title] (string) MANDATORY - The title of the visualization

  • visualization[description] (text) - The description of the visualization

  • visualization[json_body] (json) - The body of the visualization

DELETE my_cw/visualizations/:id

Removes the visualization and returns 200 if it worked or 401 if the user doesn't have permission to delete the story