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Add incomplete smuggle namespace for cross-thread traces
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Chouser committed Mar 26, 2012
1 parent 5c8ea28 commit 1b330ad
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions src/clj_stacktrace/smuggle.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
(ns clj-stacktrace.smuggle
"Functions for collecting stack traces and smuggling them into other
threads. The API is experimental and may be subject to change."
(:require [clj-stacktrace.core :as core]
[clj-stacktrace.repl :as repl]))

(def ^{:dynamic true} *mark-depth* 0)

(defn mark-elem
"Calls f, marking the call stack such that nothing on the stack
earlier than calling f will be printed. Specifically,
trim-stack-to-mark will return only the frames later than f, not the
call to f, the call to mark-elem or anything earlier than them."
[n f]
(binding [*mark-depth* n]
(catch Throwable t
(::mark-depth (ex-data t)) (throw t)
(::rethrow (ex-data t)) (throw t)
:else (throw (ex-info "mark-elem" {::mark-depth n ::cause t})))))))

(let [ns-name (str (.getName *ns*))
fn-name (name (.sym #'mark-elem))]
(defn marker-elem? [elem]
(and (= (:ns elem) ns-name)
(= (:fn elem) fn-name))))

(defn trim-stack-to-mark
"Takes a single cause-map and returns it with a potentially stack.
The stack is shorter if mark-elem was used in some in which case
the stack will be trimmed to exclude the mark-elem and everything
outside it. Optionally trim an extra n elements after the mark."
[n parsed-exception]
(let [elems (:trace-elems parsed-exception)]
(assoc parsed-exception
:trimmed-elems (->> elems
(take-while #(not (marker-elem? %)))
(drop-last n)))))

(defn elems-from-here
"Returns stack elements from here out to the thread start, or out to
the first mark found, whichever comes first. See mark-elem for how
to create a mark."
(->> (core/parse-exception (Exception.))
(trim-stack-to-mark *mark-depth*)

(def ^{:dynamic true} *prevs* ())

(defn smuggle-chain
"Adds the given message and stack elements to those already
collected for this thread, and returns the new vector of parsed
exceptions to smuggle."
[message elems]
(conj *prevs*
{:message message
:trimmed-elems (core/collapse-elems elems)}))

(defn splice-chain
(let [data (ex-data e)
mark-depth (or (::mark-depth data) 0)
e-seq (core/cause-seq (core/parse-exception (or (::cause data) e)))]
(concat (::rethrow (:data (first e-seq)))
(map #(trim-stack-to-mark mark-depth %) (next e-seq))
(drop-last e-seq)

(defn forward-snapshot [message]
(smuggle-chain message (next (elems-from-here))))

(defn returnable-snapshot [throwable]
(let [e-seq (core/cause-seq (core/parse-exception throwable))]
(concat (drop-last e-seq)
[(trim-stack-to-mark *mark-depth* (last e-seq))])))

(defn rethrow [message e-seq]
(throw (ex-info message {::rethrow e-seq})))

(defn pst-multicol-on [on color? e]
(repl/pst-multicol-on on color? (splice-chain e)))

(defmacro printing-spliced [chain & body]
`(binding [*prevs* ~chain]
(repl/with-pst (pst-multicol-on *out* false)
(mark-elem 1 (fn [] ~@body)))))

(defmacro printing [& body]
`(repl/with-pst (pst-multicol-on *out* false)
(mark-elem 0 (fn [] ~@body))))

(defn smuggling-fn*
"Primary entry-point for smuggling stack traces from one thread to
another. Collects the stack at the point where smuggling-fn* is
called and returns a function meant to be called in another thread
which will catch any thrown exception and print the full trace
including smuggled causes."
[f message]
(let [prevs (forward-snapshot message)]
(bound-fn [& args]
(printing-spliced prevs
(repl/with-pst (pst-multicol-on *out* false)
(mark-elem 2 #(apply f args)))))))

(defn my-recv [msg f]
(printing-spliced (:chain msg)
(f (:obj msg))))

(defn my-send [obj f]
(my-recv {:chain (forward-snapshot "sending message from here")
:obj obj}

#_(my-send :oops inc)

(defn my-recv-rpc [p msg f]
(printing-spliced (:chain msg)
(f (:obj msg))
(catch Throwable t
(deliver p (returnable-snapshot t))))))

(defn my-send-rpc [obj f]
(let [err (promise)]
(my-recv-rpc err
{:chain (forward-snapshot "sending rpc from here")
:obj obj}
(rethrow "rpc return error" @err)))

(my-send-rpc :oops inc))

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