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Give my function a CSV file containing student information and it will give, for each student, a random grade.

🔥 Installation 🔥

npm i randomgrades

⚙️ Usage ⚙️

import {addRandomGradeToCSV} from "randomgrades";
const result = addRandomGradeToCSV("path/to/file.csv", 0, 20);

✨ How does that work ? ✨

The function take three parameters, a path to a csv file, the minimum grade and the maximum grade.
Here is an example of a csv file :

Student_pk Nom Prenom Note Commentaire
12312321312 DOE John
12312321313 DOE Maria
12312321314 DOE Jane
12312321315 DOE John 2
12312321316 DOE Mariasse

When the function is started it will read the csv file and create an array with each line of the file.

const data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
const lines = data.split('\n');
if (lines[lines.length - 1].includes('Average')) {

After that it will create a random grade for each line and add it to the array.

for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
        const studentData = lines[i].split(';');
        const randomGrade = Math.round((Math.random() * (max + 1 - min) + min) * 100) / 100;

        studentData[3] = randomGrade.toString();

        totalOfGrades += randomGrade;

        lines[i] = studentData.join(';');

Then it will add at the end of the document the average of all the grades.

const averageGrade = getAverageGrade(totalOfGrades, countOfGrades);
const modifiedData = lines.join('\n') + `\nAverage Grade: ${averageGrade}`;

Finally it will create a new csv file with the new array.

try {
    fs.writeFileSync(file, modifiedData, 'utf8');
    return 'The file has been saved';
} catch (err) {
    return 'Error writing file'

🔧 Local development 🔧

# Install the dependencies
npm i
# Test the type of all the project
npx eslint index.js
# Execute all the test
npm test

📝 License 📝

Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.


NPM package to generate random grades in csv full of students







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