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File metadata and controls

39 lines (28 loc) · 1.61 KB


mkwebfont is a simple tool for turning .ttf/.otf files into webfonts for self-hosting, without the complication or lack of flexibility that prepackaged webfonts or hosted webfonts have. It's designed to be an easy one-command solution that doesn't require complicated scripts or specific understanding of .woff2 or fonts to make work.

Like Google Fonts, it splits the fonts into subsets that allows only part of the font to be loaded as needed, usually based on the languages used.


To install it, simply run the following command:

cargo +nightly install mkwebfont

Alternatively, download an AppImage from the releases page.

Then, run the following command to create a webfont:

# Assumes that you serve `` from a directory of `/srv/http/root`.
# Adjust these paths for your use case
mkdir -p /srv/http/webroot/static/webfonts
mkwebfont \
    --store /srv/http/webroot/static/webfonts --store-uri "" \
    -o /srv/http/webroot/static/fonts.css fonts/* 

After this, you can simply include the stylesheet at, and then you can use any fonts that you included in the command line (e.g. with the fonts/* in the example) in your website.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in mkwebfont by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.