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Language Mappings

This document contains a list of mappings for language identifiers for highlight.js, which is mostly used in Markdown parsers, and ace, which is applied by LiaScript. Since both projects do not contain all languages and the names of the language identfiers might vary, we provide a mapping.

All language identifiers and alias marked as code can be used within LiaScript code-blocks. If you want to apply another language not yet supported, then plaintext will be used as a default.

This mapping is applied by LiaScript at:

... and will be updated in accordace with this document. Feel free to make comments/issues or to add other mappings.

highlight.js alias language category cloud9/ace
1c 1C:Enterprise enterprise
abap sap-abap ABAB (Advanced Business Application Programming) enterprise abap
ABC common abc
abnf Augmented Backus-Naur Form
accesslog Apache Access Log logs
actionscript as ActionScript scripting actionscript
ada Ada ada
alan i, ln Alan IF
Alda music alda
angelscript asc AngelScript scripting c_cpp
apache apacheconf Apache config config apache_conf
APEX enterprise apex
applescript osascript AppleScript scripting applescript
AQL (ArangoDB Query Language) aql
arcade ArcGIS Arcade scripting
arduino ino Arduino c_cpp
armasm arm ARM Assembly assembler assembly_x86
ASL (ACPI Source Language) asl
asciidoc adoc AsciiDoc markup asciidoc
aspectj AspectJ java
astro Astro functional astro
autohotkey ahk AutoHotkey scripting autohotkey
autoit AutoIt scripting
avrasm asm AVR Assembly assembler assembly_x86
awk mawk, nawk, gawk Awk
axapta Microsoft X++ enterprise
bash sh, zsh Bash common sh
basic BASIC vbscript
bbcode BBCode
bnf Backus–Naur Form
brainfuck bf Brainfuck esoteric
c h C system c_cpp
cal C/AL
capnproto capnp Cap’n Proto protocols
ceylon Ceylon
Cirru cirru
cisco Cisco CLI
clean dcl, icl Clean functional
clojure-repl Clojure REPL lisp
clojure clj, edn Clojure lisp clojure
cmake CMake makefile
Cobol enterprise cobol
coffeescript coffee, cson, iced CoffeeScript scripting coffee
ColdFusion coldfusion
coq Coq functional
cos cls Caché Object Script enterprise
cpc CpcdosC+
cpp cc, c++, h++, hpp, hh, hxx, cxx C++ system c_cpp
crmsh crm, pcmk crmsh config sh
crystal cr Crystal scripting crystal
csharp cs, c# C# common csharp
Csound csound_document
Csound csound_orchestra
Csound csound_score
csp CSP (ContentSecurityPolicy) csp
css CSS web css
curl cURL
Curly template curly
cypher Cypher (Neo4j)
d D d
dafny Dafny
dart Dart scripting dart
delphi dpr, dfm, pas, pascal Delphi common pascal
diff patch Diff common diff
django jinja Django template django
dns bind, zone DNS Zone config
dockerfile docker Dockerfile config dockerfile
dos bat, cmd Batch file (DOS) batchfile
dsconfig dsconfig config
Drolls enterprise drools
dts Device Tree config
DOT (graph description language) graphical dot
dust dst Dust template
dylan Dylan
ebnf Extended Backus-Naur Form
UN/EDIFACT protocol edifact
Eiffel eiffel
EJS (Embedded JavaScript teplating) template ejs
elixir ex, exs Elixir functional elixir
elm Elm functional elm
erb ERB (Embedded Ruby) template
erlang-repl Erlang REPL functional
erlang erl Erlang functional erlang
excel xls, xlsx Excel formulae
extempore xtlang, xtm Extempore
fix FIX
flix Flix common flix
Forth forth
fortran f90, f95 Fortran scientific fortran
fsharp fs, f# F# functional fsharp
FSL (FEMAG script language) scientific fsl
gams gms GAMS scientific
gauss gss GAUSS scientific
gcode nc G-code gcode
gherkin feature Gherkin gherkin
glsl GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) graphics glsl
gml GML (Game Maker Language) scripting
Gobstones gobstones
go golang Go common golang
golo Golo
gradle Gradle
groovy Groovy groovy
haml HAML template haml
handlebars hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars, htmlbars Handlebars template handlebars
haskell hs Haskell functional haskell
Haskell Cabal haskell_cabal
haxe hx Haxe haxe
Hjson, a user interface for JSON config hjson
hsp HSP (Hot Soup Processor) scripting
http https HTTP protocol
hy hylang Hy lisp lisp
inform7 i7 Inform 7 markup
ini toml TOML, also INI config ini, toml
io io
ion ion ion
irpf90 IRPF90 scientific
isbl ISBL enterprise
Jack jack
java jsp Java common java, jsp
javascript js, jsx, mjs, cjs JavaScript scripting javascript, jsx
jboss-cli wildfly-cli JBoss CLI config
json JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) config json, json5
JSONiq jsoniq
JSSM (JavaScript State Machine) jssm
julia-repl jldoctest Julia REPL
julia Julia common julia
kotlin kot,kt, kts Kotlin common kotlin
lasso ls, lassoscript Lasso
latex tex LaTeX markup latex, tex
Latte latte
ldif LDIF config
leaf Leaf
less Less web less
Liquid template liquid
lisp Lisp lisp lisp
livecodeserver LiveCode enterprise
livescript ls LiveScript scripting livescript
llvm LLVM IR assembler
lsl LSL (Linden Scripting Language) scripting lsl
lua Lua scripting lua
makefile mk, mak, make, Makefile common makefile
markdown md, mkd, mkdown Markdown markup markdown
mathematica mma, wl Wolfram Language scientific
matlab Matlab scientific matlab
maxima Maxima scientific
mel MEL (Maya Embedded Language) graphics mel
mercury m, moo Mercury functional
mipsasm mips MIPS Assembly assembler mips
mizar Mizar scientific
mojolicious Mojolicious template
monkey Monkey
moonscript moon MoonScript scripting
n1ql N1QL (Couchbase query language)
Not Another Scripting LAnguage scripting nasal
nestedtext nt NestedText config
nginx nginxconf Nginx config config nginx
nim Nim system nim
nix nixos Nix nix
node-repl Node REPL scripting
nsis NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) nsis
nunjucks, nunjs`
objectivec mm, objc, obj-c, obj-c++, objective-c++ Objective-C common objectivec
ocaml ml OCaml functional ocaml
openscad scad OpenSCAD scientific scad
oxygene Oxygene
parser3 Parser3 template
PartiQL partiql
perl pl, pm Perl common perl
pf pf.conf Packet Filter config config
pgsql postgres, postgresql PostgreSQL and PL/pgSQL pgsql
php-template PHP Template common
php PHP common php
Apache Pig pig
plaintext text, txt Plain text without any highlighting plaintext, text
PL/SQL database plsql
pony Pony
powershell pwsh, ps, ps1 PowerShell powershell
processing pde Processing graphics c_cpp
profile Python profiler
prolog Prolog logic prolog
properties .properties config properties
protobuf Protocol Buffers protocols protobuf
puppet pp Puppet config puppet
purebasic pb, pbi PureBASIC vbscript
python-repl pycon Python REPL common
python py, gyp, ipython Python common python
q k, kdb Q
qml qt QML scripting qml
qsharp Q#
r R scientific r
reasonml re ReasonML functional
rib RenderMan RIB graphics
roboconf graph, instances Roboconf config
routeros Microtik RouterOS script
rsl RenderMan RSL graphics
rest reStructuredText rst
ruby gemspec, irb, podspec, rb, thor Ruby common ruby
ruleslanguage Oracle Rules Language enterprise
rust rs Rust common rust
SAC sac
sas SAS
scala Scala functional scala
scheme Scheme lisp scheme
scilab sci Scilab scientific
scss SCSS web scss
shell console, shellsession Shell Session common sh
smali Smali
smalltalk st Smalltalk
sml ml SML (Standard ML) functional
solidity sol Solidity
spl Slunk SPL
sqf SQF scripting
sql SQL database sql
stan stanfuncs Stan probabilistic programming language scientific
stata ado, do Stata scientific
step21 p21, step, stp STEP Part 21
structured-text iecst, scl, stl Structured Text
stylus styl Stylus web stylus
subunit SubUnit
supercollider sc Supercollider
web svg
swift Swift common swift
taggerscript Tagger Script
tap Test Anything Protocol
tcl tk Tcl tcl
thrift Thrift protocols
toit Toit
tp TP
twig craftcms Twig template twig
typescript ts, tsx TypeScript common typescript, tsx
unicorn-rails-log Unicorn Rails log `
vala Vala vala
vbnet vb Visual Basic .NET common vbscript
vbscript-html VBScript in HTML scripting
vbscript vbs VBScript scripting vbscript
verilog sv, svh, v Verilog verilog
vhdl VHDL vhdl
vim Vim Script scripting
web vue
wasm WebAssembly web
Wollok wollok
wren Wren scripting
x++ axapta X++
x86asm Intel x86 Assembly assembler assembly_x86
xsharp xs, prg X#
xl tao XL
xml atom, html, plist, rss, wsf, xhtml, xjb, xsd, xsl HTML, XML html, svg, xml
xquery xpath, xq XQuery functional xquery
yaml yml YAML config yaml
zenscript zs ZenScript
zephir zep Zephir
Zig common zig

Short List

Complete overview on all supported languages and the applied syntax highlighting scheme of ace.

short-code syntax-highlighting
abap abap
sap-abap abap
abc abc
actionscript actionscript
as actionscript
ada ada
alda alda
angelscript c_cpp
asc c_cpp
apache apache_conf
apacheconf apache_conf
apache_conf apache_conf
apex apex
applescript applescript
osascript applescript
aql aql
arduino c_cpp
ino c_cpp
armasm assembly_x86
arm assembly_x86
asl asl
asciidoc asciidoc
adoc asciidoc
aspectj java
autohotkey autohotkey
ahk autohotkey
avrasm assembly_x86
asm assembly_x86
bash sh
sh sh
basic vbscript
c c_cpp
h c_cpp
c9search c9search
cirru cirru
clojure clojure
clj clojure
edn clojure
cmake makefile makefile
cobol cobol
coffeescript coffee
coffee coffee
cson coffee
iced coffee
coldfusion coldfusion
cpp c_cpp
cc c_cpp
c++ c_cpp
h++ c_cpp
hpp c_cpp
hh c_cpp
hxx c_cpp
cxx c_cpp
crmsh sh
crm sh
pcmk sh
crystal crystal
cr crystal
csharp csharp
cs csharp
c# csharp
csound_document csound_document
csound_orchestra csound_orchestra
csound_score csound_score
csp csp
css css
curly curly
d d
dart dart
delphi pascal
dpr pascal
dfm pascal
pas pascal
pascal pascal
diff diff
patch diff
django django
jinja django
dockerfile dockerfile
docker dockerfile
dos batchfile
bat batchfile
cmd batchfile
batchfile batchfile
drools drools
dot dot
edifact edifact
eiffel eiffel
ejs ejs
elixir elixir
ex elixir
exs elixir
elm elm
erlang erlang
erl erlang
forth forth
fortran fortran
f90 fortran
f95 fortran
fsharp fsharp
fs fsharp
f# fsharp
fsl fsl
ftl ftl
gcode gcode
nc gcode
gherkin gherkin
feature gherkin
gitignore gitignore
glsl glsl
gobstones gobstones
go golang
golang golang
graphqlschema graphqlschema
groovy groovy
haml haml
handlebars handlebars
hbs handlebars
html.hbs handlebars
html.handlebars handlebars
htmlbars handlebars
haskell haskell
hs haskell
haskell_cabal haskell_cabal
haxe haxe
hx haxe
hjson hjson
html_elixir html_elixir
html_ruby html_ruby
hy lisp
hylang lisp
ini ini
toml toml
io io
ion ion
jack jack
jade jade
java java
jsp jsp
javascript javascript
js javascript
mjs javascript
cjs javascript
jsx jsx
json json
json5 json5
jsoniq jsoniq
jssm jssm
julia julia
kotlin kotlin
kot kotlin
kt kotlin
kts kotlin
latex latex
tex tex
latte latte
less less
liquid liquid
lisp lisp
livescript livescript
ls livescript
logiql logiql
logtalk logtalk
lsl lsl
lua lua
luapage luapage
lucene lucene
makefile makefile
mk makefile
mak makefile
make makefile
markdown markdown
md markdown
mkd markdown
mkdown markdown
mask mask
matlab matlab
maze maze
mediawiki mediawiki
mel mel
mipsasm mips
mips mips
mixal mixal
mushcode mushcode
mysql mysql
nginx nginx
nginxconf nginx
nim nim
nix nix
nixos nix
nsis nsis
nunjacks nunjacks
objectivec objectivec
mm objectivec
objc objectivec
obj-c objectivec
obj-c++ objectivec
objective-c++ objectivec
ocaml ocaml
ml ocaml
openscad scad
scad scad
perl perl
pl perl
pm perl
pgsql pgsql
postgres pgsql
postgresql pgsql
php php
php_laravel_blade php_laravel_blade
pig pig
plaintext plaintext
text text
txt text
partiql partiql
powershell powershell
pwsh powershell
ps powershell
ps1 powershell
praat praat
prisma prisma
processing c_cpp
pde c_cpp
prolog prolog
properties properties
protobuf protobuf
puppet puppet
pp puppet
purebasic vbscript
pb vbscript
pbi vbscript
python python
py python
gyp python
ipython python
qml qml
qt qml
r r
raku raku
razor razor
rdoc rdoc
red red
redshift redshift
rhtml rhtml
rst rst
rest rst
ruby ruby
gemspec ruby
irb ruby
podspec ruby
rb ruby
thor ruby
rust rust
rs rust
sac sac
sass sass
scala scala
scheme scheme
scss scss
shell sh
console sh
shellsession sh
sjs sjs
slim slim
smarty smarty
smithy smithy
soy soy
space space
sparql sparql
sql sql
sqlserver sqlserver
stylus stylus
styl stylus
swift swift
tcl tcl
tk tcl
terraform terraform
textile textile
turtle turtle
twig twig
craftcms twig
typescript typescript
ts typescript
tsx tsx
vala vala
vbnet vbscript
vb vbscript
vbscript vbscript
vbs vbscript
velocity velocity
verilog verilog
vhdl vhdl
visualforce visualforce
wollok wollok
x86asm assembly_x86
xml xml
atom xml
html html
plist xml
rss xml
svg svg
wsf xml
xhtml xml
xjb xml
xsd xml
xsl xml
xquery xquery
xpath xquery
xq xquery
yaml yaml
yml yaml
zeek zeek