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Memory benchmarks

The goal of this benchmark is to accurately measure how much memory is required by the ngrammatic library to load the taxons dataset into memory. The taxons dataset contains the 2_571_000 taxons from NCBI Taxons. While compressed in gzip, it is a merely 12MBs file.

How to run the benchmarks

To run the memory benchmarks, navigate to the benchmarks directory and run the following command:

RUST_LOG=error RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo run --release

Benchmarks 11 April 2024, 02:00 PM

The ileventh benchmark was run on a 32-core machine (64 threads) with 256 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The novelty of this benchmark is to use the Vec data structure of ngrams for the initial indexof conversion, and only afterwards compressing it into an Elias-Fano. This has lead to a massive improvement in construction time, while not impacting the memory requirements of the built corpus.

Arity 1

Edges: 78_571_966, Ngrams: 37

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 3,209 282,604,340
NEWPAR 2,988 282,604,340
RCL NEWPAR 3,347 183,503,767
WEBGRAPH 4,500 172,145,420
RCL WEBGRAPH 4,841 72,340,935
OLD 11,819 5,603,963,834

Arity 2

Edges: 129_014_720, Ngrams: 1_437

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 6,265 407,237,104
NEWPAR 5,009 407,237,104
RCL NEWPAR 5,451 308,136,531
WEBGRAPH 7,965 204,590,616
RCL WEBGRAPH 8,282 103,757,115
OLD 15,346 8,003,769,656

Arity 3

Edges: 138_978_258, Ngrams: 47_111

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 8,303 469,848,532
NEWPAR 5,945 469,848,532
RCL NEWPAR 6,361 370,747,959
WEBGRAPH 8,514 239,354,844
RCL WEBGRAPH 8,878 137,803,367
OLD 16,382 8,583,476,604

Arity 4

Edges: 144_931_790, Ngrams: 47_7806

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 11,449 512,214,744
NEWPAR 7,014 512,214,744
RCL NEWPAR 7,266 413,114,171
WEBGRAPH 8,222 274,258,752
RCL WEBGRAPH 8,538 172,842,803
OLD 18,036 9,036,530,407

Arity 5

Edges: 150_243_064, Ngrams: 1_982_191

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 15,549 550,135,192
NEWPAR 9,135 550,135,192
RCL NEWPAR 9,691 451,034,619
WEBGRAPH 10,444 312,453,624
RCL WEBGRAPH 10,854 211,403,363
OLD 21,367 9,583,720,360

Arity 6

Edges: 155_497_150, Ngrams: 4_351_054

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 20,219 595,148,528
NEWPAR 11,230 595,148,528
RCL NEWPAR 11,962 496,047,955
WEBGRAPH 12,744 355,163,944
RCL WEBGRAPH 13,219 254,433,459
OLD 23,004 10,211,711,214

Arity 7

Edges: 160_731_872, Ngrams: 6_995_796

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 27,834 626,829,580
NEWPAR 14,441 626,829,580
RCL NEWPAR 15,143 527,729,007
WEBGRAPH 16,119 402,533,060
RCL WEBGRAPH 16,592 301,929,695
OLD 26,075 11,052,721,209

Arity 8

Edges: 165_946_588, Ngrams: 9_979_870

Operation Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 27,796 675,743,136
NEWPAR 15,483 675,743,136
RCL NEWPAR 16,644 576,642,563
WEBGRAPH 17,418 458,193,928
RCL WEBGRAPH 18,063 357,589,579
OLD 27,606 11,496,992,467

Benchmarks 9 April 2024, 06:00 PM

The tenth benchmark was run on a 32-core machine (64 threads) with 256 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The novelty of this benchmark is the use of a RCL data structure to store the strings associated with the dataset. The savings in memory requirements are significant.

Test Arity Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEWPAR 1 2,977 282,604,340
RCL NEWPAR 1 3,349 183,503,767
WEBGRAPH 1 4,517 172,145,420
RCL WEBGRAPH 1 4,803 72,340,935
OLD 1 11,650 5,603,963,834
NEWPAR 2 5,011 407,237,104
RCL NEWPAR 2 5,423 308,136,531
WEBGRAPH 2 7,827 204,590,616
RCL WEBGRAPH 2 8,135 103,757,115
OLD 2 15,450 8,003,769,656
NEWPAR 3 6,821 469,848,532
RCL NEWPAR 3 7,155 370,747,959
WEBGRAPH 3 9,358 239,354,844
RCL WEBGRAPH 3 9,554 137,803,367
OLD 3 16,051 8,583,476,604
NEWPAR 4 14,487 512,214,744
RCL NEWPAR 4 14,836 413,114,171
WEBGRAPH 4 15,645 274,258,752
RCL WEBGRAPH 4 16,061 172,842,803
OLD 4 18,326 9,036,530,407
NEWPAR 5 40,051 550,135,192
RCL NEWPAR 5 40,956 451,034,619
WEBGRAPH 5 41,663 312,453,624
RCL WEBGRAPH 5 42,173 211,403,363
OLD 5 20,883 9,583,720,360
NEWPAR 6 118,058 595,148,528
RCL NEWPAR 6 120,697 496,047,955
WEBGRAPH 6 119,848 355,163,944
RCL WEBGRAPH 6 122,529 254,433,459
OLD 6 22,219 10,211,711,214
NEWPAR 7 145,731 626,829,580
RCL NEWPAR 7 150,171 527,729,007
WEBGRAPH 7 147,696 402,533,060
RCL WEBGRAPH 7 152,126 301,929,695
OLD 7 27,087 11,052,721,209
NEWPAR 8 260,231 675,743,136
RCL NEWPAR 8 266,866 576,642,563
WEBGRAPH 8 262,128 458,193,928
RCL WEBGRAPH 8 265,629 357,589,579
OLD 8 26,739 11,496,992,467

Benchmarks 9 April 2024, 04:00 PM

The ninth benchmark was run on a 32-core machine (64 threads) with 256 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The novelty of this benchmark is the introduction of the Webgraph datastructure to store the graph itself. At this time the MemSize trait is not available in the published version of webgraph, so this is solely obtained by using a nightly version - it should be available in the public version soon.

There is a significant reduction in memory requirements for the version which uses webgraph.

Test Arity Time (ms) Memory (B) Memory Graph (B)
NEWPAR 1 3,005 282,604,340 154,219,212
WEBGRAPH 1 4,613 172,145,376 43,760,288
OLD 1 11,757 5,603,963,834 -
NEWPAR 2 5,053 407,237,104 278,850,808
WEBGRAPH 2 7,936 204,590,560 76,204,304
OLD 2 15,033 8,003,769,656 -
NEWPAR 3 6,733 469,848,532 341,406,636
WEBGRAPH 3 9,328 239,354,272 110,912,416
OLD 3 16,011 8,583,476,604 -
NEWPAR 4 14,349 512,214,744 382,971,848
WEBGRAPH 4 15,666 274,258,696 145,015,840
OLD 4 17,557 9,036,530,407 -
NEWPAR 5 40,938 550,135,192 416,714,136
WEBGRAPH 5 41,779 312,453,544 179,032,528
OLD 5 19,575 9,583,720,360 -
NEWPAR 6 117,498 595,148,528 451,993,064
WEBGRAPH 6 119,641 355,163,860 212,008,444
OLD 6 22,782 10,211,711,214 -
NEWPAR 7 145,084 626,829,580 468,310,228
WEBGRAPH 7 147,303 402,532,964 244,013,660
OLD 7 27,476 11,052,721,209 -
NEWPAR 8 258,349 675,743,136 495,062,184
WEBGRAPH 8 260,305 458,193,816 277,512,928
OLD 8 26,892 11,496,992,467 -

Benchmarks 9 April 2024, 09:00 AM

The eighth benchmark was run on a 32-core machine (64 threads) with 256 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The novelty of this benchmark is the introduction of a new datastructure for the weights, which is now similar to how a Webgraph is stored.

We observe, in average a reduction of memory requirements of about 10MBs x arity. Also, the time requirements are reduced, expecially for larger arities.

Test Arity Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 1 3,256 282,604,340
NEWPAR 1 2,958 282,604,340
OLD 1 11,624 5,603,963,834
NEW 2 6,989 407,237,104
NEWPAR 2 5,098 407,237,104
OLD 2 15,231 8,003,769,656
NEW 3 32,827 469,848,532
NEWPAR 3 6,937 469,848,532
OLD 3 16,480 8,583,476,604
NEW 4 229,491 512,214,744
NEWPAR 4 14,390 512,214,744
OLD 4 17,782 9,036,530,407
NEW 5 910,467 550,135,192
NEWPAR 5 40,371 550,135,192
OLD 5 19,549 9,583,720,360
NEW 6 2,953,288 595,148,528
NEWPAR 6 118,846 595,148,528
OLD 6 20,655 10,211,711,214
NEW 7 3,650,896 626,829,580
NEWPAR 7 147,647 626,829,580
OLD 7 23,734 11,052,721,209
NEW 8 6,733,734 675,743,136
NEWPAR 8 256,439 675,743,136
OLD 8 26,134 11,496,992,467

Benchmarks 8 April 2024, 08:00 AM

The seventh benchmark was run on a 32-core machine (64 threads) with 256 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. In this benchmark, we are comparing the time and memory required to load the dataset into memory using the old and new implementations of the Corpus struct, with arities from 1 to 6.

While the new edition is for arities 1 and 2 faster than the old one, for larger arities it becomes increasingly slower. Still, for all arities, the new edition is using significantly less memory than the old one. This is a significant improvement, as it allows us to scale to much larger dictionaries.

In the new edition we also provide a parallel version, which has the same memory requirements as the non-parallel version, but is significantly faster.

Test Arity Time (ms) Memory (B)
NEW 1 3,201 292,440,192
NEWPAR 1 2,862 292,440,192
OLD 1 11,870 5,603,963,834
NEW 2 7,113 428,947,776
NEWPAR 2 5,173 428,947,776
OLD 2 15,583 8,003,769,656
NEW 3 39,766 486,899,488
NEWPAR 3 7,314 486,899,488
OLD 3 16,554 8,583,476,604
NEW 4 315,398 530,646,488
NEWPAR 4 17,582 530,646,488
OLD 4 18,561 9,036,530,407
NEW 5 1,194,200 569,522,048
NEWPAR 5 52,986 569,522,048
OLD 5 20,336 9,583,720,360
NEW 6 3,893,922 615,458,920
NEWPAR 6 163,489 615,458,920
OLD 6 22,206 10,211,711,214

Benchmarks 5 April 2024, 08:00 PM

The sixth benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The innovation of this run is the use of the EliasFano data structure to store the ngrams, which can be more efficient than Vec we were using before. The vec does not make any assumptions about the data, while the EliasFano data structure does, and since in the vast majority of cases we want to store monotonically increasing data which we can generally convert to small integers, this is a good fit. For all cases where the ngrams are too large to fit within an u64, we fallback to the Vec data structure.

Time required

The time required to load the dataset into memory was 17.328862785s. There seems to be a slight slow down compared to the previous run, and this is likely due to the fact that we are now using the EliasFano data structure to store the ngrams which requires somewhat more computation than the Vec data structure.

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset are nearly identical to the previous run overall, but if we focus to specific field we modified, we can see that the ngrams field is now using the EliasFano data structure, which is more efficient than the Vec data structure we were using before. Specifically, the ngrams field is now using 2.072kB of memory, while before it was using 5.196kB of memory. This is a significant improvement, which will allow us to reasonable scale to much larger dictionaries.

401.6 MB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::corpus::Corpus<alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>, [ngrammatic::traits::ascii_char::ASCIIChar; 2], ngrammatic::traits::char_normalizer::Lowercase<str>>
128.4 MB  31.97% ├╴keys: alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>
2.072 kB   0.00% ├╴ngrams: sux::dict::elias_fano::EliasFano<sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2>
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴u: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴n: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴l: usize
1.024 kB   0.00% │ ├╴low_bits: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
 1000  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴len: usize
1.024 kB   0.00% │ ╰╴high_bits: sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2
  872  B   0.00% │   ├╴bits: sux::bits::bit_vec::CountBitVec
  856  B   0.00% │   │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │   │ ├╴len: usize
    8  B   0.00% │   │ ╰╴number_of_ones: usize
  152  B   0.00% │   ╰╴inventory: alloc::vec::Vec<u64>
273.2 MB  68.03% ├╴graph: ngrammatic::bit_field_bipartite_graph::WeightedBitFieldBipartiteGraph
28.53 MB   7.10% │ ├╴srcs_to_dsts_weights: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
28.53 MB   7.10% │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴len: usize
2.153 MB   0.54% │ ├╴srcs_offsets: sux::dict::elias_fano::EliasFano<sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴u: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴n: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴l: usize
1.286 MB   0.32% │ │ ├╴low_bits: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
1.286 MB   0.32% │ │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ╰╴len: usize
867.7 kB   0.22% │ │ ╰╴high_bits: sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2
767.2 kB   0.19% │ │   ├╴bits: sux::bits::bit_vec::CountBitVec
767.2 kB   0.19% │ │   │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │   │ ├╴len: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │   │ ╰╴number_of_ones: usize
100.5 kB   0.03% │ │   ╰╴inventory: alloc::vec::Vec<u64>
5.552 kB   0.00% │ ├╴dsts_offsets: sux::dict::elias_fano::EliasFano<sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴u: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴n: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴l: usize
4.576 kB   0.00% │ │ ├╴low_bits: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
4.552 kB   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ╰╴len: usize
  952  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴high_bits: sux::rank_sel::select_fixed2::SelectFixed2
  800  B   0.00% │ │   ├╴bits: sux::bits::bit_vec::CountBitVec
  784  B   0.00% │ │   │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │   │ ├╴len: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │   │ ╰╴number_of_ones: usize
  152  B   0.00% │ │   ╰╴inventory: alloc::vec::Vec<u64>
156.9 MB  39.08% │ ├╴srcs_to_dsts: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
156.9 MB  39.08% │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴len: usize
85.60 MB  21.31% │ ╰╴dsts_to_srcs: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
85.60 MB  21.31% │   ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │   ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │   ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │   ╰╴len: usize
    0  B   0.00% ╰╴_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<ngrammatic::traits::char_normalizer::Lowercase<str>>

Benchmarks 5 April 2024, 04:00 PM

The fifth benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The innovation of this run is that we are using a EliasFano data structure to store the offsets. This is more efficient than the BitFieldVec that we were using before because we are exploiting the fact that the offsets are monotonically increasing.

Time required

The time required to load the dataset into memory was 14.245963367s.

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset were:

401.5 MB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::corpus::Corpus<alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>, [ngrammatic::traits::ascii_char::ASCIIChar; 2], ngrammatic::traits::char_normalizer::Lowercase<str>>
128.4 MB  31.98% ├╴keys: alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>
5.196 kB   0.00% ├╴ngrams: alloc::vec::Vec<[ngrammatic::traits::ascii_char::ASCIIChar; 2]>
273.1 MB  68.02% ├╴graph: ngrammatic::bit_field_bipartite_graph::WeightedBitFieldBipartiteGraph
28.53 MB   7.11% │ ├╴srcs_to_dsts_weights: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
28.53 MB   7.11% │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴len: usize
2.053 MB   0.51% │ ├╴srcs_offsets: sux::dict::elias_fano::EliasFano
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴u: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴n: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴l: usize
1.286 MB   0.32% │ │ ├╴low_bits: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
1.286 MB   0.32% │ │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ╰╴len: usize
767.2 kB   0.19% │ │ ╰╴high_bits: sux::bits::bit_vec::CountBitVec
767.2 kB   0.19% │ │   ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │   ├╴len: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │   ╰╴number_of_ones: usize
5.400 kB   0.00% │ ├╴dsts_offsets: sux::dict::elias_fano::EliasFano
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴u: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴n: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴l: usize
4.576 kB   0.00% │ │ ├╴low_bits: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
4.552 kB   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ │ ╰╴len: usize
  800  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴high_bits: sux::bits::bit_vec::CountBitVec
  784  B   0.00% │ │   ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │   ├╴len: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │   ╰╴number_of_ones: usize
156.9 MB  39.09% │ ├╴srcs_to_dsts: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
156.9 MB  39.09% │ │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ │ ╰╴len: usize
85.60 MB  21.32% │ ╰╴dsts_to_srcs: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
85.60 MB  21.32% │   ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │   ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │   ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │   ╰╴len: usize
    0  B   0.00% ╰╴_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<ngrammatic::traits::char_normalizer::Lowercase<str>>

This is a slight improvement over the previous run, as it is requires 40MBs less memory. Most of this improvement comes from the introduction of an easy-to-use, compile-time-defined type marker for the normalization, which is a PhantomData field.

Benchmarks 5 April 2024, 10:00 AM

The fourth benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory. The innovation of this iteration is the use of an explicit weighted bipartite graph connecting the keys to the ngrams, which is represented using two CSR data structures. These CSRs have their offsets and destinations stored in a BitFieldVec. Also the cooccurrences are stored in a BitFieldVec.

Time required

Altough the time required to load the dataset into memory was not accurately measured as we did not do several runs, for this specific run it was 14.882637729s. This is still an improvement, but I am rather confident that we can do better. Primarily, the construction of the BitFieldVecs is something that can be reasonably vastly improved upon. I am currently working with the author of the sux library to see if we can improve the performance of the BitFieldVecs.

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset were:

439.6 MB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::corpus::Corpus<alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>, [u8; 2]>
128.4 MB  29.21% ├╴keys: alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>
11.33 kB   0.00% ├╴ngrams: alloc::vec::Vec<[u8; 2]>
31.05 MB   7.07% ├╴cooccurrences: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
31.05 MB   7.07% │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ╰╴len: usize
8.356 MB   1.90% ├╴key_offsets: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
8.356 MB   1.90% │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ╰╴len: usize
18.43 kB   0.00% ├╴ngram_offsets: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
18.41 kB   0.00% │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ╰╴len: usize
100.9 MB  22.96% ├╴key_to_ngram_edges: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
100.9 MB  22.96% │ ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00% │ ╰╴len: usize
170.8 MB  38.86% ╰╴gram_to_key_edges: sux::bits::bit_field_vec::BitFieldVec
170.8 MB  38.86%   ├╴data: alloc::vec::Vec<usize>
    8  B   0.00%   ├╴bit_width: usize
    8  B   0.00%   ├╴mask: usize
    8  B   0.00%   ╰╴len: usize

Impressively, the memory requirements have been reduced by more than 50% compared to the previous run. This is a significant improvement.

Benchmarks 2 April 2024, 11:00 PM

The third benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory.

Time required

Altough the time required to load the dataset into memory was not accurately measured as we did not do several runs, for this specific run it was 13.639367419s. This is still an improvement, but I am rather confident that we can do better.

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset were:

1.010 GB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::Corpus<ngrammatic::traits::arity::ArityTwo, ngrammatic::key_transformers::Lower, alloc::string::String, u16>
517.7 MB  51.25% ├╴keys_to_ngrams: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<ngrammatic::traits::key::Normalizer<alloc::string::String, ngrammatic::key_transformers::Lower>, ngrammatic::ngrams::Ngram<ngrammatic::traits::arity::ArityTwo, u16>>
492.3 MB  48.75% ╰╴ngrams_to_keys: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<[u8; 2], alloc::vec::Vec<&ngrammatic::traits::key::Normalizer<alloc::string::String, ngrammatic::key_transformers::Lower>>>

This is a further improvement compared to the previous run, as it is requires 300MBs less memory.

Benchmarks 2 April 2024, 10:00 PM

The second benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory.

Time required

Altough the time required to load the dataset into memory was not accurately measured as we did not do several runs, for this specific run it was 14.457731947s. This is a significant improvement over the previous run, as it is more than twice as fast.

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset were:

1.378 GB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::Corpus
886.1 MB  64.28% ├╴keys_to_ngrams: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<ngrammatic::traits::key::Normalizer<alloc::string::String, ngrammatic::key_transformer::Lower>, ngrammatic::ngrams::Ngram>
492.3 MB  35.72% ╰╴ngrams_to_keys: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<[u8; 2], alloc::vec::Vec<&ngrammatic::traits::key::Normalizer<alloc::string::String, ngrammatic::key_transformer::Lower>>>

This is a significant improvement over the previous run, as it is more than 5 times less memory required.

Benchmarks 2 April 2024, 09:00 AM

The first benchmark was run on a 6-core machine with 32 GBs of RAM. We loaded the entirety of the taxons dataset into memory.

Time required

Altough the time required to load the dataset into memory was not accurately measured as we did not do several runs, for this specific run it was 36.779114884s

Memory required

The memory requirements for the dataset were:

7.875 GB 100.00% ⏺: ngrammatic::Corpus<ngrammatic::key_transformer::Lower, 2>
   24  B   0.00% ├╴pad_left: ngrammatic::Pad
                 │ ╰╴Variant: Auto
   24  B   0.00% ├╴pad_right: ngrammatic::Pad
                 │ ╰╴Variant: Auto
4.365 GB  55.43% ├╴ngrams: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<alloc::string::String, ngrammatic::Ngram<2>>
3.510 GB  44.57% ├╴gram_to_words: std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<alloc::string::String, alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>>
    0  B   0.00% ╰╴key_transformer: ngrammatic::key_transformer::Lower