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Drink Manager API

The Drink Manager API allows to manage drinks. It uses the HTTP protocol on port 8080.

The JSON format is used to exchange data. The Content-Type header must be set to application/json when sending data to the API. The Accept header must be set to application/json when receiving data from the API.

The API is based on the CRUD pattern. It has the following operations:


  • Login
  • Logout
  • Create manager
  • List manager
  • Delete manager


  • Create a new drink
  • Get all drinks
  • Get one drink by its ID
  • Update one drink
  • Delete one drink


  • Create a new table
  • Delete a table
  • Get all tables
  • Select a table
  • Unselect a table


  • add drinks to cart
  • remove drinks to cart
  • get cart



Manager have rights to :

  • create, delete, logout managers
  • create, update, delete drinks
  • create, delete tables


  • POST /login

Login to have access to restricted endpoints


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • username - username of the user/manager
  • password - password of the user/manager

Example query

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 


The response body contains a text object Authentication successful for user: {username}

The response body contains a cookie sessionToken

Example cookie response

Set-Cookie: {sessionToken}; Path=/

with sessionToken example value:

Set-Cookie: sessionToken=a2c8b844-23f5-43ac-8a73-a5f5e088f479; Path=/

Example Response

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - login successful
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - username or password invalid


  • POST /logout restricted endpoints, see login

Logout manager


The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X POST http://localhost/logout

with sessionToken example value:

curl -i --cookie sessionToken=a2c8b844-23f5-43ac-8a73-a5f5e088f479 -X POST http://localhost/logout


The response body contains a text object : Authentication successful for user: {username}

The response body contains an expired sessionToken cookie

Example cookie response

Set-Cookie: sessionToken=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0

Status codes

  • 204 (No Content) - logout successful
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken

Create a new manager

  • POST /managers restricted endpoints, see login

Create a new manager.


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • username - username of the new user/manager
  • password - password of the new user/manager

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 
}'  http://localhost:8080/managers


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • username - username of the new user/manager
  • password - password of the new user/manager

Status codes

  • 201 (Created) - The drink has been successfully created
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 409 (Conflict) - The username already exists

List all managers

  • GET /managers restricted endpoints, see login

Get all managers username


The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} http://localhost:8080/managers


The response body contains a JSON array with the following properties:

  • username - username of the user/manager

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - request successful
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken

Delete manager

  • DELETE /managers/{username} restricted endpoints, see login

Delete a manager.

/!\ It is not possible to delete your own user /!\


The request path must contain the username of the manager to delete

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/managers/toto


The response body is empty.

Status codes

  • 204 (No Content) - delete successful
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - deleting own user is not allowed
  • 404 (Not Found) - The username does not exist


Create a new table

  • POST /tables restricted endpoints, see login

Create a new table.


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - id of the new table
  • seats - number of seats of the new table

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 
}' http://localhost:8080/tables


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - id of the table
  • seats - number of seats of the new table
  • available - status

Status codes

  • 201 (Created) - The drink has been successfully created
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 409 (Conflict) - Table id already exists

Delete table

  • DELETE /tables/{id} restricted endpoints, see login

Delete a table with its ID


The request path must contain the id of the table to delete

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/tables/11


The response body is empty.

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - request successful
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 404 (Not Found) - table id does not exist

Get all tables

  • GET /tables

get all tables


The request doesn't contain a parameter.

Example query

curl -i  -X GET http://localhost:8080/tables


The response body contains a JSON array with the following properties:

  • id - id of the table
  • seats - number of seats of the new table
  • available - status

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - request successful

Set a table

  • GET /setTable/{id}

Select a table to be able to add drinks in cart


The request path must contain the id of the table to select

Example query

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8080/setTable/10


The response body contains a cookie tableId

Example cookie response

Set-Cookie: {tableId}; Path=/

with tableId example value:

Set-Cookie: tableId=11; Path=/

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - request successful
  • 404 (Not Found) - table id does not exist

unset a table

  • GET /clearTable

Clear tableId cookie


The request doesn't contain a parameter.

Example query

curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8080/clearTable


The response body contains an expired tableId cookie

Example cookie response

Set-Cookie: tableId=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - request successful


Create a new drink

  • POST /drinks restricted endpoints, see login

Create a new drinks.


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • name - name of the drink
  • price - price of the drink

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - The unique identifier of the drink
  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

Status codes

  • 201 (Created) - The drink has been successfully created
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 409 (Conflict) - The drink already exists

Get all drinks

  • GET /drinks

Get all drinks.


The request doesn't contain a parameter.

Example usage

To get a list of all the drinks you can access/call



The response body contains a JSON array with the following properties:

  • id - The unique identifier of the drink
  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - Drinks have been successfully retrieved

Get one drink

  • GET /drinks/{id}

Get one drink by its ID.


The request path must contain the ID of the drink.

Example usage

To get a drink by its id you can access/call, where {id} is the id of the desired drink



The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - The unique identifier of the drink
  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - The drink has been successfully retrieved
  • 404 (Not Found) - The drink does not exist

Update a drink

  • PUT /drinks/{id} restricted endpoints, see login

Update a drink by its ID.


The request path must contain the ID of the drink.

The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - The unique identifier of the drink
  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - The drink has been successfully updated
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 404 (Not Found) - The drink does not exist

Delete a drink

  • DELETE /drinks/{id} restricted endpoints, see login

Delete a drink by its ID.


The request path must contain the ID of the drink.

The request body must contain a valid sessionToken Cookie

Example query

To delete a drink by its id

curl -i --cookie {sessionToken} -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/drinks/{id}


The response body is empty.

Status codes

  • 204 (No Content) - The drink has been successfully deleted
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide sessionToken
  • 404 (Not Found) - The drink does not exist


Add a drink to cart

  • POST /cart restricted endpoints, see setTable

Add a drink to the cart. If the drink is already in the cart, the current quantity is increased by the quantity defined in the request.


The request body must contain a JSON object with the following properties:

  • drinkId - id of the drink
  • quantity - quantity of drink ordered

The request body must contain a tableId Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {tableId} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 


The response body contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • id - The unique identifier of the drink
  • name - The name of the drink
  • price - The price of the drink

Status codes

  • 204 (No Content) - The drink has been successfully added to cart
  • 400 (Bad Request) - The request body is invalid
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide tableId
  • 404 (Not Found) - The drink does not exist

Remove a drink from cart

  • DELETE /cart/{id} restricted endpoints, see setTable

Remove a drink from the cart entirely.


The request path must contain the ID of the drink.

The request body must contain a tableId Cookie

Example query

curl -i --cookie {tableId} -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/cart/{drinkId}


The response body is empty.

Status codes

  • 204 (No Content) - The drink has been successfully removed from cart
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide tableId
  • 404 (Not Found) - The drink does not exist

Get cart list

  • GET /cart restricted endpoints, see setTable

Get a list of all items in the cart.


The request body must contain a tableId Cookie

Example usage

To get a list of all

curl -i --cookie {tableId} -X GET http://localhost:8080/cart


The response body contains a JSON array with the following properties:

  • drink - The drink
    • id - Id of the drink
    • name - The name of the drink
    • price - The price of the drink
  • quantity - The quantity of the drink in the cart
Response example
  "drinks": [
      "drink": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Rivella",
        "price": 2.35
      "quantity": 3
      "drink": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Coca",
        "price": 2.6
      "quantity": 2
      "drink": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Fanta",
        "price": 3.35
      "quantity": 3

Status codes

  • 200 (OK) - Drinks have been successfully retrieved
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - invalide tableId