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Training process freezes on step 2 when training with manual optimization. #15395

dtmoodie opened this issue Oct 28, 2022 · 2 comments
bug Something isn't working distributed Generic distributed-related topic logging Related to the `LoggerConnector` and `log()` repro needed The issue is missing a reproducible example


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dtmoodie commented Oct 28, 2022

Bug description

I'm using manual optimization to work with two datasets for multi-task learning. Due to memory usage limitations, I want to do a forward and backward pass with a batch from one dataset, then a forward and backward pass with the other dataset.

When just enabling manual optimization on one dataset, my training process freezes on step 2 if I log scalars in the on_after_backwards call with sync_dist=True for the logging call.

How to reproduce the bug

def on_after_backward(self) -> None:
        for task_name, task in self.model.task_decoders.items():
            if isinstance(task, LoggingTaskDecoder):
                for i, grad in enumerate(task.grads):
                    grad = grad.detach().mean()
                    name = f'task_grads/{task_name}_{i}'
                    # if sync_dist is set to False, training succeeds.
                    self.log(name, value=grad, sync_dist=True, on_epoch=True)


def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        if not self.automatic_optimization:
            opt = self.optimizers()

        total, loss_dict= self.lossFromBatch(batch)

        if not self.automatic_optimization:
            sch = self.lr_schedulers()
        return dict(loss=total * self.batch_size, img=img)

def configure_optimizers(self):
        optimizer = = SGD(self.parameters(), ...)
        num_steps = self.steps_per_epoch
        scheduler = lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(optimizer=optimizer,
        scheduler = {"scheduler": scheduler, "interval": "step"}
        return [optimizer], [scheduler]

Error messages and logs

When this occurs, everything freezes with GPUs at 100% utilization.  No error messages or logs are available.  Attempting to attach the debugger sometimes works and I was able to find that one process was frozen on a sync_ddp within the self.log call.


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* System:
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        - version:           #147~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 15 13:10:18 UTC 2022

More info

No response

cc @awaelchli @rohitgr7 @akihironitta @carmocca @edward-io @ananthsub @Blaizzy

@dtmoodie dtmoodie added the needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers label Oct 28, 2022
@carmocca carmocca added bug Something isn't working distributed Generic distributed-related topic logging Related to the `LoggerConnector` and `log()` and removed needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers labels Nov 3, 2022
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carmocca commented Nov 3, 2022

A rank is hanging. Can you create a reproducible snippet by adapting this script?

Also, how many devices are you using? I see your machine has 2 different GPU types. Does it happen if you only use the RTXs?

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stale bot commented Apr 14, 2023

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it hasn't had any recent activity. This issue will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions - the Lightning Team!

@stale stale bot added the won't fix This will not be worked on label Apr 14, 2023
@awaelchli awaelchli added the repro needed The issue is missing a reproducible example label Dec 31, 2023
@stale stale bot removed the won't fix This will not be worked on label Dec 31, 2023
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bug Something isn't working distributed Generic distributed-related topic logging Related to the `LoggerConnector` and `log()` repro needed The issue is missing a reproducible example
None yet

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3 participants