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File metadata and controls

239 lines (177 loc) · 6.29 KB

This project is set of capistrano receipts, which help to deploy your application to new VPS in 20 minutes. This scripts help you to install all needed software to the server from scratch, then push all configuration files and deploy the project. Also, it helps you to debug issues, read logs, use db and rails consoles and many more.

For now added receipts to setup next tech: nginx, postgresql, unicorn, rvm, monit ( but you can easally add your own receipts )


  1. First you need to download this repo and place it in the root folder of your Rails project.
  2. Project has separate Gemset, so you need to install all gems with: bundle install
  3. Configure deploy:
  • create deploy environments under deploy/config/deploy/
  • create environments secrets under deploy/config/deploy/secret
  • create your deploy script from exemple in deploy/config/deploy/secret/deploy.rb
  • then you should update config varibles in deploy.rb file, minimal set: server, application_name, repo_url, nginx_server_name.


Workflow on new VPS:

  1. Create new user (deploy) cap setup user=root

  2. Then run install command cap setup install=true

  3. Then deploy your project cap deploy

Workflow on new project (VPS with preinstaled soft):

  1. Setup cap production setup

  2. Then deploy your project cap production deploy


If you want setup monit on your server run, first you need configure varibles: monit_password - for configure Basic Auth and access monit on you domain/monit. monit_notification_type - for monit motifications (:email, :slack). If you want email notifications you should edit monitrc template file. For slack -

Then run: cap <environmant> monit:setup

This command will:

  1. Setup monitrc. To do this separatelly use:

    cap <environmant> monit:monitrc
  2. Setup monit configs to monitor: filesystem, sshd, system, nginx, unicorn, postgresql. To do this separatelly use:

    cap <environmant> monit:templates"
  3. If monit_notification_type seted to "slack", will setup slack notifications script. To do this separatelly use:

    cap <environmant> monit:slack_script"

If monit_notification_type seted to "email", you should

  1. Then test monit for correct cofigurations. To do this separatelly use:

    cap <environmant> monit:syntax"
  2. And finally reload monit. To do this separatelly use:

    cap <environmant> monit:reload

Also you can influence monit using one of the commands: cap <environmant> monit:[start stop restart syntax reload]


To upload nginx global config and nginx project config use: cap <environmant> nginx:setup

To download nginx configs and be sure that it's fine use: cap <environmant> nginx:sync

To influence nginx server use one of next commands: cap <environmant> nginx:[start stop restart reload force-reload status configtest rotate upgrade]


To upload unicorn config use: cap <environmant> unicorn:setup

To upload unicorn script into init.d folder use: cap <environmant> unicorn:script

To download unicorn configs and be sure that it's fine use: cap <environmant> unicorn:sync

To influence unicorn server use one of next commands: cap <environmant> unicorn:[start stop restart reload upgrade status force-stop]


To upload pg config use: cap <environmant> pg:setup

To download pg configs and be sure that it's fine use: cap <environmant> pg:sync

To show lisf of current users and DBs use: cap <environmant> pg:list

To access psql console use: cap <environmant> pg:psql

To drop current db and delete current user (get that values from config) use: cap <environmant> pg:drop_db_and_user``

Assets precompile:

If you want precompile assets faster, add next gem to your Gemfile and it will fork compilation for each CPU core: gem 'sprockets-derailleur', '0.0.9'

If assets precompile took too many time, you can compile them locally and then copy with command: cap <environmant> deploy:compile_assets_locally

Remote debuging:

To open PG console from local computer use cap <environmant> pg:psql To open rails console from local computer use cap <environmant> rails:console

To download all logs from your ptoject use: cap <environmant> sync:logs

To download unicorn configs use: cap <environmant> sync:unicorn

To download nginx configs use: cap <environmant> sync:nginx

To download all configs and logs use: cap <environmant> sync:all

( All downloaded files you can find in deploy/files_from_server folder )

Solving problems:

  1. If you faced with next issue PG::ConnectionBad: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<username>" execute next steps to resolve this problem:
  • open project directory from console and delete next files: "db/database.yml" and "shared/config/database.yml".
  • connect to postgres, remove database and user using next commands from console:
    cap production pg:psql
    DROP DATABASE <application_name>_<environment>;
    DROP USER <application_name>;
  • run next commands for creating database, user, database.yml and deploy project:
 cap <environment> setup

 cap <environment> deploy

If this doesn't help, it can be one more issue with capistrano postgresql gem. It can be if you have multiple environment running on the same server. In such case you need replace user and password values in <project_env>/shared/config/database.yml file in your failing project to user and password from working project file.

TODO: Remove this bad gem, which couse so many issues and do postgres setup manually.


You can edit deploy/config/config_path.rb file if you want change config files location on server or local.

Also, in any moment you can change any of the script laying in deploy/config/recipes folder to add your own, enjoy!