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PyGraphica 0.1.1

By Luke Campbell

PyGraphica is an easy-to-learn GUI module designed for Python, built on the Python bindings (pysdl2) for SDL-2.

One important note before we start. For all coordinates and lengths, if represented as an integer will be interpreted as a measurement in pixels, and if represented as a string (e.g. '35') will be interpreted as a percentage of the height or width.


The most simple installation is via pip, i.e

py -m pip install PyGraphica

for windows

python -m pip install PyGraphica

for linux

However the source code can be downloaded from GitHub, here if pip install fails.

Once the module has been imported, add it to your Python project like this:

from PyGraphica import draw, colours, origins, fonts

Colours, Origins, and Fonts files

The colours file contains a series of default RGB tuples, which can be used to simplify coding. The colours can be accessed by the following variable names:


For example:


The Origins file contains the five origin options, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, and centre. These origins can be accessed using the following variable names:






For example:


The fonts file contains the path to the default fonts included in PyGraphica. These paths can be accessed using the following names:

Variable Font
Arial Hello world!
Baskerville Hello world!
BrushScript Hello world!
Calibri Hello world!
Courier Hello world!
Garamond Hello world!
Helvetica Hello world!
Impact Hello world!
OpenDyslexic Hello world!
TimesNewRoman Hello world!
Trebuchet Hello world!

For example:


Creating a window

The window class can be defined by the following attributes:

attribute default type description
name 'PyGraphica' string name that will appear above the window
size (800, 600) tuple of two integers or strings of integers dimensions (in px) of the screen
resizable False boolean whether the user can resize the window by dragging
icon False Path (string) to file, or False for no icon The image that will be displayed in the top left corner of the window
position (0,20) tuple of two integers or strings of integers The location (px) of the window on the screen
origin top left variable from origins file The location of the origin and corresponding coordinate system
colour black variable from colours file or RGB tuple background colour of the window

An example window could be:

NavCS = draw.window("NavCS", (400,600), True, "NavCS_logo_icon.jpg", (0,20), origins.CENTRE, colours.WHITE)

Once the window has been created the following attributes can be called:

attribute description
keys keys currently held by the user
comms command keys currently held by the user
key_changes keys newly pressed by the user (not held)
comm_changes command keys newly pressed by the user (not held)
caps whether capslock is on or shift is held
mouse_x x position of the mouse
mouse_y y position of the mouse
mouse_down whether the mouse button is held down
mouse_held whether the mouse button is held down for more than one cycle

Creating a line

The line class can be defined by the following attributes:

attribute type description
window window object window which the line will be drawn to
x1 integer or string of integer x component of the start coordinate
y1 integer or string of integer y component of the start coordinate
x2 integer or string of integer x component of the end coordinate
y2 integer or string of integer y component of the end coordinate
colour variable from colours file or RGB tuple colour of the line

For example

line1 = draw.line(app, 100, 70, 250, 300, colours.RED)

Once the line has been created the following attributes can be called:

name description
visible whether the line is displayed to the screen or not

Creating a rectangle

The rectangle class can be defined by the following attributes:

name default type description
window NA window object window which the line will be drawn to
x1 NA integer or string of integer x component of the start coordinate
x2 NA integer or string of integer x component of the end coordinate
y1 NA integer or string of integer y component of the start coordinate
y2 NA integer or string of integer y component of the end coordinate
colour False variable from colours file, RGB tuple, or False for no fill fill colour of rectangle
border_colour False integer or False for no border colour of the border of the rectangle
border_thickness 1 positive integer thickness of the border

For example:

my_rect = draw.rectangle(app, 10, 20, 600, 750, colours.PURPLE, colours.YELLOW, 2)

Once the rectangle has been created the following attributes can be called:

name description
visible whether the rectangle is displayed to the screen or not
hover whether the mouse is hovered over the rectangle
clicked whether theuser has selected the rectangle

For example:

if my_rect.clicked:
    my_rect.visible = False

Creating text

The text class can be defined by the following attributes:

name default type description
window NA window object window which the text will be drawn to
x1 NA integer x component of the start coordinate
y1 NA integer y component of the start coordinate
size NA positive integer or string of positive integer height
colour NA variable from colours file or RGB tuple colour of the text
content NA string content of the text
font fonts.Calibri variable from fonts file or path to ttf/otf file font of the text

For example:

title = draw.text(app, 100, -50, 20, colours.NAVY_BLUE, "Hello world!", fonts.OpenDyslexic)

Once the text object has been creeated the following attributes can be called:

name description
visible whether the text is displayed to the screen or not
hover whether the mouse is hovered over the text
clicked whether the user has selected the text
x2 x component of the end coordinate
y2 y component of the end coordinate

For example:

if title.clicked:
    title.colour = colours.PASTEL_BLUE
elif title.hover:
    title.colour = colours.BLUE
    title.colour = colours.NAVY_BLUE

Creating a textbox

A textbox is an input field in which users can type text. A textbox can be defined by the following attributes:

name default type description
window NA window object window to which the textbox will be drawn
x1 NA integer or string of integer x component of the start coordinate
y1 NA integer or string of integer y component of the start coordinate
size NA integer or string of integer height of text
width 1 integer or string of integer width of textbox (NB: textbox will expand if text goes out of textbox)
font fonts.Calibri variable fromfont file or path to ttf/otf file font in which the text will be displyed
default_text Type here... string text which will be displayed in lighter shade if the user has not yet typed anything

For example:

code_input = draw.textbox(app,"20","10","3","80",fonts.OpenDyslexic,"ENTER CODE HERE")
name description
visible whether the textbox is displayed to the screen or not
hover whether the mouse is hovered over the textbox
clicked whether the user has selected the textbox
x2 x component of the end coordinate
y2 y component of the end coordinate
content the content the user has typed into the textbox

For example:

def submit():
    response = code_input.content
    if response == "open sesame":
        #let them to the next stage
        code_input.content = ""

Creating an image

The image class can be defined by the following parameters:

Name Default Type Description
window NA window object window to which the image will be drawn
path NA string path to image file
x1 NA integer or string of integer x component of the start coordinate
y1 NA integer or string of integer y component of the start coordinate
height False positive integer, string of positive integer or False if height is to be defined by width and aspect ratio height of the image
width False positive integer, string of positive integer or False if width is to be defined by height and aspect ratio width of the image

For example:

background = draw.image(app, "/my_images/background_image.jpg", 0, 0,  width = "100")

Collision function

The collision function takes two objects as input, and then returns a boolean for whether their hitboxes overlap. For example:

if draw.collision(rect1,image2):
    #do something

To_front and to_back functions

These functions can be used to reorder the elements on the screen. For example:




Delete function

This function is used to delete an object. For example:
