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MDMI Workbench Installation

Bill-MDIX edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 18 revisions

Transformation maps are created using the MDMI Workbench which is implemented as an Eclipse plugin. Note that if you already have Eclipse installed, this will create another side by side and not impede either installation.

Eclipse Installation

You can find the Eclipse IDE here

  • Get the Workbench’s setup file (here) and create a local copy for the Eclipse installer.

  • Run the installer and click the hamburger menu at the top right of the window.

From that menu, select ADVANCED MODE…

On the next window click the green plus sign.

  • In the ensuing Add User Products popup click the Browse File System button to select the MDMI setup file.

  • Click Next on the next three dialogs taking the default options.

  • Finally, click Finish to initiate the installation process.

When Eclipse starts select a workspace for it, keeping the default if you like.

Git Plug-in

Next, install the Git plug-in by clicking Help in the main menu. From there select Install New Software....

Click Add on the Available Software Popup.

In the Add dialog enter the URI Use any name in that entry.

In the next dialog click Select All to include all Git options and click Next and Next again keeping all defaults. Click Finish accepting all license terms, if offered, to start the installation.

Supplemental MDMI Files

Download the following two zip files and extract them to the Eclipse dropins directory. This will be located within the installation directory under the MDMIWorkbench subdirectory.

Eclipse IDE Setup


From Window in the main menu select Preferences. Select MDMI from the left pane in the ensuing popup. In the right pane, under SEER URL enter:

Click Apply and Close.

Git Repository

If the Git Repositories pane is not visible click Window from the main menu and succeedingly select Perspective, Open, Perspective, Other..., then Git

In the Git Repositories pane click the Clone a Git Repository hyperlink. In the URI field of the ensuing dialog enter:

Click Next in the two windows that follow keeping the default settings, then click Finish.

In the Git Repositories pane, expand project tree and select Working Tree at the bottom. Right-click the selection and choose Import Projects from the context menu then click Finish.

Project Explorer

To access the Project Explorer click Window in the main menu then select Perspective, Open, Perspective, Other..., then either Java or MDMI

Then click Window from the main menu. Select Show View then Other. Expand the General choice at the top of the tree list and from there select Project Explorer.

MDMI Editor

To edit an MDMI map, expand the maps branch of the project tree in the Project Explorer. Right-click one of the maps listed, select Open With… and from there select MDMI Model Editor. Open the Properties tab in the accompanying pane to get access to the full range of map attributes.

Maps and Source Code

This wiki article shows how to add this repository to Eclipse Access to Maps and Open Source Code.

Clone this wiki locally