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File metadata and controls

132 lines (85 loc) · 3.91 KB


The Topology type creates the link between human-readable and computer-readable information about the system. Humans prefer to use string labels for molecules and atoms, whereas a computer will only uses integers.

Atom type

An Atom instance is a representation of a type of particle in the system. It is paramerized by an AtomType, which can be one of:

  • Element : an element in the perdiodic classification;
  • DummyAtom : a dummy atom, for particles without interactions;
  • CorseGrain : corse-grain particle, for corse-grain simulations;
  • UnknownAtom : All the other kind of particles.

You can access the following fields for all atoms:

  • label::Symbol : the atom name;
  • mass : the atom mass;
  • charge : the atom charge;
  • properties::Dict{String, Any} : any other property: dipolar moment, etc.;

Atom([label, type])

Creates an atom with the label label. If type is provided, it is used as the Atom type. Else, a type is guessed according to the following procedure: if the label is in the periodic classification, the the atom is an Element. Else, it is a CorseGrain atom.

julia> Atom()

julia> Atom("He")
"Atom{Element} He"

julia> Atom("CH4")
"Atom{CorseGrain} CH4"

julia> Atom("Zn", DummyAtom)
"Atom{DummyAtom} Zn"


Try to guess the mass associated with an element, from the periodic table data. If no value could be found, the 0.0 value is returned.


Return the atomic mass if it was set, or call the function mass(atom.label).


A Topology instance stores all the information about the system : atomic types, atomic composition of the system, bonds, angles, dihedral agnles and molecules.

Topology([natoms = 0])

Create an empty topology with space for natoms atoms.

Atoms in the system can be accesed using integer indexing. The following example shows a few operations available on atoms:

# topology is a Topology with 10 atoms

atom = topology[3]  # Get a specific atom
println(atom.label) # Get the atom label

atom.mass = 42.9    # Set the atom mass
topology[5] = atom  # Set the 5th atom of the topology

Topology functions


This function returns the number of atoms in the topology.


This function returns a Vector{Float64} containing the masses of all the atoms in the system. If no mass was provided, it uses the ATOMIC_MASSES dictionnary to guess the values. If no value is found, the mass is set to 0.0. All the values are in internal units <intenal_units>.

add_atom!(topology, atom)

Add the atom Atom to the end of topology.

remove_atom!(topology, i)

Remove the atom at index i in topology.

add_liaison!(topology, i, j)

Add a liaison between the atoms i and j.

remove_liaison!(topology, i, j)

Remove any existing liaison between the atoms i and j.


Create a topology with natoms of type DummyAtom. This function exist mainly for testing purposes.

Periodic table information

The Universes module also exports two dictonaries that store information about atoms:

  • ATOMIC_MASSES is a Dict{String, Float64} associating atoms symbols and atomic masses, in internal units <intenal_units> ;
  • VDW_RADIUS is a Dict{String, Integer} associating atoms symbols and Van der Waals radii, in internal units <intenal_units>.