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Scripts to execute

Various scripts have to be executed in sequence, they are numbered from 0 to 4.

0 Prepare Dataset

The script

  • Reads polygons and images
  • Converts non-RGB images to RGB (only one image is actually non-RGB)
  • Simplifies polygons because some polygons are over-defined (currently using a tolerance of 1 pixel for the Douglas-Peucker algorithm)
  • Outputs a .tfrecord file

Some parameters at the beginning of the script can be changed.

1 Filter Dataset

The script 1_filter_dataset removes images that are too big.

Some parameters at the beginning of the script can be changed.

2 Split Dataset

The script creates train, val and test datasets from the filtered dataset.

Some parameters at the beginning of the script can be changed.

3 Train

The script performs the training of the model on the train dataset and validates on the val dataset.

Visualize training using TensorBoard (you might have to modify the --logdir argument according to your directory structure):

python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=~/polycnn/code/polycnn/runs

Some parameters at the beginning of the script can be changed.

This takes several hours to train for 100000 iterations with a batch size of 128. Although good results are already obtained at 5000 iterations (approx. 1 hour of training).

4 Inference

Compute polygon predictions on the test set using the trained model and saves the results (used later on to measure accuracy performance).

Scripts used by the previou sones


The script is used by the training algorithm to fetch examples from a tfrecord file. It crops or pads images to a given constant resolution.

Some parameters at the beginning of the script can be changed.


The script defines the different loss functions used for training.


The script defines the graph of the model.