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20-Data on MDT (DoM).md

File metadata and controls

415 lines (309 loc) · 15.3 KB

Introduced in Lustre 2.11

Data on MDT (DoM)

This chapter describes Data on MDT (DoM).

Introduction to Data on MDT (DoM)

The Lustre Data on MDT (DoM) feature improves small file IO by placing small files directly on the MDT, and also improves large file IO by avoiding the OST being affected by small random IO that can cause device seeking and hurt the streaming IO performance. Therefore, users can expect more consistent performance for both small file IO and mixed IO patterns.

The layout of a DoM file is stored on disk as a composite layout and is a special case of Progressive File Layout (PFL). Please see the section called “Progressive File Layout(PFL)” for more information on PFL. For DoM files, the file layout is composed of the component of the file, which is placed on an MDT, and the rest of components are placed on OSTs, if needed. The first component is placed on the MDT in the MDT object data blocks. This component always has one stripe with size equal to the component size. Such a component with an MDT layout can be only the first component in composite layout. The rest of components are placed over OSTs as usual with a RAID0 layout. The OST components are not instantiated until a client writes or truncates the file beyond the size of the MDT component.

User Commands

Lustre provides the lfs setstripe command for users to create DoM files. Also, as usual, lfs getstripe command can be used to list the striping/component information for a given file, while lfs find command can be used to search the directory tree rooted at the given directory or file name for the files that match the given DoM component parameters, e.g. layout type.

lfs setstripe for DoM files

The lfs setstripe command is used to create DoM files.


lfs setstripe --component-end|-E end1 --layout|-L mdt \
        [--component-end|-E end2 [STRIPE_OPTIONS] ...] <filename>

The command above creates a file with the special composite layout, which defines the first component as an MDT component. The MDT component must start from offset 0 and ends at end1. The end1 is also the stripe size of this component, and is limited by the lod.*.dom_stripesize of the MDT the file is created on. No other options are required for this component. The rest of the components use the normal syntax for composite files creation.


If the next component doesn't specify striping, such as:

lfs setstripe -E 1M -L mdt -E EOF <filename>

Then that component get its settings from the default filesystem striping.


The command below creates a file with a DoM layout. The first component has an mdt layout and is placed on the MDT, covering [0, 1M). The second component covers [1M, EOF) and is striped over all available OSTs.

client$ lfs setstripe -E 1M -L mdt -E -1 -S 4M -c -1 \

The resulting layout is illustrated by Figure 17, “Resulting file layout”.

Figure 17. Resulting file layout

Resulting file layout

The resulting can also be checked with lfs getstripe as shown below:

client$ lfs getstripe /mnt/lustre/domfile
  lcm_layout_gen:   2
  lcm_mirror_count: 1
  lcm_entry_count:  2
    lcme_id:             1
    lcme_flags:          init
    lcme_extent.e_start: 0
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      lmm_stripe_count:  0
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt
      lmm_layout_gen:    0
      lmm_stripe_offset: 0
    lcme_id:             2
    lcme_flags:          0
    lcme_extent.e_start: 1048576
    lcme_extent.e_end:   EOF
      lmm_stripe_count:  -1
      lmm_stripe_size:   4194304
      lmm_pattern:       raid0
      lmm_layout_gen:    65535
      lmm_stripe_offset: -1

The output above shows that the first component has size 1MB and pattern is 'mdt'. The second component is not instantiated yet, which is seen by lcme_flags: 0.

If more than 1MB of data is written to the file, then lfs getstripe output is changed accordingly:

client$ lfs getstripe /mnt/lustre/domfile
  lcm_layout_gen:   3
  lcm_mirror_count: 1
  lcm_entry_count:  2
    lcme_id:             1
    lcme_flags:          init
    lcme_extent.e_start: 0
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      lmm_stripe_count:  0
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt
      lmm_layout_gen:    0
      lmm_stripe_offset: 2
    lcme_id:             2
    lcme_flags:          init
    lcme_extent.e_start: 1048576
    lcme_extent.e_end:   EOF
      lmm_stripe_count:  2
      lmm_stripe_size:   4194304
      lmm_pattern:       raid0
      lmm_layout_gen:    0
      lmm_stripe_offset: 0
      - 0: { l_ost_idx: 0, l_fid: [0x100000000:0x2:0x0] }
      - 1: { l_ost_idx: 1, l_fid: [0x100010000:0x2:0x0] }

The output above shows that the second component now has objects on OSTs with a 4MB stripe.

Setting a default DoM layout to an existing directory

A DoM layout can be set on an existing directory as well. When set, all the files created after that will inherit this layout by default.


lfs setstripe --component-end|-E end1 --layout|-L mdt \
[--component-end|-E end2 [STRIPE_OPTIONS] ...] <dirname>


client$ mkdir /mnt/lustre/domdir
client$ touch /mnt/lustre/domdir/normfile
client$ lfs setstripe -E 1M -L mdt -E -1 /mnt/lustre/domdir/
client$ lfs getstripe -d /mnt/lustre/domdir
  lcm_layout_gen:   0
  lcm_mirror_count: 1
  lcm_entry_count:  2
    lcme_id:             N/A
    lcme_flags:          0
    lcme_extent.e_start: 0
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      stripe_count:  0    stripe_size:   1048576    \
      pattern:  mdt    stripe_offset:  -1
    lcme_id:             N/A
    lcme_flags:          0
    lcme_extent.e_start: 1048576
    lcme_extent.e_end:   EOF
      stripe_count:  1    stripe_size:   1048576    \
      pattern:  raid0    stripe_offset:  -1

In the output above, it can be seen that the directory has a default layout with a DoM component.

The following example will check layouts of files in that directory:

client$ touch /mnt/lustre/domdir/domfile
client$ lfs getstripe /mnt/lustre/domdir/normfile
lmm_stripe_count:  2
lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
lmm_pattern:       raid0
lmm_layout_gen:    0
lmm_stripe_offset: 1
  obdidx   objid   objid   group
       1              3           0x3              0
       0              3           0x3              0

client$ lfs getstripe /mnt/lustre/domdir/domfile
  lcm_layout_gen:   2
  lcm_mirror_count: 1
  lcm_entry_count:  2
    lcme_id:             1
    lcme_flags:          init
    lcme_extent.e_start: 0
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      lmm_stripe_count:  0
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt
      lmm_layout_gen:    0
      lmm_stripe_offset: 2
    lcme_id:             2
    lcme_flags:          0
    lcme_extent.e_start: 1048576
    lcme_extent.e_end:   EOF
      lmm_stripe_count:  1
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       raid0
      lmm_layout_gen:    65535
      lmm_stripe_offset: -1

We can see that first file normfile in that directory has an ordinary layout, whereas the file domfile inherits the directory default layout and is a DoM file.


The directory default layout setting will be inherited by new files even if the server DoM size limit will be set to a lower value.

DoM Stripe Size Restrictions

The maximum size of a DoM component is restricted in several ways to protect the MDT from being eventually filled with large files.

LFS limits for DoM component size

lfs setstripe allows for setting the component size for MDT layouts up to 1GB (this is a compile-time limit to avoid improper configuration), however, the size must also be aligned by 64KB due to the minimum stripe size in Lustre (see Table 4, “File and file system limits” Minimum stripe size). There is also a limit imposed on each file by lfs setstripe -E end that may be smaller than the MDT-imposed limit if this is better for a particular usage.

MDT Server Limits

The lod.$fsname-MDTxxxx.dom_stripesize is used to control the per-MDT maximum size for a DoM component. Larger DoM components specified by the user will be truncated to the MDT-specified limit, and as such may be different on each MDT to balance DoM space usage on each MDT separately, if needed. It is 1MB by default and can be changed with the lctl tool. For more information on setting dom_stripesize please see the section called “ The dom_stripesize parameter”.

lfs getstripe for DoM files

The lfs getstripe command is used to list the striping/component information for a given file. For DoM files, it can be used to check its layout and size.


lfs getstripe [--component-id|-I [comp_id]] [--layout|-L] \
              [--stripe-size|-S] <dirname|filename>


client$ lfs getstripe -I1 /mnt/lustre/domfile
  lcm_layout_gen:   3
  lcm_mirror_count: 1
  lcm_entry_count:  2
    lcme_id:             1
    lcme_flags:          init
    lcme_extent.e_start: 0
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      lmm_stripe_count:  0
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt
      lmm_layout_gen:    0
      lmm_stripe_offset: 2

Short info about the layout and size of DoM component can be obtained with the use of the -L option along with -S or -E options:

client$ lfs getstripe -I1 -L -S /mnt/lustre/domfile
      lmm_stripe_size:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt
client$ lfs getstripe -I1 -L -E /mnt/lustre/domfile
    lcme_extent.e_end:   1048576
      lmm_pattern:       mdt

Both commands return layout type and its size. The stripe size is equal to the extent size of component in case of DoM files, so both can be used to get size on the MDT.

lfs find for DoM files

The lfs find command can be used to search the directory tree rooted at the given directory or file name for the files that match the given parameters. The command below shows the new parameters for DoM files and their usages are similar to the lfs getstripe command.


lfs find <directory|filename> [--layout|-L] [...]


Find all files with DoM layout under directory /mnt/lustre:

client$ lfs find -L mdt /mnt/lustre
client$ lfs find -L mdt -type f /mnt/lustre
client$ lfs find -L mdt -type d /mnt/lustre

By using this command you can find all DoM objects, only DoM files, or only directories with default DoM layout.

Find the DoM files/dirs with a particular stripe size:

client$ lfs find -L mdt -S -1200K -type f /mnt/lustre
client$ lfs find -L mdt -S +200K -type f /mnt/lustre

The first command finds all DoM files with stripe size less than 1200KB. The second command above does the same for files with a stripe size greater than 200KB. In both cases, all DoM files are found because their DoM size is 1MB.

The dom_stripesize parameter

The MDT controls the default maximum DoM size on the server via the parameter dom_stripesize in the LOD device. The dom_stripesize can be set differently for each MDT, if necessary. The default value of the parameter is 1MB and can be changed with lctl tool.

Get Command

lctl get_param lod.*MDT<index>*.dom_stripesize

Get Examples

The commands below get the maximum allowed DoM size on the server. The final command is an attempt to create a file with a larger size than the parameter setting and correctly fails.

mds# lctl get_param lod.*MDT0000*.dom_stripesize

mds# lctl get_param -n lod.*MDT0000*.dom_stripesize

client$ lfs setstripe -E 2M -L mdt /mnt/lustre/dom2mb
Create composite file /mnt/lustre/dom2mb failed. Invalid argument
error: setstripe: create composite file '/mnt/lustre/dom2mb' failed:
Invalid argument

Temporary Set Command

To temporarily set the value of the parameter, the lctl set_param is used:

lctl set_param lod.*MDT<index>*.dom_stripesize=<value>

Temporary Set Examples

The example below shows a change to the default DoM limit on the server to 64KB and try to create a file with 1MB DoM size after that.

mds# lctl set_param -n lod.*MDT0000*.dom_stripesize=64K
mds# lctl get_param -n lod.*MDT0000*.dom_stripesize

client$ lfs setstripe -E 1M -L mdt /mnt/lustre/dom
Create composite file /mnt/lustre/dom failed. Invalid argument
error: setstripe: create composite file '/mnt/lustre/dom' failed:
Invalid argument

Persistent Set Command

To persistently set the value of the parameter, the lctl conf_param command is used:

lctl conf_param <fsname>-MDT<index>.lod.dom_stripesize=<value>

Persistent Set Examples

The new value of the parameter is saved in config log permanently:

mgs# lctl conf_param lustre-MDT0000.lod.dom_stripesize=512K
mds# lctl get_param -n lod.*MDT0000*.dom_stripesize

New settings are applied in few seconds and saved persistently in server config.

Disable DoM

When lctl set_param or lctl conf_param sets dom_stripesize to 0, DoM component creation will be disabled on the selected server, and any new layouts with a specified DoM component will have that component removed from the file layout. Existing files and layouts with DoM components on that MDT are not changed.


DoM files can still be created in existing directories with a default DoM layout.