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Account credentials checker

This package takes care of verifing the credentials serverside.


You can pip install by

pip3 install Credentials-Validator


You can import the pakage by typing

from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator, PasswordValidator

The general usage is:

from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator

user = UsernameValidator([4], # length range
                         [1], # number of lower-case chars range
                         [1], # number of upper-case chars range
                         [1,3], # number of numbers range
                         [0,0], # number of symbols range

The use of range is:

[2, 5] # minimum 2, maximum 5 characters
[1] # at least one
[0] # not necessary, not denied
[0, 4] # not necessary, maximum 4 characters
[0, 0] # denied


In order to validate a text (Username or password) you have to call the method Validator.verify(text).
It returns two objects:

  1. a boolean (True if the text is valid, False if there is one or more errors)
  2. a string, that can be:
    • '' empty, if there are no errors
    • 'length' if the text is too short or too long
    • 'lower' if there are too few or too many lower-case characters
    • 'upper' if there are too few or too many upper-case characters
    • 'digit' if there are too few or too many numbers
    • 'symbols' if there are too few or too many allowed symbols
from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator

user = UsernameValidator([4, 10], [1], [2], [0], [1],)

is_valid, error = user.verify('PasswOrd!')
print((is_valid, error))
#returns (True, '')

is_valid, error = user.verify('PasswOrd3')
print((is_valid, error))
#returns (False, 'symbols')

is_valid, error = user.verify('Password!')
print((is_valid, error))
#returns (False, 'upper')

is_valid, error = user.verify('th1sPasswOrdist00long')
print((is_valid, error))
#returns (False, 'length')

Differences between UsernameValidator and PasswordValidator


The UsernameValidator comes with a special argument called django_model.
It can be used to automatically check if the username is already taken in the Django User model, if it is taken, it will return the error 'existing'
In this example the default User model is passed:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator

user = UsernameValidator([4,10], [1], [1], [2], [0,0], django_model=User)

If you are using a custom Django User model:

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator

user = UsernameValidator([4,10], [1], [1], [2], [0,0], django_model=get_user_model())


The PasswordValidator comes with a special argument called username.
It checks if the password is the same as the username, in which case it returns the 'equal' error.\

from Credentials_Validator import PasswordValidator

username = 'myusername'

password = PasswordValidator([8,12], [2], [2], [2], [1], username=username)

Extra features


The default symbols are: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~.

You can customize the simbols by passing your custom list (string) as a keyword argument:

from Credentials_Validator import UsernameValidator

my_symbols = '!?$%&@#'

user = UsernameValidator([4, 10], [1], [1], [0], [1], symbols_list=my_symbols)


You can add your custom verification function by inheriting the Validator class and overriding the __init__ method to add keyword arguments and extra_validation one to add your validatin function.
The __init__ should look like this:

from Credentials_Validator import Validator

class MyValidator(Validator):

    def __init__(self, length, chars, Chars, nums, symbols, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(length, chars, Chars, nums, symbols, **kwargs) # DON'T EDIT THIS!

        self.myargument = kwargs.get('mykeyword', None) # Edit 'myargument' and 'mykeyword'

The extra_validation should return None if the text is valid, if it is not, False and myerrormessage (can be anything)

    def extra_validation(self, text): # text is the .verify() argument
        if self.myargument in text: # can be any condition
            return False, 'myerror'
        return None