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28 lines (21 loc) · 899 Bytes

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28 lines (21 loc) · 899 Bytes

CompulsoryCow.IsEqualsImplemented - Release notes


Constructor.IsDefaultImplemented returns whether a class contains a default constructor.


Use Meta v6.


AreAllEqualsImplementedCorrectly returns empty string, instead of null, when ResultMessage is empty. IsEqualsImplementedCorrectly returns empty string, instead of null, when ResultMessage is empty. DotnetStandard raised to 2.1 to allow for DisallowNull attribute. This is a breaking change.


Added method AddIgnoredClass{T} to be able to exclude classes from being tested.


Added method AddInstantiator to be able to test classes that do not have a default constructor.


Moved to a project of its own. Created nuspec file.


Created Verify.AreAllEqualsImplementedCorrectly, Verify.HasEqualsBeenDeclared and IsEqualsImplementedCorrectly.