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786 lines (587 loc) · 29.7 KB
  • Feature Name: Buffer Physical Layout
  • Authors: Eric Lunderberg (@Lunderberg), Wuwei Lin (@vinx13)
  • Start Date: 2021-10-05
  • RFC PR: apache/tvm-rfcs#0039
  • GitHub Issue: Not Yet Written


This RFC introduces layout transformations that can be applied to a buffer during the lowering process. These transformations will be part of the schedule, allowing the same compute definition to be used across multiple different layouts. These transformations can produce either flat memory buffers or multi-dimensional memory buffers to be exposed to the low-level code generators.


Currently, TVM assumes that all buffers can be treated as flat memory. That is, while a rank-N tensor requires N values to describe its shape and N indices to identify a particular value within it, the underlying buffer allocated by the low-level codegen has a single value defining the size, and access into that buffer is done using a single index. This assumptions holds for most cases, such as a CPU accessing RAM, but doesn't hold in all cases. For example, texture memory on a GPU requires two indices to access. These are currently handled on a case-by-case basis, such as using tvm::tir::builtin::texture2d_store in a CallNode.

In addition, computations that are semantically identical (e.g. 2-d convolution) require independent compute definitions and schedules (e.g. conv2d_nchw and conv2d_hwcn) based on the format of the data accepted as input.

This RFC introduces a mechanism to specify transformations to be applied to the layout of buffers in memory, along with a unified method of presenting multiple indices to the low-level code generators. This will allow for target-specific handling of non-flat memory, and will allow for code re-use across compute definitions that differ only in memory layout.

Guide-level explanation

A buffer is represented by a tvm::tir::Buffer object, and has some shape associated with it. This shape is initially defined from the buffer's shape in the compute definition. Buffers can either be allocated within a tvm::tir::PrimFunc using a tvm::tir::Allocate node, or can be passed in as parameters to a PrimFunc. Buffer access is done using tvm::tir::BufferLoad and tvm::tir::BufferStore for reads and writes, respectively.

When a TIR graph is passed into the low-level code generator tvm::codegen::Build, the rank of each buffer must be supported by the target code generator. Typically, this will mean generating a single index representing access into flat memory. Some code generators may attach alternative semantics for rank>1 buffers (e.g. rank-2 buffers to represent texture memory on OpenCL). A low-level code generator should check the rank of the buffers it is acting on, and give a diagnostic error for unsupported rank.

To define the layout transformation in a TE schedule, use the transform_layout method of a schedule, as shown below. The arguments to transform_layout is a function that accepts a list of tvm.tir.Var representing a logical index, and outputs a list of tvm.tir.PrimExpr giving a corresponding physical index. If transform_layout isn't called, then no additional layout transformations are applied.

For example, below defines the reordering from NHWC logical layout to NCHWc physical layout.

# Compute definition, written in terms of NHWC logical axes
B = te.compute(A.shape, lambda n,h,w,c: A[n,h,w,c])
s = te.create_schedule(B.op)

def nhwc_to_nchwc(n, h, w, c):
    return [n, c//4, h, w, c%4]

transformed_nchwc_axes = s[B].transform_layout(nhwc_to_nchwc)

# Compute definition that would produce an equivalent physical layout
B_equivalent = te.compute(
    [A.shape[0], A.shape[3]//4, A.shape[1], A.shape[2], 4],
    lambda n, c_outer, h, w, c_inner: A[n, h, w, 4*c_outer+c_inner],

By default, after all explicitly specified layout transformations are applied, all axes are flattened to a single axis by following a row-major traversal. This produces a 1-d buffer, which corresponds to flat memory. To produce rank>1 buffers in the physical layout, insert te.AXIS_SEPARATOR into the axis list return by the physical layout function. These define groups of axes, where each group is combined into a single physical axis.

B = te.compute(shape=(M,N,P,Q), ...)
s = te.create_schedule(B.op)

# Default, produces a 1-d allocation with shape (M*N*P*Q,)
s[B].transform_layout(lambda m,n,p,q: [m,n,p,q])

# One separator, produces a 2-d allocation with shape (M*N, P*Q).
s[B].transform_layout(lambda m,n,p,q: [m, n, te.AXIS_SEPARATOR, p, q])

# Two separators, produces a 3-d allocation with shape (M, N*P, Q).
s[B].transform_layout(lambda m,n,p,q: [m, te.AXIS_SEPARATOR, n, p, te.AXIS_SEPARATOR, q])

# Can be used along with reorders and splits.
s[B].transform_layout(lambda m,n,p,q: [m, q//4, n, te.AXIS_SEPARATOR, p, q%4])

The te.AXIS_SEPARATOR object exists only within the API interface, and is not part of the representation of the layout transformation within the generated TIR graph. Instead, the TIR graph will contain an integer list of axis separators, to be used when flattening buffers to device-supported rank in the StorageFlatten or FlattenBuffer passes.

If the tensor whose layout is being transformed is the result of te.compute, then the loop iteration order over that tensor will be rewritten to be along the updated memory layout. If the loop iteration order is modified, these new loop iteration variables will be returned from transform_layout().

A = te.placeholder(shape=[16,64,128])
B = te.compute(A.shape, lambda i,j,k: 2*A[i,j,k])

s = te.create_schedule(B.op)

# A is an input placeholder, and doesn't have nested loops that
# generate it.  Therefore, while the layout of A is rewritten along
# with any reads/writes into A, there are no loop iterators to be
# rewritten and no loop iterators are returned.
s[A].transform_layout(lambda i,j,k: [i*64 + j, k//4, k%4])

# B is a computed tensor, and is computed inside a sequence of nested
# loops.  Therefore, when B's layout is rewritten, those nested loops
# are also rewritten, and the corresponding loop iterators are
# returned.
i_outer, jk_merged, i_inner = s[B].transform_layout(lambda i,j,k: [i//4, 128*j + k, i%4])

# The loop iterators returned by transform_layout() can be used later
# in the schedule, if the iteration order should be different from the
# layout order of the output tensor.
s[B].reorder(i_outer, i_inner, jk_merged)

Reference-level explanation

For schedules written in either TE or TIR, the axis separators are stored in BufferNode::axis_separators. For TIR-based schedules, the re-indexing of a buffer is performed on demand. For TE-based schedules, the mapping used to re-index a buffer is stored in the "layout_transform_map" attribute of the PrimFunc, and is applied as part of lowering. This attribute is a map whose keys are buffer var to be reshaped, and whose values are the transformations to be applied.

Many of the utilities needed for this transformation already exist in iter_affine_map.h, and are used in the implementation. For TIR-based schedules, the transformation primitive is appleid immediately.

A buffer may be allocated with AllocateNode, and may be interacted with using BufferLoadNode and BufferStoreNode. BufferRealizeNode should only appear in TE-based schedules, and should be converted to AllocateNode. LoadNode and StoreNode are deprecated.

Impacted TIR Nodes

  • BufferNode

    • Describes a N-d buffer. This may directly represent a tensor (N-d buffer produced by TE), a flat memory array (1-d buffer as input to the low-level codegen), or intermediates between them.
  • BufferRealizeNode

    • Realization of a buffer, in logical layout.
    • For external buffers, serves as an optional annotation. For internal buffers, results in allocation of memory.
  • BufferLoadNode/BufferStoreNode

    • Read/write of a buffer.

    • Change from previous behavior: Will exist throughout the lowering process, and will be passed to the low-level code generators. Transformations that previously created Load and Store nodes will instead create BufferLoad and BufferStore nodes with 1-d indices.

  • AllocateNode

    • Allocation of a buffer, in physical layout.

    • Declares an allocation of a buffer.

    • Change from previous behavior: Previously, AllocateNode held the buffer_var, datatype, and buffer extents directly. After implementation of this RFC, AllocateNode will instead hold the Buffer that is to be allocated.

  • LoadNode/StoreNode

    • Read/write of a 1-d buffer, given a Var pointer to the start of the buffer and a single index.

    • Deprecated, should instead use BufferLoad and BufferStore with a 1-d index.

Impacted tir Transformations

  • ApplyBufferTransforms

    • A new pass that takes as input a TIR graph that may have buffer transformations stored in the PrimFunc attributes. Returns a TIR graph with all buffer transforms applied as specified.

    • Rewrite indices in BufferStore/BufferLoad nodes based on the specified transformation.

    • The transformations are stored as a Map<Var, Array<IndexMap>> in the "layout_transform_map" attribute of a primfunc. All buffers whose BufferNode::data is a key in this map should have their physical layout rewritten. If the array contains multiple transformations, they are applied sequentially.

      A possible structure for the IndexMap node is shown below.

      class IndexMapNode : public Object {
        /*! \brief Variables representing the indices prior to remapping.
         * If initial_index is empty, then final_index should also be
         * empty, and no mapping is applied.
        Array<Var> initial_index;
         * \brief Expressions defining the indices after remapping.
         * These expressions should only be in terms of the initial_index,
         * and must be expressible as a `tvm::arith::IterSumExpr`.  The
         * mapping from `initial_index` to `final_index` must be injective.
         * If final_index is empty, then initial_index should also be
         * empty, and the map is an identity function.
        Array<PrimExpr> final_index;
    • After applying the transformations, the "layout_transform_map" attribute should be removed. This ensures that additional application of ApplyBufferTransforms has no effect.

  • FlattenBuffer/StorageFlatten

    • Existing passes that convert from logical layout to physical layout for TE schedules (StorageFlatten) or TensorIR schedules (FlattenBuffer).

    • The transformations are stored in the Buffer object as the BufferNode::axis_separators. All buffers that share the same BufferNode::data should be flattened to an output buffer of rank axis_separators.size()+1. All other buffers should be flattened to a 1-d output buffer.

    • After flattening a buffer to an N-d output, the corresponding value in the axis_separators should be set to range(N-1). This ensures that repeated application of the flattening passes have no additional effect. (The list shouldn't be deleted entirely, as that would cause a flattened rank-N buffer and an unflattened rank-N buffer to have identical representations.)


The following are intended as pseudo-code, and exclude details not relevant to this RFC (e.g. dtype). These do not correspond with the final version of TensorIR that implements this RFC. Numeric values are shown unsimplified to indicate where they come from.

The first example shows a 2-d buffer with no layout transformations explicitly specified. The generated PrimFunc has no "layout_transform_map" attribute, and so the default behavior is used, applying a row-major traversal to generate a flat 1-d buffer.

# In TE schedule, no call to transform_layout.

# Initial TIR graph
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[64,128])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [10, 15])
    BufferStore(x, 7, [20, 23])

# After flattening to 1-d
x = Var(name="x")
with Allocate(x, shape=[64*128]):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [10*128 + 15])
    BufferStore(x, 7, [20*128 + 23])

This next example shows a 2-d logical buffer, which is lowered to a 1-d physical buffer. transform_layout has been used to define a physical layout whose fastest changing dimension corresponds to the first index in the logical layout.

# In TE schedule
# s[x].transform_layout(lambda i,j: [j,i])

# Initial TIR graph
attrs["layout_transform_map"][x] = lambda i,j: [j,i]
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[64,128])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [10, 15])
    BufferStore(x, 7, [20, 23])

# After applying the explicit reordering
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[128,64])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [15, 10])
    BufferStore(x, 7, [23, 20])

# After flattening to 1-d
x = Var(name="x")
with Allocate(x, shape=[128*64]):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [15*64 + 10])
    BufferStore(x, 7, [23*64 + 20])

The next example shows a remapping from NHWC logical layout to NCHWc physical layout. The 4 logical axes are expanded to 5 logical axes during the ApplyBufferTransforms pass, then flattened into 1 physical axis during StorageFlatten/FlattenBuffer.

# In TE schedule
# s[x].transform_layout(lambda n,h,w,c: [n, c//4, h, w, c%4])

# Initial TIR graph
attrs["layout_transform_map"][x] = lambda n,h,w,c: [n, c//4, h, w, c%4]
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[16,64,64,128], reorder_splits=nhwc_to_nchwc, axis_separators=[])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [11, 37, 23, 101])

# After applying the explicit reordering
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[16, 128/4, 64, 64, 4], reorder_splits=[], axis_separators=[])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, index=[11, floor(101/4), 37, 23, 101%4])

# After flattening to 1-d
x = Var(name="x")
with Allocate(x, shape=[16 * (128/4) * 64 * 64 * 4]):
    val = BufferLoad(x, index=[(128/4)*64*64*4*11 + 64*64*4*floor(101/4) + 64*4*37 + 4*23 + 101%4])

Lastly, an example of remapping from NHWC logical layout to NCHWc physical layout, packed into a 2-d physical layout with NCH in the first physical axis and Wc in the second physical axis. This is the definition used by the current "global.texture" definition used for texture memory. The change applied during SplitReorderIndices is identical to the previous example, but StorageFlatten produces a 2-d physical index. The interpretation of this 2-d index depends on the target-specific codegen.

# In TE schedule
# s[x].transform_layout(lambda n,h,w,c: [n, c//4, h, te.AXIS_SEPARATOR, w, c%4])

# Initial TIR graph
attrs["layout_transform_map"][x] = lambda n,h,w,c: [n, c//4, h, w, c%4]
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[16,64,64,128], axis_separators=[2])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, [11, 37, 23, 101])

# After applying the explicit reordering.
x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[16, 128/4, 64, 64, 4], axis_separators=[2])
with Allocate(x):
    val = BufferLoad(x, index=[11, floor(101/4), 37, 23, 101%4])

# After applying StorageFlatten or FlattenBuffer.  The final result is
# 2-d, due to the te.AXIS_SEPARATOR used in the `.transform_layout`.
# The `axis_separators` are set to [0], to distinguish this 2-d flattened
# buffer from a 2-d unflattened buffer.

x = Buffer(name="x", shape=[16 * (128/4) * 64, 64*4], axis_separators=[0])
with Allocate(x, shape=[16 * (128/4) * 64, 64 * 4]):
    val = BufferLoad(x, index=[(128/4)*64*11 + 64*floor(101/4) + 37, 4*23 + 101%4])


This change may make it more difficult to reason about the memory layout when writing the te.compute definition. When the physical layout differs from the logical layout, it isn't guaranteed that A[i] and A[i+1] will be adjacent. For example, a tensor with compute definition defined in NHWC layout and with layout transformation to NCHWc defined by [n, c//4, h, w, c%4], locations (0,0,0,3) and (0,0,0,4) in the compute definition will not be adjacent.

Rationale and alternatives

  • Can these design goals be met with existing features?

    The te.compute function can be used to define an updated layout. However, this introduces a new tensor that must be inlined to avoid additional memory allocation, and cannot be used for input parameters.

    This design applies equally to tensors defined as a result of a computation and to input tensors. In both cases, the transform_layout causes all reads/writes to that buffer to obey the specified layout. In the case of input tensors, it states that the tensors passed in will be in the specified format.

  • Should buffer transformations be a node within a TIR graph, or an attribute?

    Option 1 is preferred.

    • Option 1: The transformations are stored in attributes of PrimFunc.

      This makes it clear that the transformations apply to all uses of the buffer within the graph, and are not scoped to some region of the TIR graph.

    • Option 2: The transformations are stored in node that inherits from tir::Stmt.

      This would be easier for other passes to visit using StmtVisitor, if the layout transformations require modification. However, it would add confusion if a Stmt impacts buffers far outside its own scope.

  • When should the tir::transform::ApplyBufferTransforms pass be applied?

    Applying it at the end of phase-2 in satisfies these conditions.

    • To ensure that host and device have the same definition for buffer layout, it should occur before the host/device split in MakePackedAPI.

    • Since other transformations can make use of buffer transformations, it should otherwise be as late as possible in the lowering flow. (e.g. InjectDoubleBuffer mapping to a new buffer shape)

  • Should buffer transformations re-use functionality of other nodes?

    Option 1 is preferred.

    • Option 1: Add buffer transformations as an attribute to the PrimFunc.

    • Option 2: In TE-based schedules, AttrStmtNode could give the buffer to be transformed, along with the transformation to be applied, similar to how buffer_bind_scope is currently handled.

      The BufferTransform must also contain multiple objects that are not derived from PrimExpr, the buffer to be transformed and the mapping to be applied, while AttrStmtNode only allows a single ObjectRef node and a PrimExpr value.

    • Option 3: In TensorIR-based schedules, MatchBufferRegion could be extended to also include a transformation while performing the buffer replacement.

      However, this could make it more difficult to reason about which locations in the buffer region are being accessed.

    • Option 4: The BufferNode object could contain an array of transformations that should be applied to it during the lowering process. This would be convenient and allow for arbitrarily many transformations.

      Wouldn't follow the TVM convention of having annotations external to the node itself.

  • Where should transformations to be applied to the function inputs be specified?

    Option 1 is preferred.

    • Option 1: Any BufferTransform that describes a buffer in the PrimFuncNode::buffer_map gets applied to that buffer.

      Would require two traversals, the first to locate all buffer transforms, and the second to apply them.

    • Option 2: BufferTransform nodes listed in the PrimFunc::attrs under a "buffer_argument_transforms" key apply to the function arguments.

      Would only need a single traversal to apply.

      Would require other passes to be aware of where a buffer was first defined, in order to add it to the appropriate location.

  • What arguments should the function passed to transform_layout accept?

    In these examples, the tensor is rank N prior to the transformation.

    Option 3 is preferred.

    • Option 1: Accept a list of length N. Each element of the list is a variable corresponding to a coordinate in the input tensor.

      This would be the simplest python implementation, but would require additional configuration to have named variables in the mapping.

    • Option 2: Accept N named positional arguments (func(i,j,k)), where each argument is a variable corresponding to a coordinate in the input tensor.

      This follows the usual method of defining the fcompute function passed to te.compute. This also allows the named variables to be used as the names in TIR, improving readability.

      However, this wouldn't allow utility functions that define transformations that apply to an arbitrary number of indices, such as a layout transformation that changes the last index, while leaving the other N-1 indices untouched.

    • Option 3: Accept either N named positional arguments (func(i,j,k)), or a variable number of arguments (func(*indices)).

      This follows the same convention as the fcompute function passed to te.compute. This would allow either an explicit listing of all indices as named arguments, or an arbitrary number of indices.

  • What convention should be used for buffer indexing?

    Previously, the interpretation of an index into a buffer depended on whether the buffer was being accessed with BufferStore/BufferLoad (pre-flattening) or with Store/Load (post-flattening). Since the same data structures will be used at all lowering stages, the indexing should have consistent semantics.

    Option 1 is preferred.

    • Option 1: When accessing a buffer, the type and offset are based on buffer->dtype.

      The offset of an element is given by index * sizeof(buffer->dtype). The type of the element being accessed is buffer->dtype.with_lanes(index.lanes() * buffer->dtype.lanes()).

      This is the convention used by user-defined schedules in TE, and in BufferLoad/BufferStore objects. In this convention, scalar loads and vectorized loads can be expressed for scalar buffers and vectorized buffers. Accessing a buffer to return a different datatype requires declaring an aliasing buffer that shares the same backing array.

      def scalar_load_from_scalar_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(64,), "float32"]):
          assert A[0].dtype == "float32"
      def vector_load_from_vector_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(16,), "float32x4"]):
          assert A[0].dtype == "float32x4"
      def vector_load_from_vector_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(16,), "float32x4"]):
          A_vector_2 = T.buffer_decl([32], "float32x2",
          assert A[0].dtype == "float32x4"
          assert A_vector_2[0].dtype == "float32x2"
      def vector_load_from_scalar_buffer_option1(A: T.Buffer[(64,), "float32"]):
          assert A[T.ramp(0, 1, 4)].dtype == "float32x4"
      def vector_load_from_scalar_buffer_option2(A: T.Buffer[(64,), "float32"]):
          A_vector = T.buffer_decl([16], "float32x4",
          assert A_vector[0].dtype == "float32x4"
      def scalar_load_from_vector_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(16,), "float32x4"]):
          A_scalar = T.buffer_decl([64], "float32",
          assert A_scalar[0].dtype == "float32"
      • Pro: The return type of buf[0] is always buf.dtype, even when buf.dtype is a vectorized type.

      • Pro: No changes needed on the user-defined schedules.

      • Con: Requires updates to code generators to follow this new convention. However, the code generators will already require updates to support BufferLoad/BufferStore.

    • Option 2: When accessing a buffer, the type and offset are based on buffer->dtype.element_of().

      The offset of an element is given by index * sizeof(buffer->dtype.element_of()). The type of the element being accessed is buffer->dtype.with_lanes(index.lanes()).

      Prior to this RFC, this is the convention used by Load/Store nodes. In this convention, scalar loads and vectorized loads can be expressed for scalar buffers and vectorized buffers. Accessing a buffer to return a vectorized datatype requires using a vectorized index, even if the buffer holds a vectorized datatype.

      def scalar_load_from_scalar_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(64,), "float32"]):
          assert A[0].dtype == "float32"
      def vector_load_from_vector_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(16,), "float32x4"]):
          assert A[T.ramp(0, 1, 4)].dtype == "float32x4"
      def scalar_load_from_vector_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(16,), "float32x4"]):
          assert A[0].dtype == "float32"
      def vector_load_from_scalar_buffer(A: T.Buffer[(64,), "float32"]):
          assert A[T.ramp(0, 1, 4)].dtype == "float32x4"
      • Pro: The number of lanes of output can be determined solely from the index used to access the buffer. That is, A[0] is guaranteed to have one lane of output, and A[Ramp(0, stride=1, lanes=4)] is guaranteed to have four lanes of output.

      • Con: Access of a buffer with scalar index does not always have the same datatype as the buffer. If the buffer has a vectorized datatype, then buf[0].dtype != buf.dtype.

      • Con: Need explicit check for vectorized types at the codegen level.

      • Con: Requires updates to user-defined schedules.

Prior art

  • CuDNN has an explicit enumeration of allowed input formats, which are specific to image formatting.

  • The reorder/split/flatten sequences is equivalent in numpy to using np.reshape to split the logical axes, then np.transpose to reorder them, then np.reshape to merge multiple axes into the N-d physical axes.

Unresolved questions

  • Should the te.AXIS_SEPARATOR appear in the TIR graph?

    Option 1 is preferred.

    • Option 1: The te.AXIS_SEPARATOR is a TE-specific concept, and does not appear in the generated TIR graph. Instead, it changes the BufferTransform node that represent the flattening of buffers to a device-supported number of indices.

      This would be a unified way to represent all layout transformations in the TIR graph, which may or may not change the rank of the buffer. The flattening of buffers to a device-supported rank would be handled identically to any other layout transformation, rather than having an implicit row-major traversal.

    • Option 2: The te.AXIS_SEPARATOR is represented in the TIR graph, and alters the behavior of the StorageFlatten pass. There is no BufferTransform node that represents the flattening of

      In a TIR graph without any other modifications, this would maintain the current behavior of the StorageFlatten pass, which reduces the N-d buffer to a 1-d buffer by a row-major traversal. In a TIR graph with some additional annotation to represent the M axis separators, the N-d buffer could instead be reduced to a M+1-d buffer.

  • What is appropriate terminology for size/shape/extent of physical and logical buffers?

    If Allocate/BufferStore/BufferLoad each hold a reference to the buffer they act upon, then this becomes a somewhat irrelevant question, as there is only one BufferNode::shape.

    • I am partial to using "shape" both for the N-d parameters, and have attempted to use it consistently through this RFC.
    • "size" implies a 1-d buffer, which wouldn't be appropriate for an N-d parameter.
    • "extent" would be a reasonable name, but is currently used by tvm::RangeNode to indicate a range of values that may start at a non-zero value. Since the indices for logical and physical buffers both start at zero, using "extents" for the maximum index would imply some offset.
  • How should loops over an array be handled when re-writing the shape?

    To avoid memory latency issues, loops should iterate over an array sequentially when possible. Iteration that is defined in terms of the logical layout may be inappropriate for the physical layout.

    Option 3 is preferred.

    • Option 1: Do nothing, and always keep the same iteration order, using the same iteration axes as defined in the compute definition.

      This would produce valid code, but not necessarily performant code. This can be a default behavior during development, to be improved upon.

    • Option 2: Automatically detect loops that are over the full extent of an array in sequential order of the logical layout, and rewrite to be in sequential order of the physical layout.

      This would reduce the memory latency issues, but raises some implementation questions.

      • If a loop body references multiple tensors with different physical layouts, which should define the loop iteration order?

      • If a series of nested loops contains a cache_read or cache_write stage, can these be recognized and reordered?

    • Option 3: Expose the transformed axes to be used as part of a schedule definition. In TE, the return value from AA = s[A].transform_layout(...) would be a tensor, and the transformed axes AA.op.axis can then be used for the remainder of the schedule.

      This would allow the greatest flexibility, but would make the schedule dependent on the transformed layout, beyond the one definition.

Future possibilities

  • Could be used to simplify many of the topi schedules for image processing.
  • Could introduce variation of physical layout during cache_read and cache_write steps, as a potential source of optimization.