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ZkAction en2

Leksiqq edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 1 revision

Attention! This article, as well as this announcement, are automatically translated from Russian.

ZkAction enum

The elements correspond to options for updating data in ZooKeeper.


  • Replase - if there is a given subtree in ZooKeeper, it is completely replaced with a new one, otherwise it is created. If the passed value of any node is null, the node is ignored.

  • Update - for each node of the given Json object the following is performed:

  1. if this node is terminal and is present in ZooKeeper, and the passed value is not null - its value is updated;
  2. if this node is present in ZooKeeper, and the passed value is null - the node is deleted;
  3. if this node is not in ZooKeeper, the exception org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException is raised.
  4. if this node is an array, an exception ZkJsonException is raised with HResult == ZkJsonException.CannotUpdateArray.

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