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opt_einsum_fx is a library for optimizng einsums and functions involving them using opt_einsum and PyTorch FX compute graphs.

The library currently supports:

  • Fusing multiple einsums into one
  • Optimizing einsums using the opt_einsum library
  • Fusing multiplication and division with scalar constants, including fusing _through_ operations, like einsum, that commute with scalar multiplication.
  • Placing multiplication by fused scalar constants onto the smallest intermediate in a chain of operations that commute with scalar multiplication.

opt_einsum_fx is based on torch.fx, a framework for converting between PyTorch Python code and a programatically manipulable compute graph. To use this package, it must be possible to get your function or model as a torch.fx.Graph: the limitations of FX's symbolic tracing are discussed here.

Minimal example

import torch
import torch.fx
import opt_einsum_fx

def einmatvecmul(a, b, vec):
    """Batched matrix-matrix-vector product using einsum"""
    return torch.einsum("zij,zjk,zk->zi", a, b, vec)

graph_mod = torch.fx.symbolic_trace(einmatvecmul)
print("# Original code:\n", graph_mod.code)
graph_opt = opt_einsum_fx.optimize_einsums_full(
        torch.randn(7, 4, 5),
        torch.randn(7, 5, 3),
        torch.randn(7, 3)
print("# Optimized code:\n", graph_opt.code)


# Original code:
import torch
def forward(self, a, b, vec):
    einsum_1 = torch.functional.einsum('zij,zjk,zk->zi', a, b, vec);  a = b = vec = None
    return einsum_1

# Optimized code:
import torch
def forward(self, a, b, vec):
    einsum_1 = torch.functional.einsum('cb,cab->ca', vec, b);  vec = b = None
    einsum_2 = torch.functional.einsum('cb,cab->ca', einsum_1, a);  einsum_1 = a = None
    return einsum_2

The optimize_einsums_full function has four passes:

  1. Scalar accumulation --- use the multilinearity of einsum to fuse all constant coefficients and divisors of operands and outputs
  2. Fusing einsums --- gives greater flexibility to (3)
  3. Optimized contraction with opt_einsum
  4. Moving constant scalar coefficients through operations they commute with in order to place them on the smallest possible intermediate results

We can measure the performance improvement (this is on a CPU):

from torch.utils.benchmark import Timer

batch = 1000
a, b, vec = torch.randn(batch, 4, 5), torch.randn(batch, 5, 8), torch.randn(batch, 8)

g = {"f": graph_mod, "a": a, "b": b, "vec": vec}
t_orig = Timer("f(a, b, vec)", globals=g)

g["f"] = graph_opt
t_opt = Timer("f(a, b, vec)", globals=g)

gives ~2x improvement:

f(a, b, vec)
276.58 us
1 measurement, 10000 runs , 1 thread

f(a, b, vec)
118.84 us
1 measurement, 10000 runs , 1 thread

Depending on your function and dimensions you may see even larger improvements.


Currently, pure Python and TorchScript have different call signatures for torch.tensordot and torch.permute, both of which can appear in optimized einsums:

graph_script = torch.jit.script(graph_opt)  # => RuntimeError: Arguments for call are not valid...

A function is provided to convert torch.fx.GraphModule s containing these operations from their Python signatures — the default — to a TorchScript compatible form:

graph_script = torch.jit.script(opt_einsum_fx.jitable(graph_opt))