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4. Trees

(← Parallelism and Granularity Control) (Sequences →)


Make sure that you've already done the setup. If you're using Docker to run the tutorial, all commands below should be run within the container in directory ~/mpl-tutoral/04-trees/:

$ cd path/to/mpl-tutorial
$ ./
<container># cd 04-trees
<container># <enter commands here>


Trees are natural data structures for parallel algorithms because of their structure: many parallel algorithms can be expressed in terms of recursive functions evaluated in parallel across the children of a node.

Here we will consider trees which store elements only at their leaves. This differs from presentations of trees which are intended to be used as BSTs. The trees here are intended to be used as parallel lists.

A Datatype For Binary Trees

The following datatype defines a binary tree type. The integer at internal nodes will be used to store the sizes of subtrees, which is important both for granularity control as well as various algorithms. We'll consider the "size" of a tree to be the number of leaves it has; the implementation of the size function is shown below.

datatype 'a tree =
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of int * ('a tree) * ('a tree)
Question: I'm new to SML. How do I read this code?
We define a new type, 'a tree, which has "elements" of type 'a. This thing written 'a is a type parameter. In other languages, like Java or C++, you might see a similar type written as Tree<T> where T is the type parameter. In SML, we write the type parameter on the left instead of the right, and we don't need to use any brackets or parentheses.

For example, in the code val x: string tree = ..., we have a variable x of type string tree. Here, the type parameter 'a has been instantiated as string.

There are three possibilities for a thing of type 'a tree:
  1. it could be Empty,
  2. it could be Leaf x, where x is a value of type 'a, or
  3. it could be Node(n,l,r), where n is an integer, and l and r are two subtrees, both of type 'a tree. In this tutorial, we will be using the integer n to keep track of subtree sizes.

When defining the datatype, we separate the different possibilities with the symbol |, pronounced "or". Each possibility is identified by a tag (i.e., Empty, Leaf, and Node), and then, if desired, the keyword of followed by a type. This indicates that the tag carries additional data with it. For example, Leaf of 'a says the Leaf tag carries a thing of type 'a along with it, but the Empty tag doesn't have have any additional data.

For the Node case, the extra data has multiple components. Note the symbol * between each component of the type. This syntax is more generally used for all tuples in the language. For example, a function that takes two integers as argument and returns a string would have type (int * int) -> string.

In SML, tuples are first-class members of the language. One could think of our tree Node as containing three pieces of data (an integer and two subtrees), but it might be more accurate to think of a Node as containing a single piece of data: a tuple of three components.
fun size t =
  case t of
    Empty => 0
  | Leaf _ => 1
  | Node (n, _, _) => n
Question: I'm new to SML. How do I read this code?
The only thing we haven't seen before is case ... of ..., which lets you choose what to do based on what a value looks like. Here, we ask what t is. If t = Empty, then we do the first branch, returning 0. If t = Leaf _, then we do the second branch, returning 1. In the third case, when t = Node(n,_,_), we return n, the integer stored at that node (which, recall, we intend to use to keep track of how many leaves are under that node).

The underscores (_) are used to ignore values that we don't need. For example, we don't care what is stored at the leaf when we return 1.

In languages like C and Java, you may have seen switch (...) {...}, which is similar, but in SML you don't have to worry about putting those pesky breaks in the correct places...

Parallel Reduction

Perhaps the simplest parallel algorithm on a tree is reduce, which which takes an associative function f: ('a * 'a) -> 'a as argument and computes the "sum" (with respect to f) of the leaves of a tree. reduce also takes an argument id which is an identity element for f (i.e. we assume f(id, x) = f(x, id) = x for any x). This also serves as a convenient return value for inputs that are Empty.

Some interesting use cases, given t: int tree:

  • reduce (fn (a,b) => a+b) 0 t is the sum of t.
  • reduce (fn (a, b) => a*b) 1 t is the product of t.
  • reduce Int.max (valOf Int.minInt) t is the maximum of t.
  • reduce (fn (a, b) => if a >= 0 then a else b) ~1 t gives you the first non-negative value in t.
    • Fun exercise: try proving that this function is associative.
    • Also, note that the choice of ~1 as the "identity" element is a little bit relaxed. As long as there is at least one non-negative element, it won't affect the answer.

The reduce function is easy to parallelize, as the two children of every internal node can be processed in parallel, and finally their results can be combined with f.

Similar to the previous section, we use granularity control to ensure that the cost of ForkJoin.par is amortized. Here, this is implemented by switching to reduceSeq below a size threshold GRAIN. The reduceSeq function is just a sequential version of the same algorithm; this will also be useful for experiments later, to check if our granularity control is working.

  fun reduceSeq f id t =
    case t of
      Empty => id
    | Leaf x => x
    | Node (_, left, right) => f (reduceSeq f id left, reduceSeq f id right)

  val GRAIN = 5000

  fun reduce f id t =
    if size t < GRAIN then
      reduceSeq f id t
      case t of
        Empty => id
      | Leaf x => x
      | Node (_, left, right) =>
            val (resultLeft, resultRight) =
              ForkJoin.par (fn () => reduce f id left,
                            fn () => reduce f id right)
            f (resultLeft, resultRight)
Question: I'm new to SML. How do I read this code?
We haven't seen the syntax fun reduce f id t = ... before. This is called currying. It's a trick in functional languages where you can pass multiple arguments without using a tuple.

The syntax fun reduce f id t = ... is shorthand for val reduce = (fn f => (fn id => (fn t => ...))), i.e., reduce is a function that returns a function which returns a function, etc. This might seem crazy, but it can actually be very convenient in some cases.

For example, we could write val sum = reduce (fn (a,b) => a+b) 0. Notice that we left out the last argument to reduce, so therefore sum is a function which is "waiting to receive the last argument". This is equivalent to writing fun sum t = reduce (fn (a,b) => a+b) 0 t.

You might be wondering: isn't that really inefficient? The short answer is no; it's just as efficient as using tuples to pass arguments. The long answer gets into some pretty low-level details about how compilers work.

To learn more, we recommend reading more about currying online:

A Balancing Act: Trees To Test With

Consider the following two functions, makeUnbalanced and makeBalanced. Both functions take two integers i and n as argument, and return a tree of size n whose leaves (in order) are f(i), f(i+1), ..., f(i+n-1). The two functions differ in the structure of the tree produced. This will be helpful for testing performance, below.

The function makeUnbalanced builds a tree that leans hard to the right, with final height exactly n. In contrast, the function makeBalanced builds a tree that is almost perfectly balanced, with final height approximately log(n).

To help highlight the similarities between these two functions, we have not parallelized either one. It's worth mentioning however that, while makeBalanced could easily be parallelized, the function makeUnbalanced has essentially no opportunity for parallelism.

  fun makeUnbalanced f i n =
    case n of
      0 => Empty
    | 1 => Leaf (f i)
    | _ =>
          val l = Leaf (f i)
          val r = makeUnbalanced f (i+1) (n-1)
          Node (n, l, r)

  fun makeBalanced f i n =
    case n of
      0 => Empty
    | 1 => Leaf (f i)
    | _ =>
          val half = n div 2
          val l = makeBalanced f i half
          val r = makeBalanced f (i + half) (n - half)
          Node (n, l, r)

Balanced vs Unbalanced Performance

Here we'll measure the performance reduce by summing trees of different structure. We define two functions, sum and sumSeq, and two test trees, balancedTree and unbalancedTree. Both trees have 100K leaves, but while balancedTree has height only 18, unbalancedTree has height 100K.

fun sumSeq tree = Tree.reduceSeq (fn (a, b) => a+b) 0 tree
fun sum tree = Tree.reduce (fn (a, b) => a+b) 0 tree

val size = 100000
val balancedTree = Tree.makeBalanced Int64.fromInt 0 size
val unbalancedTree = Tree.makeUnbalanced Int64.fromInt 0 size

In test-balanced/ and test-unbalanced/, we've set up two benchmarks which take multiple time measurements and report the average.

Balanced Tree Performance

First, let's measure the performance of summing the balanced tree, which has 100K leaves and height 18. We run both sequential and parallel versions, first using only one processor, and then using 4 processors.

Notice that on 1 processor, the parallel version has nearly identical performance as the sequential code, confirming that our granularity control is working. On 4 processors, we get about 2.5x speedup. Not bad, especially for such a small problem size.

<container># mpl test-balanced/

<container># test-balanced/main
size 100000
built balancedTree: height 18
============ sequential ============
warmup...... timing...
sumSeq(balancedTree) time: 0.0020s
============= parallel =============
warmup...... timing...
sum(balancedTree) time: 0.0021s       # uniprocessor time
                                      # approx the same as sequential
                                      # (good!)

<container># test-balanced/main @mpl procs 4 --
size 100000
built balancedTree: height 18
============ sequential ============
warmup...... timing...
sumSeq(balancedTree) time: 0.0019s
============= parallel =============
warmup...... timing...
sum(balancedTree) time: 0.0008s       # parallel time on 4 processors
                                      # approx 2.4x faster than sequential
                                      # (nice!)

Unbalanced Tree Performance

In contrast, the unbalanced tree (100K leaves, 100K height) does not do so well. The parallel version on a single processor is 66x slower than sequential:

<container># mpl test-unbalanced/

<container># test-unbalanced/main
size 100000
built unbalancedTree: height 100000
============ sequential ============
warmup...... timing...
sumSeq(unbalancedTree) time: 0.0008s
============= parallel =============
warmup...... timing......
sum(unbalancedTree) time: 0.0528s    # uniprocessor time
                                     # 66x slower than sequential!

Why is it so much slower? In this case, because of poor granularity control. Recall that our granularity control in reduce uses a fast sequential algorithm below the grain size, GRAIN, with the idea that this should significantly reduce the number of calls to ForkJoin.par and therefore amortize their cost. However, this approach is only effective for balanced trees.

Consider that the number of calls to ForkJoin.par is determined by how many internal nodes of the tree have size larger than the grain size, GRAIN. On the balanced tree, there are approximately n / GRAIN internal nodes with size larger than the grain size, and therefore only about n / GRAIN calls to ForkJoin.par. But on the unbalanced tree, there are as many as n - GRAIN internal nodes! As a result, the cost of ForkJoin.par has not been effectively amortized.

Ensuring Balance

To ensure balance, we could easily adapt the trees here to be self-balancing via any number of schemes: AVL, red-black, weight-balanced, treaps, etc. Because we already store the sizes of subtrees at internal nodes (which is useful for other purposes, including granularity control), it would be especially easy to adapt the trees here to be weight-balanced.

In a recent paper, Guy Blelloch, Daniel Ferizovic, and Yihan Sun showed that to implement almost any balancing scheme, you only need a single primitive called join which stitches two (balanced) trees together, producing a similarly balanced tree. All other operations which construct trees can then be implemented in terms of join, with optimal performance in theory, and excellent practical performance as well, including in parallel.

In terms of code. this approach is especially simple: any time we would construct a Node from two trees t1 and t2, we instead just call join (t1, t2). This then ensures that all trees we build are balanced.

Scan (Parallel Prefix Sums)

The scan primitive is one of the most fundamental operations in parallel computing. Similar to reduce, the goal is to compute a "sum" with respect to some arbitrary associative function; the difference with scan is that we additionally want the sums of every prefix. scan returns a tuple of a tree containing all prefix sums, and the total sum.

Sequentially, scan can be accomplished with an in-order traversal and an "accumulator" which we use to keep track of the running sum.[^1] This is the variable acc: 'a in the following code.

  (** A recursive loop to compute scan. *)
  fun scanLoop (f: 'a * 'a -> 'a) (acc: 'a) (t: 'a tree) : 'a tree * 'a =
    case t of
      Empty => (Empty, acc)
    | Leaf x => (Leaf acc, f (acc, x))
    | Node (n, left, right) =>
          val (leftPrefixSums, accLeft) = scanLoop f acc left
          val (rightPrefixSums, accRight) = scanLoop f accLeft right
          val allSums = Node (n, leftPrefixSums, rightPrefixSums)
          (allSums, accRight)

  (** Sequential scan is just a call to the helper loop. *)
  fun scanSeq f id t =
    scanLoop f id t

The parallel algorithm for scan we will implement here is the "upsweep-downsweep" scan, which consists of two phases:

  1. Upsweep: we compute a reduce, but build a tree which saves all intermediate results. Specifically, at each internal node, we remember the reduced (summed) value of all leaves under that node.
  2. Downsweep: using the result of the upsweep, we push prefix sums down into the original tree. This is accomplished by keeping track of a variable acc which is the total sum of everything to the left. When we move down to a left child, we keep the same acc. When we move down to a right child, we use the stored value in the upswept tree to adjust the acc appropriately.

For the upsweep, we define a new datatype which will be used only in the implementation of scan. The datatype is called sum_tree, and it has two cases: GrainSum (to store the result of the reduce below the grain size) and NodeSum (to store the result of the reduce when the two children are computed in parallel).

datatype 'a sum_tree =
  GrainSum of 'a
| NodeSum of 'a * 'a sum_tree * 'a sum_tree

fun sumOf (st: 'a sum_tree) : 'a =
  case st of
    GrainSum x => x
  | NodeSum (x, _, _) => x

TODO continue from here...