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🛠️ Functional Interface

This functional interface builds upon concepts presented in the documentation to simplify code written with the pygrank library.

Table of Contents

  1. Chaining Postprocessors
  2. Chaining Personalization Preprocessing
  3. Graph Signals in Chains
  4. Customizing Base Algorithms
  5. Algorithm Combinations

Chaining Postprocessors

The core methodology of building node ranking algorithms is by selecting a starting base algorithm (e.g. a graph filter) and passing these through various postprocessors to define more complicated schemas. Some postprocessors iterate over their base algorithms, so a full chain of wrapped algorithms is first defined.

For example, to apply the sweep procedure on personalized pagerank and normalize the final outputs by dividing with their sum, the object-oriented interface of the library can define a new algorithm per:

import pygrank as pg

algorithm = pg.Normalize("sum", pg.Sweep(pg.PageRank()))

This scheme can get rather complicated, so the library also implements the >> operator to annotate transfer of algorithms. Simply put, the above code can be written as:

import pygrank as pg

algorithm = pg.PageRank() >> pg.Sweep() >> pg.Normalize("sum")

This indicates that we start from the first algorithm and then wrap around it all subsequent postprocessors. All postprocessor constructors can in principle be defined without a base algorithm, so the chain assigns those.

Chaining Personalization Preprocessing

The same interface can be used interchangeably to assign values to the personalization_transform argument of graph filters, which applies a node ranking algorithm to personalization graph signal inputs before the main algorithm (although theoretically different, this ends up using filters as ype of postprocessor).

For example, the following snippet applies node ranking with neighborhood inflation on inputs and runs the SALSA algorithm (pagerank with "salsa" graph normalization) on the first outputted scores.

import pygrank as pg

wtf_stochastic = pg.PageRank() >> pg.SeedOversampling("neighbors") >> pg.PageRank(normalization="salsa")

Graph Signals in Chains

There are two ways to enter graph signals in chains: a) by chaining algorithm calls with graph signal inputs, and b) by chaining a call to final node ranking algorithms with signals. Of course, there is always the third option of simply defining algorithms and calling them for appropriate data. In fact, this is the only option for fairness-aware algorithms, but here we focus on chain notation capabilities.

Of the two options, the first is much more intuitive and allows signals to simply be parsed by algorithms. For example, given a graph and a list of seed nodes, you can write the following snippet to normalize a pagerank algorithm's output:

import pygrank as pg

graph, seeds = ...
ranks = pg.to_signal(graph, seeds) >> pg.PageRank() >> pg.Normalize()

What you need to remember is that chaining a signal into an algorithm via the >> operator creates a new signal to be passed on to future calls. Some -but not all- postprocessors just happen to support calling with no base ranking algorithm, in which case the base algorithm is assumed to be a tautology. However, iterative postprocessors are not able to follow this convention. For example, substituting normalization with the sweep procedure in the last snippet does not work and parenthesis need to be added for the algorithm definition, somewhat defeating the whole purpose of chaining.

In cases where it is not possible to employ the above notation but you still want to write only one expression, node ranking algorithms implement the | operator to determine graph signal inputs. For example, you can write:

import pygrank as pg

graph, seeds = ...
ranks = pg.PageRank() >> pg.Sweep() >> pg.Normalize("sum") | pg.to_signal(graph, seeds)

Of course, it is always possible to write signal >> algorithm instead of algorithm(signal) after algorithms have been defined.

Customizing Base Algorithms

To simplify graph filter chains, we final provide the ability to define convergence managers, preprocessors and the quotient strategy of graph filters with an operator instead of parts of the constructor. These are automatically integrated if they reside on the right hand of graph filters with the + operator. For example, the following applies a postprocessor to the pagerank filter and also sets the quotient strategy (the output signal transform after each step) to a tautology, which is equivalent to adding use_quotient=False in the filter's constructor:

import pygrank as pg

graph, seeds = ...
pre = pg.preprocessor(normalization="symmetric")
algorithm = pg.PageRank() + pre + pg.Tautology() >> pg.Sweep() >> pg.Normalize("sum")
ranks = algorithm(graph, seeds)

Notice that + has higher priority than >>, which means that filters are adjusted before applying the chain and no parenthesis is needed.

Algorithm Combinations

In addition to other functional operations, it is also possible to combine node ranking algorithms. Simple transformations, such as multiplications of all ranking scores, can be performed with postprocessors. But there are two operations that are explicitly defined. First, algorithm output addition & applies the + operation between graph signal outputs. This symbol is chosen to obtain lower priority than << so that the latter is performed first. Second, algorithm output negation ~ applies a minus sign to output signals.

Together, these symbols enable the operation pattern alg1 & ~alg2 that induces differences between node ranking algorithms. This is particularly important when creating pygrank.GenericGraphFilter instances with a zero at some parameters but numerical tolerance convergence criteria (which would stop at the first zero parameter) instead of criteria that stop at a fixed number of iterations.

For example, thanks to algorithm linearity, pg.GenericGraphFilter([0, 0, 1]) to extract two-hop friend-of-friends [scellato2011exploiting] can instead be written as the difference between two filters with tol=None (that stops at exactly zero numerical deviation between consecutive graph signal propagation):

import pygrank as pg

two_hop = pg.GenericGraphFilter([1, 1, 1], tol=None) & ~pg.GenericGraphFilter([1, 1], tol=None)