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Link minecraft accounts with discord accounts to handle everything from the game !

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Make a discord link between a Minecraft user and his discord account.


Here is a summary of the content :

  1. Jar
  2. Config
  3. Commands


First, you'll need to download the latest jar from the releases tab. It will be the core of the plugin. Then, you'll place it under the folder (in your server) : plugins. So you should have something like :

Example plugin folder
    │   │   DiscordLink.jar
    │   │
    │   ├───bStats
    │   │       config.yml
    │   │
    │   └───DiscordLink
    │           config.yml


Then, you can configure the plugin's config file (under plugins/DiscordLink/config.yml) using the marking language that is using the spigot server : YAML.

Table of content

Each of the topics will be given an example as well.

  1. Token
  2. Guild ID
  3. Presence
  4. Channels


You can get your token by creating a discord bot on the dev portal, then get the token of the bot that you created (you can follow tutorials on the web).
Then replace the config value (by default yourToken) with the said token.

# Example token that doesn't work

Guild Id

In order for the bot to work, you'll need to fill in the guild-id field with your guild id on where the bot will be operating (Yet to support multi-servers).

guild-id: 886593349765709905


The plugin now supports presence ! You can give your bot a presence (equivalent to activity).

  • The status field must be any of online, dnd, idle or offline.
  • The type one must be either listening, watching, playing, competing or streaming, but if streaming is set, a url must be given as well.
  • The text field represents what will be shown next to the activity type (eg : "Watching the Minecraft Server !")
  • And finally the url field must be a valid url : which is a derived from or This field will be ignored if the type is not set to streaming but will throw an error if absent or empty.
  status: online
  type: watching
  text: the Minecraft Server !
  url: none


Here is all of the power of the Discord Link : its custom channel accessible in game. You can add as much entries as you want to the channels section with the exception of it following these rules :

  • All fields must be set (display and id),
  • display contains the name that will be displayed in-game for the name of a channel,
  • id is a channel id and must be valid,
  • The name of each sections will determine what will be the id selector : if you name your section vocal-1, the selector id of that channel would be vocal-1.
    display: "§eVOCAL 1"
    id: 852605875571261520
    display: "§eVOCAL 2"
    id: 852605895246086154
    display: "§eVOCAL 3"
    id: 852605914032242708


You can simply give all permissions with the permission (discordlink.all), here is the current list of the commands :

Name Permissions Usage Explanation
Move discordlink.move /move [channel] Moves you in a channel
Move discordlink.move.others /move [player] [channel] Moves someone in a channel
Mute discordlink.mute /mute Mutes you in discord
discordlink.mute.others /mute [player] Mutes someone else
Deafen discordlink.deafen /deafen Deafens you
discordlink.deafen.others /deafen [player] Deafens someone else
Channels discordlink.channels /channels List all available channels
Link /link Starts the linking process
Unlink discordlink.unlink /unlink Unlinks you


Link minecraft accounts with discord accounts to handle everything from the game !






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