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Variant Effect Prediction.

To pretrain a model you need to follow the steps:

  1. Download GRCH38 from (3.1G)
  2. Run in ./data/. Sequence length [1k, 5k, 10k, 20k] and numbers(200k) are required. You need to load two data files, hg38.fa and chromosomes.csv, for this task.
  3. Run with the generated data. Configurations of different lengths shall be changed accordingly in config.yaml.

To fine-tune a pretrained model, you need to:

  1. Run in ./data/ to save data. The sequence length is required. A total of 97,922 sequence will be extracted. ve_df.csv needs to be loaded.
  2. Run to load the pretrained model under the folder ./Pretrained_models/ and train SwanDNA.

Experimental Results

lengths SwanDNA w/o Enformer DeepSEA Nystromformer Linformer Transformer Mega S4
1kbp 70.74 64.13 52.93 70.86 62.5 52.93 71.48 69.26
5kbp 71.04 / 70.23 59.68 52.93 56.60 65.80
10kbp 71.61 / 69.12 60.05 / 51.98 62.13
20kbp 71.90 / 50.00 50.00 / 50.01 52.21

OCRs prediciton in plants.

To pretrain a model you need to follow the steps:

  1. Download reference genome files from
  2. Run plant_download.ipynb in ./data/plant_data/to download training data.
  3. Run in ./data/plant_generate/ to save data. The sequence length is required.
  4. Run with the generated data. Configurations of different lengths shall be changed accordingly in config_plant.yaml.

To fine-tune a pretrained model, you need to:

  1. Run in ./data/plant_generate/ to generate data. The plant name is required.
  2. Run to load the pretrained model under the folder ./Pretrained_models/ and train SwanDNA.

Experimental Results

Plant A.thaliana B.distachyon O.sativa-MH O.sativa-ZS S.bicolor S.italica Z.mays
Number of OCR labels 19 9 15 15 14 9 19
DeepSEA 92.02 92.88 92.95 92.19 96.24 94.04 96.64
Nystromformer 89.22 90.86 89.08 88.10 94.50 91.61 90.74
Linformer 70.56 83.50 79.28 80.43 87.30 84.64 80.82
Transformer 64.96 82.53 78.79 78.62 85.15 84.24 63.02
Mega 85.37 88.68 85.43 85.51 91.99 88.41 84.74
S4 85.82 90.70 88.30 87.84 93.95 90.84 92.87
SwanDNA w/o 92.09 93.15 92.85 92.15 96.32 93.98 96.64
SwanDNA w/ (1kbp) 92.24 93.57 93.42 92.81 96.41 94.33 97.07
SwanDNA w/ (10kbp) 92.45 93.77 93.70 93.11 96.74 94.71 97.21
SwanDNA w/ (50kbp) 92.81 93.79 93.83 93.28 96.68 94.79 97.31
SwanDNA w/ (100kbp) 93.22 94.10 93.99 93.56 96.88 95.08 97.32

Public Benchmark: GenomicBechmarks.

To pretrain a model you need to follow the steps:

  1. Download GRCH38 from (3.1G)
  2. Run in ./data/. Sequence length (100k) and numbers (200k) are required.
  3. Run with the generated data. Configurations of different lengths shall be changed accordingly in config_gb.yaml. The hyperparameters of pretraining is in supplementaty document.

To fine-tune a pretrained model and conduct classification of GenomicBenchmarks, you need to:

  1. run in ./data/ to download the datasets. You need to install the bechmark using pip install genomic-benchmarks. The details of the datasets are shown in the table below. More details can be found in their github,
Dataset Length Range Median Train Num Test Num Classes
Mouse Enhancers 331-4776 2381 1210 242 2
Coding vs Intergenomic 200 / 75000 25000 2
Human vs Worm 200 / 75000 25000 2
Human Enhancers Cohn 500 500 20843 6948 2
Human Enhancers Ensembl 2-573 269 123872 30970 2
Human Regulatory 71-802 401 231348 57713 3
Human Nontata Promoters 251 / 27097 9034 2
Human OCR Ensembl 71-593 315 139804 34952 2
  1. Run to load the pretrained model under the folder Pretrained_models/ and train SwanDNA. More specifically, you need firstly to choose a task name from the list below.
task_names = [

Then, specify the task in the main function. The following example shows how to run human_ocr_ensembl: classify_main(cfg, "human_ocr_ensembl") The optimal hyperparameters for each dataset are fixed in config_gb.yaml. You can also refer to the supplementary document.

Experimental Results

Dataset CNN Transformer HyenaDNA SwanDNA
Mouse Enhancers 69.0 80.1 84.3 85.95
Coding vs Intergenomic 87.6 88.8 87.6 92.85
Human vs Worm 93.0 95.6 96.5 96.65
Human Enhancers Cohn 69.5 70.5 73.8 73.97
Human Enhancers Ensmbl 68.9 83.5 89.2 90.32
Human Regulatory 93.3 91.5 93.8 94.04
Human Nontata Promoters 84.6 87.7 96.6 97.62
Human OCR Ensembl 68.0 73.0 80.9 77.52
Average 79.2 83.8 87.8 88.62