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Install Laravel Valet with Mailhog and Xdebug

This guide describes how to install Laravel Valet with Mailhog and Xdebug.

Install Laravel Valet

Follow the installation steps on

Environment variables

My nginx config is located in /usr/local/etc/nginx and environment variables are already set in the fastcgi_params file.

Append fastcgi_param APP_ENV development; to a new line in /usr/local/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params


Install MailHog

Run brew install mailhog on your command line. Once MailHog has been installed, you may start it using brew services start mailhog.

Now you can access MailHog via http://localhost:8025/ or

Run valet proxy mailhog to access MailHog via http://mailhog.test/.

Configure PHP to send mail to MailHog

Run php --ini to see which ini files PHP is using and copy the path in which additional .ini files are saved.

Run /usr/local/etc/php/X.X/conf.d/mailhog.ini and add the config below (replace the X.X with you PHP version or change the path if it does not match the result from above's command).

; Use mailhog for sending emails
sendmail_path = /usr/local/bin/MailHog sendmail test@test

Note: You need to repeat these steps every time you switch to a PHP version you have not been using before. You might also need to reconfigure after re-installing/updating a PHP version.

Finally run valet restart to activate the

Install Xdebug

Run pecl channel-update to prepare PECL.

Run pecl install xdebug to install Xdebug. The Xdebug installation returns a path to when it has finished installing. This looks something like

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/local/Cellar/php/7.4.9/pecl/20190902/'
install ok: channel://
Extension xdebug enabled in php.ini

Remember the path after Installing.

Run php -m | grep 'xdebug' to verify if Xdebug was installed. The output should be xdebug.

Run php --ini to see which ini files PHP is using and copy the path in which additional .ini files are saved.

Run vi /usr/local/etc/php/X.X/conf.d/ext-xdebug.ini and add the part of the config below that matches your xdebug version (replace the X.X with you PHP version or change the path if it does not match the result from above's command). Not sure which xdebug version you have? You get run php -v | grep -i "xdebug" to see the xdebug version.



; xdebug 2

; xdebug 3

Replace /path/to in the zend_extension value with the path the Xdebug installation returned.

Edit you php.ini file and remove zend_extension="". This rule is probably added to the top of the file.

Finally run valet restart.

Note: You need to repeat these steps every time you switch to a PHP version you have not been using before. You might also need to reconfigure after re-installing/updating a PHP version.

Note: This has been tested with PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4. Instructions might be different for other PHP versions.

Note: xdebug 3 uses a different port by default. 9003 instead of 9000. See for more about the xdebug differences between version 2 and 3.

Configure PHPStorm

Next step is to configure PHPStorm. Open PHPStorm and open the preference panel. Go to Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug > DBGp Proxy and set IDE key to PHPSTORM. Next, set Port to 9000 or 9003 (depending on your xdebug version and configuration).

After that, go to Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug and set Xdebug port to 9000 or 9003 (depending on your xdebug version and configuration), check Can accept external connections and clear the two Force break at first line… checkboxes.

Now, you can save the settings and click Start listening for PHP Debug Connections and your debugger should be up and running.

Install Memcached

Run brew install libmemcached to install Memcached on your machine if you haven't yet. You might also need to run brew install pkg-config.

Run pecl channel-update to prepare PECL.

Run pecl install memcached to install Memcached. The Xdebug installation returns a path to when it has finished installing. This looks something like

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/usr/local/Cellar/php@7.2/7.2.34_4/pecl/20170718/'
install ok: channel://
Extension memcached enabled in php.ini

Remember the path after Installing.

Run php -m | grep 'memcached' to verify if Memcached was installed. The output should be memcached.

Run php --ini to see which ini files PHP is using and copy the path in which additional .ini files are saved.

Run vi /usr/local/etc/php/X.X/conf.d/ext-memcached.ini and add the config below (replace the X.X with you PHP version or change the path if it does not match the result from above's command).


Replace /path/to in the extension value with the path the Memcached installation returned.

Edit you php.ini file and remove extension="". This rule is probably added to the top of the file.

Finally run valet restart.

Note: You need to repeat these steps every time you switch to a PHP version you have not been using before. You might also need to reconfigure after re-installing/updating a PHP version.

Note: This has been tested with PHP 7.3. Instructions might be different for other PHP versions.

Install Apache Solr as a Docker container

You can use Docker Desktop to get a local Apache Solr server using the following command. Do not forget to change the SOLR_CONFIG_DIR, PROJECT_NAME, Solr version.

SOLR_CONFIG_DIR represents the directory that hold the projects Apache Solr config. A full path should be used, for example /full/path/to/solr_config.

TIP: If the Solr config is part of the project and it lives in the solr_config directory, then you can use $PWD/solr_config. Make sure you run the docker command below from the root directory of the project.

docker run -d --name solr-5.5 -p 8983:8983 -v SOLR_CONFIG_DIR:/opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/solr-5.5/conf:ro solr:5.5 solr-precreate PROJECT_NAME /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/solr-5.5

Server settings:

Host: localhost
Path: /

If you have an existing container, then you can start it with the following command.

docker start CONTAINER_NAME

In the example above CONTAINER_NAME is solr-5.5.

Install Elasticsearch as a Docker container

You can use Docker Desktop to get a local Elasticsearch server using the following command.

docker run -d --name elasticsearch-7.3 -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:7.13.3

If you have an existing container, then you can start it with the following command.

docker start CONTAINER_NAME

In the example above CONTAINER_NAME is elasticsearch-7.3.

Install Redis

Known issues

500 Bad Gateway (upstream sent too big header)

You might encounter a 500 Bad Gateway. Check the logs via valet log nginx. If one of the most recent lines says upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream, then the below solution might help.

  1. Create ~/.config/valet/Nginx/all.conf with this:
proxy_buffer_size   4096k;
proxy_buffers   128 4096k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size   4096k;
  1. Append this to /usr/local/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
fastcgi_buffer_size 4096k;
fastcgi_buffers 128 4096k;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 4096k;

Note: 4096k is something you need to figure out what best works for you.

Source: laravel/valet#290 (comment)