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LibreMaple Client: a fork/continuation of JourneyClient

License C++ standard Discord clang++ version Maplestory version


JourneyClient is a custom, made-from-scratch game client for Maplestory. JourneyClient is written in C++ and was created by Daniel Allendorf in 2015.

The LibreMaple project aims to make a version of Maplestory that is 100% free and open on both the server and client sides, to preserve the freedom of its users and enable creativity and collaboration around the game. As such, the LibreMaple project takes the JourneyClient as a starting point.

LibreMaple aims to make the client cross-platform (GNU+Linux/macOS/Windows NT/FreeBSD/etc.) as well, so decisions are made with a cross-platform mindset as well as a free software one.

Supported versions

The client is currently compatible with version 83 servers. For the UI file (UI.nx), one from version 154+ should be used.

How to compile/install

Unix-like systems (GNU+Linux, FreeBSD, etc.) (may also work for Unix-like Windows subsystems like Cygwin, MinGW, or WSL)


  • clang (version 5+)
  • cmake (version 3.8+)
  • make (GNU Make version 4+)
  • git
  • wget
  • tar
  • unzip
  • autoconf
  • libtool
  • sh or bash
  • glut / freeglut3, freeglut3-dev (an implementation of GLUT, including development files)
  • libXmu (including the "development" version, if that's separate)
  • libXi (including the "development" version)
  • libgl-dev / libgl1-mesa-dev / libgl / mesa / libGL-devel (implementation of OpenGL with development files)
  • libosmesa-dev / libosmesa / osmesa (skip this if your package manager doesn't have it)
  • xorg / xorg-dev (Xorg development libraries)
  • build-essential (for users of Debian-based distibutions only)

(Note for Solus users: sudo eopkg it -c system.devel)

Most of these dependencies should be available from your package manager (pacman, apt, dnf, zypper, pkg, xbps-install, eopkg, yum, etc.), but for all dependencies listed with a version number, make sure to check that the version your package manager gives you is high enough. If your package manager doesn't have something or doesn't have a high enough version, you may have to install it using instructions from the relevant website or use auxilliary package management (yaourt, PPAs, copr, etc.).


$ git clone
$ git clone nlnx

# The next command is probably best replaced by navigating to
# and downloading from there to get the latest stable version of ASIO.
$ wget
$ mkdir asio
$ tar xf asio-* --strip-components=1 -C asio/
$ rm asio-*

$ git clone

# Again, the following command can be replaced by just going to
# and downloading the latest version of GLEW.
$ wget
$ mkdir glew
$ tar xf glew-* --strip-components=1 -C glew/
$ rm glew-*

$ git clone git:// freetype

$ wget
$ mkdir bass
$ unzip bass2* -d bass/
$ rm bass2*

$ git clone

$ export CC='/usr/bin/clang'
$ export CXX='/usr/bin/clang++'

$ cd freetype
$ sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ..

$ cd glew
$ make
$ cd ..

$ cd glfw
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ../..

$ cd lz4
$ make
$ cd ..

$ cd LibreMaple-Client
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

If all this is successful, you should have the executable in your current directory (LibreMaple-Client/build).

Windows NT (Windows 7, 8, 10+)

Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


LibreMaple is built against the latest version of Clang (5.0.X as of this writing), again for cross-platform considerations and efficiency. The GCC is another excellent choice, especially for those on Unix-like operating systems, but it is not officially supported by LibreMaple.

That being said, don't be shy to file issues involving GCC or to make PRs to improve ease of use/compatibility with it.

C++ details

JourneyClient was originally developed under the C++14 standard. However, LibreMaple strictly uses the C++17 standard and makes use of C++17 features.

In addition, this project follows the ISO C++ Core Guidelines, so any code that does not comply with said guidelines can be considered a bug, unless of course the transgression has been justified and thoroughly commented. A complete copy of the guidelines is available here.


The build can be configured by editing the Journey.h file. The following options are available:

  • JOURNEY_USE_CRYPTO : Use cryptography when communicating for the server.
  • JOURNEY_USE_XXHASH : Use xxhash for file check (additional dependency)
  • JOURNEY_USE_ASIO : Use Asio for networking (additional dependency)

LibreMaple uses crypto (JOURNEY_USE_CRYPTO), as well as ASIO (JOURNEY_USE_ASIO) to maintain cross-platform compatibility.
