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tictactoe banner

week0 - Search


According to the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, anyone in the Hollywood film industry can be connected to Kevin Bacon within six steps, where each step consists of finding a film that two actors both starred in.

In this problem, we’re interested in finding the shortest path between any two actors by choosing a sequence of movies that connects them. For example, the shortest path between Jennifer Lawrence and Tom Hanks is 2: Jennifer Lawrence is connected to Kevin Bacon by both starring in “X-Men: First Class,” and Kevin Bacon is connected to Tom Hanks by both starring in “Apollo 13.”

We can frame this as a search problem: our states are people. Our actions are movies, which take us from one actor to another (it’s true that a movie could take us to multiple different actors, but that’s okay for this problem). Our initial state and goal state are defined by the two people we’re trying to connect. By using breadth-first search, we can find the shortest path from one actor to another.


The distribution code contains two sets of CSV data files:

  • It uses BFS or DFS.
  • one set in the large directory
  • one set in the small directory. Each contains files with the same names, and the same structure, but small is a much smaller dataset for ease of testing and experimentation.

How to start

Go into the directory "degrees"

$ cd week0/degrees/

If you want to run the small dataset

$ python3 small

If you want to run the large dataset

$ python3 large

Now enter two different actor names to find the degree of separation.

Open up small/people.csv or large/people.csv to see which actors are available for your curent set.


Loading data...
Data loaded.
Name: Doris Day
Name: Federico Fellini
Explored Steps: 1801
3 degrees of separation.
1: Doris Day and Clint Eastwood starred in Don't Pave Main Street: Carmel's Heritage
2: Clint Eastwood and Bernardo Bertolucci starred in Kurosawa's Way
3: Bernardo Bertolucci and Federico Fellini starred in Bellissimo: Immagini del cinema italiano


Using Minimax, implement an AI to play Tic-Tac-Toe optimally.

Getting Started

Once in the directory for the project, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install the required Python package (pygame) for this project.

How to start:

Go into the directory "degrees"

$ cd week0/degrees/

To run the game run:

$ python3


Menu Ingame
tictactoe menu tictactoe game
  • You can choose to play as X (first move) or as O (second move).
  • You play by clicking on one of the squares.

week1 - Knowledge


In a Knights and Knaves puzzle, the following information is given: Each character is either a knight or a knave. A knight will always tell the truth: if knight states a sentence, then that sentence is true. Conversely, a knave will always lie: if a knave states a sentence, then that sentence is false.

The objective of the puzzle is, given a set of sentences spoken by each of the characters, determine, for each character, whether that character is a knight or a knave.

For example, consider a simple puzzle with just a single character named A. A says “I am both a knight and a knave.”

Logically, we might reason that if A were a knight, then that sentence would have to be true. But we know that the sentence cannot possibly be true, because A cannot be both a knight and a knave – we know that each character is either a knight or a knave, but not both. So, we could conclude, A must be a knave.

How to start:

Go into the directory "knights"

$ cd week1/knights/

To run the game:

$ python3


Puzzle 0
    A is a Knave
Puzzle 1
    A is a Knave
    B is a Knight
Puzzle 2
    A is a Knave
    B is a Knight
Puzzle 3
    A is a Knight
    B is a Knave
    C is a Knight


Minesweeper is a puzzle game that consists of a grid of cells, where some of the cells contain hidden “mines.” Clicking on a cell that contains a mine detonates the mine, and causes the user to lose the game. Clicking on a “safe” cell (i.e., a cell that does not contain a mine) reveals a number that indicates how many neighboring cells – where a neighbor is a cell that is one square to the left, right, up, down, or diagonal from the given cell – contain a mine.

Getting Started

Once in the directory for the project, run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install the required Python package (pygame) for this project.

How to start:

Go into the directory "minesweeper"

$ cd week1/minesweeper/

How to run the game:

$ python3


Menu Ingame
tictactoe menu tictactoe game
  • AI Solo is a game mode where the AI is playing on it's own.
  • AI Move is one single move played by the AI.
  • Reset will will reset the game board.
  • You can also play on your won and get help by the AI by using AI Move.

week2 - Uncertainty


Mutations in the GJB2 gene can cause hearing impairment in newborns. People carry two versions of this gene and can have 0, 1, or 2 copies of the mutated version, which is not always obvious without genetic testing. The number of mutated copies is a hidden state that can affect hearing impairment, but not everyone with mutated copies will exhibit the impairment.

Children inherit one copy of the GJB2 gene from each parent. If a parent has two copies of the mutated gene, the child will have it too. If the parent has no copies, the child won't have it. If the parent has one copy, the child has a 50% chance of inheriting it. The gene can also mutate further and change the likelihood of hearing impairment.

Each family member has a Gene variable (0, 1, or 2 copies) and a Trait variable (yes or no for hearing impairment). Genes affect the probability of having a particular trait, and the child's genes depend on the genes of their parents.

How to start:

Go into the directory "heredity"

$ cd week2/heredity/

How to run it:

Smallest dataset

$ python3 data/family0.csv

Medium dataset

$ python3 data/family1.csv

Biggest dataset

$ python3 data/family2.csv


    2: 0.0147
    1: 0.0344
    0: 0.9509
    True: 0.0000
    False: 1.0000
    2: 0.0608
    1: 0.1203
    0: 0.8189
    True: 0.0000
    False: 1.0000
    2: 0.0404
    1: 0.0744
    0: 0.8852
    True: 0.0768
    False: 0.9232
  • Gene represents the probability of how likely it is two have how many genes.
  • Trait shows the probabilty of having the disease.


In PageRank’s algorithm, a website is more important if it is linked to by other important websites, and links from less important websites have their links weighted less. This definition seems a bit circular, but it turns out that there are multiple strategies for calculating these rankings.

Different ways to achieve the page rank

  • Random Surfer Model
    • One way to think about PageRank is with the random surfer model, which considers the behavior of a hypothetical surfer on the internet who clicks on links at random.
  • Iterative Algorithm
    • We can also define a page’s PageRank using a recursive mathematical expression.

How to start:

Go into the directory "pagerank"

$ cd week2/pagerank/

How to run it:

Smallest dataset

$ python3 corpus0

Medium dataset

$ python3 corpus1

Biggest dataset

$ python3 corpus2


PageRank Results from Sampling (n = 10000)
  ai.html: 0.2006
  algorithms.html: 0.1070
  c.html: 0.1155
  inference.html: 0.1388
  logic.html: 0.0282
  programming.html: 0.2173
  python.html: 0.1197
  recursion.html: 0.0729
PageRank Results from Iteration
  ai.html: 0.1747
  algorithms.html: 0.0978
  c.html: 0.1108
  inference.html: 0.1197
  logic.html: 0.0257
  programming.html: 0.2066
  python.html: 0.1108
  recursion.html: 0.0673
  • The numbers beding the pages are the transition probabilities. They represent how likely it is that the page will be visited.

week3 - Optimization


How might you go about generating a crossword puzzle?

Given the structure of a crossword puzzle (i.e., which squares of the grid are meant to be filled in with a letter), and a list of words to use, the problem becomes one of choosing which words should go in each vertical or horizontal sequence of squares.

We can model this sort of problem as a constraint satisfaction problem. Each sequence of squares is one variable, for which we need to decide on its value (which word in the domain of possible words will fill in that sequence).

How to start:

Go into the directory "crossword"

$ cd week2/crossword/

How to run it:

Smallest crossword

$ python3 data/structure0.txt data/words0.txt output0.png

Medium crossword

$ python3 data/structure1.txt data/words1.txt output1.png

Biggest crossword

$ python3 data/structure2.txt data/words2.txt output2.png
  • You can mix up the structure text file and the word text file like data/structure1.txt data/words2.txt
  • output.png creates a png with the solution.
    • Can also be removed from the command if the terminal log is enough.

Result logs


Result PNG

tictactoe game

week4 - Learning


Nim is a game for tow players. In Nim each player can remove stones from different piles.

The AI uses reinforcement learning to learn the best moves. The AI remembers the best move in every given position and tries to make informed decision what the best future move it. To learn all possible moves it has a probability value known as epsilon to explore random actions. At the inital stage when the AI doesn't know which actions are good to take in every given state, it explores.

How to start:

Go into the directory "nim"

$ cd week3/nim/

How to run it:

$ python3
  • You can set how much the AI trains before the match starts in
  • If the game started and it is your turn
    • You choose which pile you want to play
    • And how many stones you want to remove

Result logs

Playing training game 10000
Done training

Pile 0: 1
Pile 1: 3
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 7

AI's Turn
AI chose to take 1 from pile 0.

Pile 0: 0
Pile 1: 3
Pile 2: 5
Pile 3: 7

Your Turn
Choose Pile: _
Choose Count: _