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Fibre density and cross-section - Multi-tissue CSD


This tutorial explains how to perform fixel-based analysis of fibre density and cross-section [Raffelt2017] with fibre orientation distributions (FODs) computed using multi-tissue (3-tissue) CSD variants [Jeurissen2014] [Dhollander2016a]. We note that high b-value (>2000s/mm2) data is recommended to aid the interpretation of apparent fibre density (AFD) being related to the intra-axonal space. See [Raffelt2012] for some details about AFD; though note that the interpretation can be altered for multi-tissue (3-tissue) CSD, depending on the context and tissues in the model.

All steps in this tutorial are written as if the commands are being run on a cohort of images, and make extensive use of the for_each script to simplify batch processing <batch_processing>. This tutorial also assumes that the imaging dataset is organised with one directory identifying each subject, and all files within identifying the image type (i.e. processing step outcome). For example:



All commands at the start of this tutorial are run from the subjects path. From the step where tractography is performed on the template onwards, we change directory to the template path.

For all MRtrix scripts and commands, additional information on the command usage and available command-line options can be found by invoking the command with the -help option.

Pre-processsing steps

1. Denoising and unringing

2. Motion and distortion correction

3. Bias field correction

The multi-tissue FBA pipeline corrects for bias fields (and jointly performs global intensity normalisation) at the later mtnormalise step. The only incentive for running the (less robust and accurate) dwibiascorrect at this stage in the pipeline is to improve brain mask estimation (at the later dwi2mask step, in case severe bias fields are present in the data). However, cases have been reported where running dwibiascorrect at this stage resulted in inferior brain mask estimation later on. This is probably more likely in case bias fields are not as strongly present in the data. Whether dwibiascorrect is run at this stage or not, does not have any significant impact on the performance of mtnormalise later on.

If or when performing DWI bias field correction at this stage, it is achieved by first estimating the bias field from the DWI b=0 data, then applying the field to correct all DW volumes, which is done in a single step using the ants algorithm within the dwibiascorrect script in MRtrix3. The script uses a bias field correction algorithm available in ANTs (the N4 algorithm). Don't use the fsl algorithm with this script in this fixel-based analysis pipeline. To perform bias field correction on DW images, run:

for_each * : dwibiascorrect ants IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc.mif IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased.mif

Fixel-based analysis steps

4. Computing (average) tissue response functions

A robust and fully automated unsupervised method to obtain 3-tissue response functions representing single-fibre white matter, grey matter and CSF from the data itself, is the approach proposed in [Dhollander2016b] with the improvements of [Dhollander2019], which can be run by:

for_each * : dwi2response dhollander IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased.mif IN/response_wm.txt IN/response_gm.txt IN/response_csf.txt

It is crucial for fixel-based analysis to only use a single unique set of the (three) response functions to perform (3-tissue) spherical deconvolution of all subjects: as the (3-tissue) spherical deconvolution results will be expressed in function of this set of response functions, they can (in an abstract way) be seen as the units of both the final apparent fibre density metric and the other compartments estimated in the model. One possible way to obtain a unique set of response functions, is to average the response functions obtained from all subjects for each tissue type:

responsemean */response_wm.txt ../group_average_response_wm.txt
responsemean */response_gm.txt ../group_average_response_gm.txt
responsemean */response_csf.txt ../group_average_response_csf.txt

There is however no strict requirement for the final set of response functions to be the average of all subject response functions, for each tissue type (or indeed, it doesn't even have to be the average per se). In certain very specific cases, it may even be wise to leave out subjects (for this step) where the response functions could not reliably be obtained, or where pathology affected the brain globally.

5. Upsampling DW images

Upsampling DWI data before computing FODs increases anatomical contrast and improves downstream template building, registration, tractography and statistics. We recommend upsampling to an isotropic voxel size of 1.25 mm for human brains (if your original resolution is already higher, you can skip this step):

for_each * : mrgrid IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased.mif regrid -vox 1.25 IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased_upsampled.mif

6. Compute upsampled brain mask images

Compute a whole brain mask from the upsampled DW images:

for_each * : dwi2mask IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased_upsampled.mif IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif


It is absolutely crucial to check at this stage that all individual subject masks include all regions of the brain that are intended to be analysed. Fibre orientation distributions will only be computed within these masks; and at a later step (in template space) the analysis mask will be restricted to the intersection of all masks, so any individual subject mask which excludes a certain region, will result in this region being excluded from the entire analysis (unless a more advanced pipeline is followed; see mitigating_brain_cropping). Masks appearing too generous or otherwise including non-brain regions should generally not cause any concerns at this stage. Hence, if in doubt, it is advised to always err on the side of inclusion (of regions) at this stage.


The earlier dwibiascorrect step is not fundamentally important in the multi-tissue fixel-based analysis pipeline, as the later mtnormalise step performs more robustly (and if dwibiascorrect is included, mtnormalise will later on typically improve the result further). While performing the earlier dwibiascorrect step typically improves dwi2mask performance, cases have been observed where the opposite is true (typically if the data contains only weak bias fields). If required, experiment by either including or excluding dwibiascorrect in the pipeline in function of the best dwi2mask outcome and manually correct the masks if necessary (by adding regions which dwi2mask fails to include).

7. Fibre Orientation Distribution estimation (multi-tissue spherical deconvolution)

When performing fixel-based analysis, multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution should be performed using the unique set of (average) tissue response functions obtained before:

for_each * : dwi2fod msmt_csd IN/dwi_denoised_unringed_preproc_unbiased_upsampled.mif ../group_average_response_wm.txt IN/wmfod.mif ../group_average_response_gm.txt IN/gm.mif  ../group_average_response_csf.txt IN/csf.mif -mask IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif

8. Joint bias field correction and intensity normalisation

To perform joint bias field correction and global intensity normalisation of the multi-tissue compartment parameters, use mtnormalise:

for_each * : mtnormalise IN/wmfod.mif IN/wmfod_norm.mif IN/gm.mif IN/gm_norm.mif IN/csf.mif IN/csf_norm.mif -mask IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif

If multi-tissue CSD was performed with the same single set of (three) tissue response functions for all subjects, then the resulting output of mtnormalise makes the absolute amplitudes comparable between those subjects as well. Note that this step is crucial in the FBA pipeline, even if bias field correction was applied earlier using dwibiascorrect, since dwibiascorrect does not correct for global intensity differences between subjects. The performance of mtnormalise is not significantly impacted by either having run dwibiascorrect before or not. In case prior bias field correction was run in the pipeline, mtnormalise will further correct for residual intensity inhomogeneities.


mtnormalise results can be sensitive to masks that contain non-brain voxels. The underlying algorithm will attempt to drive the sum of tissue volumes to unity in such voxels - despite not containing brain tissue - which can result in erroneous bias field correction if the number of such voxels is large. For this reason we recommend using conservative (i.e. less spatially extended) masks for the mtnormalise step. Unlike step 6, where inclusion of all brain voxels was encouraged even at the expense of including some non-brain voxels, for bias field estimation exclusion of non-brain voxels is of greater priority than inclusion of all brain voxels.

9. Generate a study-specific unbiased FOD template

Symbolic link all FOD images (and masks) into a single input folder. To use the entire population to build the template:

for_each * : ln -sr IN/wmfod_norm.mif ../template/fod_input/PRE.mif
for_each * : ln -sr IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif ../template/mask_input/PRE.mif

If you opt to create the template from a limited subset of (e.g. 30-40) subjects and your study has multiple groups, then you can aim for a similar number of subjects from each group to make the template more representative of the population as a whole. Assuming the subject directory labels can be used to identify members of each group, you could use:

for_each `ls -d *patient | sort -R | tail -20` : ln -sr IN/wmfod_norm.mif ../template/fod_input/PRE.mif ";" ln -sr IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif ../template/mask_input/PRE.mif
for_each `ls -d *control | sort -R | tail -20` : ln -sr IN/wmfod_norm.mif ../template/fod_input/PRE.mif ";" ln -sr IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif ../template/mask_input/PRE.mif

10. Register all subject FOD images to the FOD template

Register the FOD image from each subject to the FOD template:

for_each * : mrregister IN/wmfod_norm.mif -mask1 IN/dwi_mask_upsampled.mif ../template/wmfod_template.mif -nl_warp IN/subject2template_warp.mif IN/template2subject_warp.mif

11. Compute the template mask (intersection of all subject masks in template space)

12. Compute a white matter template analysis fixel mask

In this step, we segment fixels from the FOD template. The result is the fixel mask that defines the fixels for which statistical analysis will later on be performed (and hence also which fixels' statistics can support others via the mechanism of connectivity-based fixel enhancement (CFE) [Raffelt2015]):

fod2fixel -mask ../template/template_mask.mif -fmls_peak_value 0.06 ../template/wmfod_template.mif ../template/fixel_mask


Fixel images, which appear in the pipeline from this step onwards, are stored using the fixel_format, which stores all fixel data for a fixel image in a directory (i.e. a folder).


This step ultimately determines the fixel mask in which statistical analysis will be performed, and hence also which fixels' statistics can contribute to others via the CFE mechanism; so it may have a substantial impact on the final result. Essentially, it can be detrimental to the result if the threshold value specified via the -fmls_peak_value is too high and hence excludes genuine white matter fixels. This risk is substantially higher in voxels containing crossing fibres (and higher the more fibres are crossing in a single voxel). Even though 0.06 has been observed to be a decent default value for 3-tissue CSD population templates, it is still strongly advised to visualise the output fixel mask using mrview. Do this by opening the index.mif found in ../template/fixel_mask via the fixel plot tool. If, with respect to known or normal anatomy, fixels are missing (especially paying attention to crossing areas), regenerate the mask with a lower value supplied to the -fmls_peak_value option (of course, avoid lowering it too much, as too many false or noisy fixels may be introduced). For an adult human brain template, and using an isotropic template voxel size of 1.25 mm, it is expected to have several hundreds of thousands of fixels in the fixel mask (you can check this by mrinfo -size ../template/fixel_mask/directions.mif, and looking at the size of the image along the first dimension).

13. Warp FOD images to template space

Note that here we warp FOD images into template space without FOD reorientation, as reorientation will be performed in a separate subsequent step (after fixel segmentation):

for_each * : mrtransform IN/wmfod_norm.mif -warp IN/subject2template_warp.mif -reorient_fod no IN/fod_in_template_space_NOT_REORIENTED.mif

14. Segment FOD images to estimate fixels and their apparent fibre density (FD)

15. Reorient fixels

16. Assign subject fixels to template fixels

17. Compute the fibre cross-section (FC) metric

18. Compute a combined measure of fibre density and cross-section (FDC)

19. Perform whole-brain fibre tractography on the FOD template

Statistical analysis using connectivity-based fixel enhancement (CFE) [Raffelt2015] exploits local connectivity information derived from probabilistic fibre tractography, which acts as a neighbourhood definition for threshold-free enhancement of locally clustered statistic values. To generate a whole-brain tractogram from the FOD template (note the remaining steps from here on are executed from the template directory):

cd ../template
tckgen -angle 22.5 -maxlen 250 -minlen 10 -power 1.0 wmfod_template.mif -seed_image template_mask.mif -mask template_mask.mif -select 20000000 -cutoff 0.06 tracks_20_million.tck


The appropriate FOD amplitude cutoff for FOD template tractography can vary considerably between different datasets, as well as different versions of MRtrix3 due to historical software bugs. While the value of 0.06 is suggested as a reasonable value for multi-tissue data, it may be beneficial to first generate a smaller number of streamlines (e.g. 100,000) using this value, and visually confirm that the generated streamlines exhibit an appropriate extent of propagation at the ends of white matter pathways, before committing to generation of the dense tractogram.

20. Reduce biases in tractogram densities

21. Generate fixel-fixel connectivity matrix

22. Smooth fixel data using fixel-fixel connectivity

23. Perform statistical analysis of FD, FC, and FDC

24. Visualise the results