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Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE)

MCMH2000 edited this page May 14, 2021 · 1 revision

What is Digital Detail Enhancement?

Digital Detail Enhancement Algorithm or short DDE maintains the visibility of low contast targets in high dynamic range scenes. For example: When you point your Thermal Camera to a very hot object like e.g. fire, it will automatically adjust the color range so that the whole dynamic range of the scene can fit in the image But this often leads to see a hot object as a white blob and the other stuff as black. Like you can see here: without_dde

You are not able to see any contrasts in the dark area and therefore can't identify any object.

With the DDE algorithm it is possible to see every contrast independent of extreme hot or cold objects in the image. So that you can fit the whole temperature range from -20°C to 400°C and still see every contrast of all objects.


Here you can clearly see the cables and even see footprints that are two minutes old despite the hot object in the image.

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