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I will be building a minimalistic Log application using the awesome NodeJs framework, HapiJs, developed by Walmart Labs.

With this app you will be able to take note of your progress, by creating logs of your daily performance in whichever area you wish.

This app will start-off small and simple, allowing you to create new logs, delete logs, view and update existing logs.

So please take into consideration that this is a work-in-progress!

##To Do :

  • Design Layout
  • Implement RDD (Readme Driven Developement)
  • Begin coding with tests (This is always best practice!)
  • Define function do add person to database (2nd iteration)
  • Define function to add exercise to database
  • Define function to add exercises per user to database (2nd iteration)
  • Define function to retrieve user's workouts by exercise and returns date, muscle group and sets
  • Validation for exercises
  • Validation for user (2nd iteration)
  • Authentication (2nd iteration)
  • Choose Database (Couchbase)
  • Implement Database
  • Define map function for database query/response
  • Define Views using Handlebars for response of successful post and retrieval from database
  • UI
  • Test everything works
  • Deploy App to Heroku (Run failing! Can't find couchbase module)

##Why Hapi?

####For the following reasons:

It could have been easier to use express, mainly because there are a lot more examples to follow, but what would be the fun in that right?

##Which Database?

Because Hapi is so recent, my major challenge was to select a database.

Performance wise, there is no major issue with any of these databases. This is not intended to be a big app with thousands of users.


So bearing that in mind I started with CouchDb, but found I had trouble with connecting to the dabase while using tha HapiJs framework. Like I said there aren't that many examples to follow. The documentation also seems to be presented in a not too friendly fashion. You might find it to be fine, but not for me. I also found that I had trouble using or finding frameworks available to connect to CouchDb.

####I dumped ChouchDb and tried CouchBase.


My first warning, is that after you install CouchBase from the website(, you should always install the 'Developer Preview' as show in this tutorial (

npm install couchbase@2.0.0-dp1 --save

When you proceed with the setup in the Admin Web Console, I would suggest that you avoid setting your username as Admin. I ran in to an issue before where I could not sign-in to my Web Console after loggin out and had set username to Admin. I had to completely remove CouchBase form my Mac and re-install it and then set my username to something other than Admin and it is now working fine! I do not know if it there was some sort of conflict with a probable default username Admin or Administrator.

The documentation for CouchBase is easy to follow and there are many examples. If you need an example reference using couchBase with Hapi, go to

I ended up dumping CouchBase from my dependencies for no specific reason in particular other than learning MongoDb could be a major advantage at this time, for Mongo is currently one of the most popular databases in use. But I might re-implement it.

For additional information on setting-up ChouchBase on a Mac, go to

Also see:

For understanding views :

Another simple tutorial using Node.js and Couchbase:

For the Node.js Api, list of methods:

For a tutorial using CouchBase, Node and Angular -


The documentation for MongoDb is very clear and well organised. There are lots of examples to follow.

I found it tricky to use mongoose directly with Hapi.

Once a connection opens, a callback will be called. For brevity, let's assume that all following code is within this callback.

var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:'));
db.once('open', function callback () {
  // yay!

I have not yet found a solution to this.

I seem to have found an alternative with the mongoose-simpledb module.

See this video to "learn" how to connect to MongoDb while using Hapi.js(The framework used in the video is express, but the usage of the connection instance is the same):

The module used in this video (mongoose-simpledb) can be found at:


These steps are based on the building of this application

  • Start by researching which tools you will be using (frameworks, database, dependencies)

  • Structure your project folder layout as best as possible based on what you want to accomplish.

  • Use modularity for clearer coding practices.

  • Create package.json for your project.

  • Create a file that will contain your main server. Write your server logic.

  • And test it!

  • Create a file that will contain routing functionality and export it so that your server can require it.

  • Test it!

  • Write your mapping function for your database. This will define how your request to the database will output the data.

  • In your router file manipulate the response from the database as to fit your requirements to expose to the end-user.

  • Test it!

  • Once you feel your server-side logic is complete, move on to the client-side functionality.

  • Define the templates for your html files and templates that you will apply on the server side.

  • Apply client-side Javascript. This project uses the jQuery library.

  • Apply CSS.

  • Test everything!

  • Deploy first iteration to Heroku. (Currently Heroku does not run couchbase powered apps. The kurobase addon has been disabled.)

  • Start work on second iteration!

Random notes:

function getWorkouts should produce a list of the workouts in descending order (most recent to oldest) by exercise or muscle group. User choses and this triggers getWorkoutSearch and sets the "search" parameter. These should be links to the exercises done for that search criteria so the user can check the number of reps and kilos and the date if its by exercise and list of exercises and date if he choses to search muscle group.


Hapi.js, Couchbase Log App for the Gym






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