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445 lines (306 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

445 lines (306 loc) · 12.3 KB


  • Abstractions around first class functions like augmenting and inspecting
  • functions as well as to control function calls like dealing with asynchronous
  • control flows.


function() {}


function(arg) { return arg; }


function() { return null; }


function() { return false; }


function() { return true; }


Returns all property names of object that reference a function.

var obj = {foo: 23, bar: function() { return 42; }};
all(obj) // => ["bar"]


Returns all local (non-prototype) property names of object that reference a function.

var obj1 = {foo: 23, bar: function() { return 42; }};
var obj2 = {baz: function() { return 43; }};
obj2.__proto__ = obj1
own(obj2) // => ["baz"]
/*vs.*/ all(obj2) // => ["baz","bar"]


argumentNames(function(arg1, arg2) {}) // => ["arg1","arg2"]
argumentNames(function(/*var args*/) {}) // => []


it's a class...


superflous indent. Useful when you have to stringify code but not want to construct strings by hand.

extractBody(function(arg) {
  var x = 34;
  alert(2 + arg);
}) => "var x = 34;\nalert(2 + arg);"


returns synchronous runtime of calling func in ms

timeToRun(function() { new WebResource("").beSync().get() });
// => 278 (or something else...)

timeToRunN(func, n)

Like timeToRun but calls function n times instead of once. Returns the average runtime of a call in ms.

delay(func, timeout)

Delays calling func for timeout seconds(!).

(function() { alert("Run in the future!"); }).delay(1);

throttle(func, wait)

Exec func at most once every wait ms even when called more often useful to calm down eagerly running updaters and such.

var i = 0;
var throttled = throttle(function() { alert(++i + '-' + }, 500);
Array.range(0,100).forEach(function(n) { throttled() });

debounce(wait, func, immediate)

Call func after wait milliseconds elapsed since the last invocation. Unlike throttle an invocation will restart the wait period. This is useful if you have a stream of events that you want to wait for to finish and run a subsequent function afterwards. When you pass arguments to the debounced functions then the arguments from the last call will be use for the invocation.

With immediate set to true, immediately call func but when called again during wait before wait ms are done nothing happens. E.g. to not exec a user invoked action twice accidentally.

var start =;
var f = debounce(200, function(arg1) {
  alert("running after " + ( + "ms with arg " + arg1);
delay(f.curry("call2"), 0.1);
delay(f.curry("call3"), 0.15);
// => Will eventually output: "running after 352ms with arg call3"

throttleNamed(name, wait, func)

Like throttle but remembers the throttled function once created and repeated calls to throttleNamed with the identical name will use the same throttled function. This allows to throttle functions in a central place that might be called various times in different contexts without having to manually store the throttled function.

debounceNamed(name, wait, func, immediate)

Like debounce but remembers the debounced function once created and repeated calls to debounceNamed with the identical name will use the same debounced function. This allows to debounce functions in a central place that might be called various times in different contexts without having to manually store the debounced function.

createQueue(id, workerFunc)

A simple queue with an attached asynchronous workerFunc to process queued tasks. Calling createQueue will return an object with the following interface:

  push: function(task) {/**/},
  pushAll: function(tasks) {/**/},
  handleError: function(err) {}, // Overwrite to handle errors
  dran: function() {}, // Overwrite to react when the queue empties

var sum = 0;
var q = createQueue("example-queue", function(arg, thenDo) { sum += arg; thenDo(); });
queues will be remembered by their name
sum // => 6

createQueue(id, workerFunc)

can be overwritten by a function


can be overwritten

workerWithCallbackQueue(id, workerFunc, optTimeout)

This functions helps when you have a long running computation that multiple call sites (independent from each other) depend on. This function does the housekeeping to start the long running computation just once and returns an object that allows to schedule callbacks once the workerFunc is done.

var worker = workerWithCallbackQueue("example",
  function slowFunction(thenDo) {
    var theAnswer = 42;
    setTimeout(function() { thenDo(null, theAnswer); });
// all "call sites" depend on `slowFunction` but don't have to know about
// each other
worker.whenDone(function callsite1(err, theAnswer) { alert("callback1: " + theAnswer); })
worker.whenDone(function callsite2(err, theAnswer) { alert("callback2: " + theAnswer); })
workerWithCallbackQueue("example").whenDone(function callsite3(err, theAnswer) { alert("callback3: " + theAnswer); })
// => Will eventually show: callback1: 42, callback2: 42 and callback3: 42


Composes functions that are asynchronous and expecting continuations to be called in node.js callback style (error is first argument, real arguments follow). A call like composeAsync(f,g,h)(arg1, arg2) has a flow of control like: f(arg1, arg2, thenDo1) -> thenDo1(err, fResult) -> g(fResult, thenDo2) -> thenDo2(err, gResult) -> -> h(fResult, thenDo3) -> thenDo2(err, hResult)

  function(a,b, thenDo) { thenDo(null, a+b); },
  function(x, thenDo) { thenDo(x*4); }
 )(3,2, function(err, result) { alert(result); });


Composes synchronousefunctions: compose(f,g,h)(arg1, arg2) = h(g(f(arg1, arg2)))

  function(a,b) { return a+b; },
  function(x) {return x*4}
)(3,2) // => 20


Swaps the first two args

flip(function(a, b, c) {
  return a + b + c; })(' World', 'Hello', '!') // => "Hello World!"




returns a modified version of func that will have null always curried as first arg. Usful e.g. to make a nodejs-style callback work with a then-able:




waitFor(timeoutMs, waitTesterFunc, thenDo)

Wait for waitTesterFunc to return true, then run thenDo, passing failure/timout err as first parameter. A timout occurs after timeoutMs. During the wait period waitTesterFunc might be called multiple times.

waitForAll(options, funcs, thenDo)

Wait for multiple asynchronous functions. Once all have called the continuation, call thenDo. options can be: {timeout: NUMBER} (how long to wait in milliseconds).

curry(func, arg1, arg2, argN)

Return a version of func with args applied.

var add1 = (function(a, b) { return a + b; }).curry(1);
add1(3) // => 4

wrap(func, wrapper)

A wrapper is another function that is being called with the arguments of func and a proceed function that, when called, runs the originally wrapped function.

function original(a, b) { return a+b }
var wrapped = wrap(original, function logWrapper(proceed, a, b) {
  alert("original called with " + a + "and " + b);
  return proceed(a, b);
wrapped(3,4) // => 7 and a message will pop up


Get the original function that was augmented by wrap. getOriginal will traversed as many wrappers as necessary.


Function wrappers used for wrapping, cop, and other method manipulations attach a property "originalFunction" to the wrapper. By convention this property references the wrapped method like wrapper -> cop wrapper -> real method. tThis method gives access to the linked list starting with the outmost wrapper.

replaceMethodForOneCall(obj, methodName, replacement)

Change an objects method for a single invocation.

var obj = {foo: function() { return "foo"}};
lively.lang.replaceMethodForOneCall(obj, "foo", function() { return "bar"; });; // => "bar"; // => "foo"


Ensure that func is only executed once. Multiple calls will not call func again but will return the original result.


Accepts multiple functions and returns an array of wrapped functions. Those wrapped functions ensure that only one of the original function is run (the first on to be invoked).

This is useful if you have multiple asynchronous choices of how the control flow might continue but want to ensure that a continuation is only triggered once, like in a timeout situation:

function outerFunction(callback) {
  function timeoutAction() { callback(new Error('timeout!')); }
  function otherAction() { callback(null, "All OK"); }
  setTimeout(timeoutAction, 200);

To ensure that callback only runs once you would normally have to write boilerplate like this:

var ran = false;
function timeoutAction() { if (ran) return; ran = true; callback(new Error('timeout!')); }
function otherAction() { if (ran) return; ran = true; callback(null, "All OK"); }

Since this can get tedious an error prone, especially if more than two choices are involved, either can be used like this:

function outerFunction(callback) {
  var actions = either(
    function() { callback(new Error('timeout!')); },
    function() { callback(null, "All OK"); });
  setTimeout(actions[0], 200);

eitherNamed(name, func)

Works like either but usage does not require to wrap all functions at once:

var log = "", name = "either-example-" +;
function a() { log += "aRun"; };
function b() { log += "bRun"; };
function c() { log += "cRun"; };
setTimeout(eitherNamed(name, a), 100);
setTimeout(eitherNamed(name, b), 40);
setTimeout(eitherNamed(name, c), 80);
setTimeout(function() { alert(log); /* => "bRun" */ }, 150);


fromString("function() { return 3; }")() // => 3

asScript(func, optVarMapping)

Lifts func to become a Closure, that is that free variables referenced in func will be bound to the values of an object that can be passed in as the second parameter. Keys of this object are mapped to the free variables.

Please see Closure for a more detailed explanation and examples.

asScriptOf(f, obj, optName, optMapping)

Like asScript but makes f a method of obj as optName or the name of the function.


Treats passed function as class (constructor).

var Klass1 = function() {} = function(a, b) { return a + b; }; = function(a) { return, 3); };
Klass1.prototype.baz = 23;
functionNames(Klass1); // => ["bar","foo"]

logErrors(func, prefix)



this won't work in every browser